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SWGB 2. Should it mix Space combat with ground battles?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

When Rebellion/Supremacy was announced, we were promised having both space and ground combats. As you know, the ground combat side of things turned into Force Commander.


Considering that PC specs are increasing all the time and the average game size is now over 1gig, maybe its an idea for LA to consider combining the best of both games in a new SWGB 2?


Whats your views? What would you like to see? How should LA approach this?



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I agree 100% with this idea! The specs of computer increase every year. We have computers now that have Pentium 4 with several GHZ Harddrive have increased to 200 GB's. Heck you can memory up to 1024 MB. Video Cards go up to 128 MB. Although, I only have a 8MB! Galactic Battlegrounds 2 should be both space and ground. Having ground, sea, and air battles on planets! Space battles in space! Control of fleets of ships! I always wondered when Lucasarts would make a decent Space-based strategy game for PC that had good graphics, music, sound and effects. I can only hope Garry Gaber is working on this as we speak. I always wanted to control Super Star Destroyers and Star Destroyers. I suppose it could be possible to do a strategy game on playstation 2 also. But I like PC games better myself.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I doubt if a decent Strategy game will ever come to a PS2. The console spec sucks. Xbox and even gamecube have much better frame rates for a start but the PS2 sells.


Decent strat games are best left on the PC



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Originally posted by joesdomain

I agree 100% with this idea! The specs of computer increase every year. We have computers now that have Pentium 4 with several GHZ Harddrive have increased to 200 GB's. Heck you can memory up to 1024 MB. Video Cards go up to 128 MB. Although, I only have a 8MB! Galactic Battlegrounds 2 should be both space and ground. Having ground, sea, and air battles on planets! Space battles in space! Control of fleets of ships! I always wondered when Lucasarts would make a decent Space-based strategy game for PC that had good graphics, music, sound and effects. I can only hope Garry Gaber is working on this as we speak. I always wanted to control Super Star Destroyers and Star Destroyers. I suppose it could be possible to do a strategy game on playstation 2 also. But I like PC games better myself.


Yes, YES, YES, YES!!!


At last u are getting the hang of these forums!!!!

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While I think a Space Combat/Ground Combat game would be good, I think SWGB2 should only be ground combat, on the same scale as SWGB1. The scale of things in SWGB1 is too single-battle-focussed.


However, if an RTS in the same scale as Total War were to be made, I think Space Combat is completely necessary. With Total War it's more of a campaign focus, and Space Combat is an essential part of every Star Wars Campaign, even if it is not an essential part of every battle.


So in summary:

If SWGB2 remains the same scale as SWGB1 -> no space combat.

If SWGB2 grows to an epic-scale RTS -> must have space combat.

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Right now, Here is my ideas for the Space Based version:




Imperial Lander (Transport but with Lasers)

Imperial Lamdba Class Shuttle (Transport and Fighter)

Tie Fighter (Fighter)

Tie Interceptor (Fast Fighter)

Tie Advanced X1 (Advanced Fighter for Elite Pilots)

Tie Defender (Fighter)- EU

Tie Bomber (Bomber)

Tie Interdictor (Advanced Bomber)- EU


Imperial Class I Star Destroyer (Star Destroyer)

Imperial Class II Star Destroyer (Heavy Star Destroyer)

Super Star Destroyer (Executor type)

Maybe Death Star (Optional)


Rebel Alliance:


Z-95 Headhunter (Fighter)

X-wing (Fighter)

V-wing (Fighter)- EU

Y-wing (Bomber)

A-wing (Fighter)

B-wing (Capital Ship Fighter)

E-wing (Fighter)- EU

Armored Airspeeder (Optional)

Medium Transport (Transport with Lasers)


Corellian Corvette (Light Cruiser)

Medial Frigate (Medium Cruiser)

Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (Heavy Cruiser)




Jedi Star Fighter (Episode II)

Republic Gunship (Episode II)

Republic Bomber (Episode II)

Republic Transport (GB1)


Republic Star Cruiser (From Episode I)

Republic Assualt Ship (Episode II)

Victory Class Star Destroyer (EU or possibly Episode III)



Trade Federation


Trade Federation Droid Controlled Fighter (Episode I)

Trade Federation Droid Controlled Bomber (GB1)

Trade Federation Transport with Lasers (From Episode I)


Trade Federation Droid Controlled Ship (Episode I)

Trade Federation Battleship (Episode I)


Royal Naboo:


N-1 Starfighter (Episode I)

Naboo Bomber (GB1)

Naboo Cruiser (Episode II)

Queen's Ship (Episode I)

Padme's ship (Episode II)


Make up some Cruiser type ships for Naboo.


