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*<DSS returns from the Shadowsphere>*

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Been a long time my young ones ... How are all of you?

i hope all of you are in a good shape!!


Well, after severaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllll weeks away, im back.

Its been a while, so did I missed something important?


I have been busy in my life, restoring some lost chains, i got a job, and its going great.



and its about PC games, every saturday in the morning.




Sharing some toughts with you:

I got my site upgraded: Destinados a ser sombras it only has like a month and already got 759 (or less) visits, im happy because all my work is being watched, i just received mails from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and other cities, my site is made in spanish, but some people of other countries have seen the page, and they like it :)


Any way, changing the subject: its sad what is happening around the world, and im a little bit stressed, my sister went today to Canada on a bussiness Trip, and I am afraid that she could get in danger if the war start, im praying for her (i dunno in who believe yet).


In my school all is great!!!


Well guys thats all for now... take care

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Glad to see you back, I was wondering where you were hiding. Last thread I saw you post was the big SW party that I wish I would have been at! :p


Anyways, I have bookmarked your site, should I ever take the time to learn spanish, I may appreciate it more. Also I am looking for more staff on my site should you wish to contribute. I will be changing the format to Flash as I learn the program. If your interested, just click on the www link at the end of my post here, and let me know what you think.


May The Force Be With You, Always....



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