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A World Government

ET Warrior

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Me and my friend were talking about this the other day, so I thought that I would discuss it with all of yous.


I personally think that a LOT of the world's problems today are direct results of nationalism. People are too proud of their country and their country is more important than other countries.


So we think that, although getting to that point would be amazingly difficult, the world would benefit from having a single government. No countries, no nationalism, everyone is from the same place. Everyone would work together instead of competing against each other.


I understand the difficulties in getting people to relinquish their old ideals and prejudices, but I believe that the world would benefit immensely from it.


The system of government to be used, I think would be similar to the one used by America, because at it's heart the ideas of our government i believe is the best in the world. It would just require less corruption of officials and whatnot.

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Anarchy is a nice idea, in theory. But, like true communism, human nature prohibits it. We'll be there when we're ready.


I've always said that anarchy is kinda like puberty. It'll happen when it happens, and no amount of pushing is gonna make it happen faster. So why worry about it?


(aka: Fundamentalist anarchist activists are stupid)

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One look at contemporary examples of anarchy (or close approximations) will show you that man cannot function in an anarchic society. Somalia and certain Slavic provinces following the breakup of the Soviet Union are good examples. The results are warlords, ethnic "cleansing," etc.


Human nature makes us want to be loyal to ideals, even if they are our own. For example, if you observe a group of friends who get together routinely to play a sport such as football, rugby, etc., you'll notice that the teams are usually decided ad hoc. Often the teams will change and restructure during games as people come and go or to offer balance of skill. Regardless of who's on what team, the other team automatically becomes the "enemy." What one will do, to even a BEST friend, can be quite amazing in these cases.


Most (obviously not all) people will make a case for why their own country is the greatest or best nation to live in. Nationalism is a part of human nature that runs deeper than country, however. It seems to me that we are most loyal to those with whom we can more easily identify with. If I travel abroad and find myself in Germany and bump into another American on train, we'll sit together probably without question. In the U.S., people also identify with individual states, regions, cities, sports teams, communities, etc. I'm sure it's that way in most of the world.


The thing that will bring countries together in one world governement will have to be a common enemy or "other." That, afterall, is how most nations have been created in history. The "other" is needed to define the citizens. The "other" can, and has been, races, religions, ethnicities, classes, or ideas.


Until little green men pay us a visit, Earth just doesn't have that "other" to bring them together. More realistically, however, we might find the planet divided in two, three, or four federal-type governments that have consumer-capitalist driven motives.


Okay... I'll stop rambling now....... ;)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Apart from what Skin has already said, I think that a one-world government is fairly impossible for another reason:


In a democratic one-world government, democracy would be voted out as it stands right now.


But I don't think that you are right that there have always been nationalistic movements. I think that they started around the time of the French Revolution.

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Hi everyone ready for my 2 cents :D


One world Government hmm didn't Hitler try that and so did Napoleon not to mention them dam Romans. Oh, but you go to love the Romans that is where our civilization came from.


I have no problem with one world government it’s going to be dam hard to do it with all the differences that people hold so strongly too. Not only nationalism, but race, religion, and even sex. We did away with segregation in America and blacks segregate themselves. Women are so special they have there own TV networks. A person would think they were a race all to themselves. Hell you're the most battered person in the world if you were a Black, Jewish, Women gee wiz. People like to separate themselves and say "I'm different than you" or "I'm better than you are". For whatever the resins. People do it from the size of a country all the way down to the sides of a bed a husband and wife sleep on.


If there was one world government it would have to be a democracy, but with no figure head. There is to much focus on ONE MAN and not the majority’s interest. All you need is a Senate & House. There would have to be a Judicial and Military Enforcement Branch for them pesky rebellions. Something would have to happen that would make the world see itself as a hole and not as a bunch of different peoples. We need little green men to come kick our but so we have to work together lol


If there was Anarchy we would all kill each other and nothing would ever get done or fixed. It is simply a DUMB idea that never should have been thought of. It is for the monkeys, and rebellious teens that hate there parents, but monkeys live by rules.

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I'm glad I found this thread, for the last week or so, I've also been considering a united world government. To be honest and somewhat contextual, Star Wars, or at least the old Republic presents something of an ideal system.


