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Skill TREE


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But that link takes u 2 the skill tree for the scout. With all the skills. With points and things. With names for the different skills the scout can learn. Maybe ur looking at a different thing from me sumhow or maybe we're not understanding each other, but the link on my post takes (me, at least) 2 a diagram of the scout profession, complete with different specializations (Exploration, hunting, etc), different skills (Terrain negotiation, creature knowledge, etc), and different points allocated for gaining a skill (camouflage +15, etc).

My link lists A profession, and all the skills associated with it.


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The problem is, since they are in the process of balancing and tweaking the professions, this scout skill tree can (and can quite possible already been) changed. Oh, dear. No information is trustworthy when there's tweaking devs sneaking in the bushes!

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I believe that the manual is going to be over 100 pages. My guess is that they will completely show the skill trees for the starting professions.


Also, with the recent post by Holo- How many of you are going to become specialized?


Right now, I know for sure that I want to be a ranger- or at least have most of the skills that would consist with rangers.

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I hope they put the skill (and professions) tree on an A3 poster which you can just hang up on your wall. I hate routing through pages, and pages, and pages of a manual until you find the info you want!


When patches start coming out, it probably become useless thou.

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I think they are pretty straightforward, but I know they'll be even easier to read and follow once the game is launched. Do you think in the manual it'll show the skill trees for all the professions or just the skill tree for the starting professions and leave the elite ones for people to discover themselves?

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