I guess make some aircraft for Wookies, Gungans, Confederacy and if they have any other civilization that wasn't in GB1.

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Absolutely not.


Apart from having to have a 20Ghz, 100GB memory, 2GB Ram etc system specs, it would be rather laggy and the game would be of rather poor quality because of the amount of info, rules and units that would have to be included.


Instead they should make SWGB2, plus a 'Star Trek: Armada' or 'Star Trek: Fleet Command' style Star Wars spce-based RTS.

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I think it would be cool with Both. they could also have a "Conquer the Galaxy," and you start out with maybe a Star Destroyer, and some frigats. You go to a planet, and conquer it. There would be many differentplanet with different "Rating," like Coruscant would be next to impossible while Dantooie ot Hoth would be like stealing candy from a baby. As you conquer planet, you get resources to build your fleet.army.


And I think you're Exaggerating a little too much Darth Windu. It can be done.

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I would like it if there were 2 scenario's, Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War. There each side has so-and-so planets (Empire always on Coruscant, etc.) There is a map of each planet. There are 3 modes. Ground, Space and Strategic.


Ground- Comes up whenever a planet is invaded. But u can go onto a planet any time in ground mode from Strategic mode to place buildings, position troops, manage resources, etc.


Space- I think there should only be one 3D space map for simplicity. Comes up whenever ships are engaged in space battle.


Strategic- This is where u see the galaxy as a whole, position armies and fleets, control taxes (u never know), and appoint governers to reduce micro in ground mode (I would like that)


Also characters and events would be cool (like Rebellion), but there should be options concerning that.

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Ooh, I like that idea, Luke's Dad. Maxis has done integrated games with the Sim titles, but I'm unaware of any other games that do this. If LucasArts could pull it off, it would be great.


You could buy the Space RTS, and just play that, or buy the Ground RTS, and just play that, or if you buy both of them the games would be integrated. Every time you needed to capture a planet in the Space RTS, you play a ground battle. I think with a fair bit of careful designing it could work.

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crazy dog - what would you prefer, a ground-based game and a seperate space-based game both done well, or one game covering space and ground done half-arsed?


It would be much better to have seperate games, and the whole 'conquer the galaxy' thing could be done with taking planets similar to 'Star Trek: Armada 2'.


I would also like to point out that SWGB2 would be bad for space battles because it would be the sequel to a GROUND-based game, not a combo. If they were going to make a combo it would not be called SWGB2.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Being all in one game would give SWGB 2 unrivalled playability. Can you imagine having to do space battles first to try and hold off attacks to your planets, then, if that fails, having to prepare for ground assault?!


It would make this probably the best RTS game of all time (providing LA got the engine etc right).



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Yes, we can own both, but u know, it is way better if this scenario is possible:

The Separatists (you) are advancing on Coruscant. A space battle begins. They win, but with many casualties. Therefore, becuase some of thier transports are blown up, they cannot send as many troops down there, and in the battle orbital bombardment is not possible, which it otherwise would be.

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Phreak - the question was 'should SWGB2 combine space and ground battles'


Crazy Dog - here's the thing, woul di like to see a well-made Star Wars game combing space and ground battles? Yes, i think it would be fantastic. Do i think it can be done? No.


The concept here is simply too big. Have any of your supporting this gotten past the 'wow' factor and actually considered this realistically? The game would be too big, too complicated and would require too much from the computer running it.


Instead there should be seperate games for a space-based and a ground-based Star Wars RTS, although the ground-based could include something like RoN's 'conquer the world'

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would this be a good set up?


There are 3 maps per"level" one space, and two planet.


You each start on one planet, and then there is a special command to send your planets up in to space( second map comes in here). You then ned to use a "hyperspace" counter so that you can't go back and forth immediately, and there are such things you need to swerve or destroy, such as mines and such.

You then need to descend on to your opponent's planet, where you can unload your troop forces, and use fighters and troops to rain terror upon your foe.



I don't think it is a bad idea, do you?

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