I don't believe that nations should be robbed of their individuality, far from it, however, a political system whereby representatives - senators if you will - from each nation represent their country in the World parliament for the purposes of major economic, scientific, diplomatic (etc.) issues. Any major decisions would then be subject to the opinions and influences of all nations. As to a global economy and single currency, I am undecided. Being from the UK which is still under pressure to take on the €uro, I am not completely decided on the merits, but I do believe that a single global currency would be a major step towards eliminating poverty.


Another major cause of conflict, sadly, seems to be religion. As a counterpart to the world government, inspired by the Jedi Council, there should be a world religious council with multiple representatives from all religious, be their followings large or small. This council would act in cooperation with the world government and put forward opinions, recommendations and objections to any governmental issues it considered to be relevant.


Unfortunately however, it is human nature to fight at one level or another. It is also human nature to be posessive. It's difficult to see how such a united world could take shape without the involvement of an alien race - be it in the form of a strong calming influence, or in the form of a threat that required the world to unite against, and I don't see that happening any time soon!

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Another person had this idea once. His name was Adolf Hitler. Know who his Idol was? Alexander The Great....


The only solution is for Governments to work together and do the best they can to unite for a common cause....Enter The United Nations.


Anything else is merely a dictatorship, or socialism.

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At no point did I say anything about their being only one person with supreme rule over all nations. A world chancellor would exists with the sole role of being a central body to a voting system. (S)he would have no power to overthrow a majority decision. Otherwise, that would be a dictatorship and not something that I support in any way, shape or form. What I am talking about is more a glorified UN, one that actually works and has all countries in the world as members, and one that actually has some strong statutory influence. If the UN worked as well as it should, it is arguable that we wouldn't now be at war with Iraq. (I'm not saying it wouldn't have happened, but it might have been delayed and given further debate)

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

Hi everyone ready for my 2 cents :D


We did away with segregation in America and blacks segregate themselves. Women are so special they have there own TV networks.


I agree with much of what you say in this post, except for this bit above. "Official" and "legal" segregation was made illegal. However, even today, racial segregations exist. Certainly some are self-motivated, but there also exists many exclusions that prevent blacks from being integrated. These usually revolve around economic barriers.


I remember reading an account of a teacher in a white school at around the time segregation was made unlawful. This teacher stated, "why should we attempt to improve the education of blacks? The ones that have obtained college degrees still work in manual labor jobs. It's a waste of time to teach them if they don't want to better themselves." The opportunities didn't become open just because the degrees were obtained.


Today's segregations are economically motivated. A quick look at inner-cities reveals an ethnic majority. A careful look reveals lower education, low-paying jobs, and economic disadvantages. These kinds of disadvantages create crime opportunities.

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i think thats pretty much one of the worst ideas i ever heard, no offense, if it worked sure, fine, but it would never work. hell, even palastine and israel are still goin at it and those are 2 countries, imagine continants! sure peace isnt every wear , but neither is war. throughout hisory didnt everyone who thoiught of this end up with genocide or having to kill?

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Originally posted by daring dueler

i think thats pretty much one of the worst ideas i ever heard, no offense, if it worked sure, fine, but it would never work. hell, even palastine and israel are still goin at it and those are 2 countries, imagine continants! sure peace isnt every wear , but neither is war. throughout hisory didnt everyone who thoiught of this end up with genocide or having to kill?


Well for 1 Israel and Palistine are the same country.

2. Your statement is jumbled and confused.

3. I wasn't talking to you and the person I was talking to knows.

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Originally posted by daring dueler

i think thats pretty much one of the worst ideas i ever heard, no offense, if it worked sure, fine, but it would never work. hell, even palastine and israel are still goin at it and those are 2 countries, imagine continants! sure peace isnt every wear , but neither is war. throughout hisory didnt everyone who thoiught of this end up with genocide or having to kill?


Hey, thanks for being close minded!!!:rolleyes:


The point is not that it will work if we set it up right now, the point is that eventually it would be the best. Because then Palestine and Israel wouldn't BE palestine and Israel..they'd just be humans...part of the world.....

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Originally posted by Sifo_Dyas_03

Another major cause of conflict, sadly, seems to be religion. As a counterpart to the world government, inspired by the Jedi Council, there should be a world religious council with multiple representatives from all religious, be their followings large or small. This council would act in cooperation with the world government and put forward opinions, recommendations and objections to any governmental issues it considered to be relevant.


The most obvious solution is not the one you point out. The most obvious one would be to eliminate the problem. Litterally.

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Hmm are you talking about getting rid of religion ? If you are I agree with that if your not I don't know what your talking about.


As for getting rid of religion; however, old and decrypied it is. I have known way to many people that need to believe in a god and heaven just get to threw the day let alone there life. Some of these people if you could convene them they were wrong. Would throw themselves off a bridge. I mean in reality if there is no god or afterlife why bother going threw the crud and toil of life. Personally I do it to piss people off, have fun, and learn interesting things. In all reality the only reason to live is for yourselves or for a tangible cause other than the blind belief in a god.


I can honestly say I have never been a big fan of religion of any kind. A lot of bad things that have happened in history has been, because of people welding there ideas at the tip of a sword. Look at the Colonial Americas, The Crusades, WWII, or 911. While there was economic reasons and greed going on religion was a main theme of it all.


People should get rid of religion and better themselves for themselves not a fouls god, but the human race as a hole isn't mature enough to except that.


What does this have to do with One World Gov. It's one more hurdle that has to be overcome before everyone can see themselves as equals.


...AND... at this time is my chance to plug "Pantheism"; however, I don't agre with all of it. It is a religion of no religion and is bascially a value system for excepting life as it is. It still klings to the terminolgy of spirituality, but nothing is perfect.

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

As for getting rid of religion; however, old and decrypied it is. I have known way to many people that need to believe in a god and heaven just get to threw the day let alone there life. Some of these people if you could convene them they were wrong. Would throw themselves off a bridge. I mean in reality if there is no god or afterlife why bother going threw the crud and toil of life. Personally I do it to piss people off, have fun, and learn interesting things. In all reality the only reason to live is for yourselves or for a tangible cause other than the blind belief in a god.


There are few people who gets religios as adults, most of them are "forced" into a religion by parents and such. People aren't born with religion. If we could avoid parents pulling their religion over their kids, then we'd soon se a world where religion hasn't that much importance.


And veven though there are many good things about religion, I agree with you that there is many dumb things about it too. The world would be better if people let go of religion and got their own morals instead of be lead by other morals. Because what both Christians and Muslims fail to realize is that there is no difference between a Christian and a Muslim.


For once, I agree with Cosmos

*marks the calendar*

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At first civil wars would probably run rampant through such a system, but the odds are that they would eventually die down as soon as people started to realize that it's not us and them.....it's just US. (not U.S.) we're all humans and we should all work together to improve ourselves, as opposed to tearing ourselves down with war.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anarchy: Why?


World Government:

I personally think that a LOT of the world's problems today are direct results of nationalism. People are too proud of their country and their country is more important than other countries.


So we think that, although getting to that point would be amazingly difficult, the world would benefit from having a single government. No countries, no nationalism, everyone is from the same place. Everyone would work together instead of competing against each other.

Wrong. There'll still be different ideas, just that your goals are disturbed by other countries. Either way, the whole idea is stupid. You can't be "for world unification". You can be for another country joining your country, but that's as far as it goes.


Anyway, a world govt., like communism, can't work. It might (emphasis on 'might') seem like a good idea, but it cannot work.


Govt.: Can't work either. Some govt. that's going to look after 6 billion people? Riiiiight. Would you trust a Taiwanese-elected president to look correctly after American interests? Don't think so. He would try, but fail.


And as for cultures: No matter if you're one country, there will still be different cultures.


ok fine, maybe if you could manage to put all the ethnics and religion togeather, then maybe it would be good, but i still beleive that it would have just as many faults as now, only it would be a cival war.

Uh... you've got no idea of what you're talking about.


You can't "put ethnic groups together". How do you, say, put Norsemen and Chinese together as one culture? What do you keep and what do you throw away??


And religions: These are meant to be different.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Would you trust a Taiwanese-elected president to look correctly after American interests? Don't think so.



Yes....yes I would....and do you know why? Because if the entire world could actually get along together, there woudln't BE a Taiwanese president. He'd just be the guy who the world chose to rule us. And the interests of America would be the same as everyone else, because we'd all be working together for the common good.


I'm not saying that this is the kind of thing that's extremely logical and easy. I'm saying that were it possible it would be the best solution to the worlds problems in my opinion.

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