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Ukiyo-e (the floating eggplant)

Darth Eggplant

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*bows ceremoniously,

sits down in the lotus position,

pours a cup of jasmine tea,

reflects in quiet contemplation,

rises with Zen like calm,

reaches inside kimono for the remote,

activates the Sony entertainment center,

'Duck On A Bike' by Shonen Knife starts playing,

finger tips like silent Ninja's

glide momentarily over the PS2,

Ranma 1\2 illuminates the HDTV screen,

reaches inside the mini bar

for a bottle of Darth Groovy's Blue Milk

to add to the tea,

stares in silent serenity at the setting sun*


the society of the origami crane

a thread dedicated to the understanding

and appreciation of asian culture.


enter this dojo,

home of the folded paper bird clan

and step up to the Karaoke machine,

or enter the circle and challenge a Sumo,

or put on Kabuki paint and become a Noh player.


compose and recite Haiku poetry,

or trade and train Pokemon,

review your favourite Anime or Manga,

or share a favourite dish or receipt,

recount a journey you may have experienced

along the silk road, or proudly tell us all

just how much you love 'Hello Kitty.'




"Yo Jimbo! Reptiles, Samurai, Ronin & Bara Soldiers"

for those of you interested in becoming a member

of the folded paper bird clan; PM Seafood Eggplant

for more information regarding padawan aprenticeship.

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inquiring minds wish to know;


yes Lynk Former Origami Cranes can kill.

(or at least if you smear them in wasabi

and pickled ginger they can sting like the dickens)


and as for the Tao of eggplant pssst....

ancient chinese secrete. I buy fortune cookies

in bulk crush them up, and then randomly piece

the fortune messages inside together and let

Joss do the rest.


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I love the Asian culture. I studied Shotakan karate for many years during my teens (the old traditional way, not the modern money grabbing way), and it taught me self discipline and control, oh and how to defend myself aswell hehe. I got my blackbelt aged 15, my brother aged 11. We graded on the same day.


Bruce Lee is and will always be THE MAN. I own many of his films, my favourite being Game of Death (special edition DVD). I love Martial Arts films. My favourites are Drunken Master and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


I love ninja's for some reason I dunno, they are just so god damn freaking cool. Anything that involves ninja's is bound to please me. Just fyi, I made a female ninja skin for JK2 called Kunoichi (which means female ninja).


I'm only now recently starting to get into anime. The first anime I ever saw was Fist of the North Star years ago, which I loved. I've seen and own Akira and Ninja Scroll. I love Cowboy Bebop and of course The Animatrix.


I love the spiritual zen side of Asian culture and I highly respect it.

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

How much time do you spend writing those Eggplant? [obviously lots but really] Also, where do you get your thoughts from...what inspires you?


Eggy has some great stuff, he puts alot of time into his humor, I am glad to have him on my staff. Now If I can just get the damn website updated, you will see the full scope of his talents.


If I had more time to waste, I could be only as mildly funny as him.


I love the Asian culture. I studied Shotakan karate for many years during my teens (the old traditional way, not the modern money grabbing way), and it taught me self discipline and control, oh and how to defend myself aswell hehe. I got my blackbelt aged 15, my brother aged 11. We graded on the same day.


I too embrace the Asian Culture. Me and my mom, both do. My mom collects Japanese and Chinese art. When I finally graduate college and get into a real job, I will purchase a condo and do my living room and bathroom in Asian art as well. Hell, I even love Chinese Food, it's my number one preference! I love martial arts. Looking back, I belonged in Martial arts. Watching Ray Park, in Star Wars, Episode 1: The Phantom Menace made me want to have at least a fraction of those moves he used in that film, and my interest sparked again. I wish I would have left band alone, and engaged in martial arts instead. If and when I have children, I will enroll them in a Marial Arts program. I have seen first hand, what it has done for my cousin Jon, as well as others. I was wondering, is it too late for an old out of shape ex-salt like me to get into it now? I am 28 years old, but if It could help, can I still go for it?


BTW, my favorite Martial Arts films are: Enter The Dragon Red Dragons Of Shaolin, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Pray For Death.

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Hmm, well I've visited many parts of Asia. Mainly South-East Asia. Indonesia,Singapore, Thailand, Miramar, and Japan. Lotsa fun up there. I'm half Asian myself.


I have taken Tai Kwan Do for the past 6 years, and am still taking it. It has helped me a lot I guess. And sure Groovy, all ages can take any form of Martial Arts. You'll learn the skill that it requires. Its mainly mental, and the physical side of it will come along after awhile.


BTW, Drunken Master is the best martial art's movie EVER!

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It's never too late to do martial arts Groovy. Go for it, seriously. I highly recommend you at least do some sort of martial arts at some point in your life.


I'm gonna take my daughters to karate very soon and I plan to start going again myself.

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I am hoping it could effect me emotionally and physically. I have alot of stress with my girlfreind going to the ARMY in the fall. I am afraid of loosing her, but as a veteran, I cannot talk her out of it. I started smoking again which is not cool. Maybe Martial Arts could fill that void?

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I think it could fill that void. My thoughts are with your girlfriend btw, I admire what she is doing.


Martial Arts isn't just about being able to defend yourself, it goes so much further. It's about self discipline and control of your body. We spent an hour just meditating and stretching before each class. It taught me so much and I'm definately a better person for it. It also gives you a lot of self awareness and confidence.


It all depends on your Sensei though. There are good and bad teachers. Those that teach the old traditional ways and those that are just in it for the money. Make sure your Sensei is at least 4th Dan.

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greetings I am a humble maiko-san

from the cha ya inside the dojo

of the society of the origami crane.

my master and seafood of the dojo,

the seiitaigyoza Ukiyo-eggplant

(great vegetable dumpling who quells the barabarians)

wishes me to convey to

Lexx-san and Daru Groovy-san,

the sublime titles of


seiitaikunoichi Lexx-san

(great female ninja who quells the barbarians)




seiitaigeckonokaraoke Drau Groovy-san

(great lizard of the karaoke who quells the barbarians)


seafood Ukiyo-eggplant

wishes to welcome both of you

into the clan of the folded paper bird.

where you will be master Female Ninja

and master Lounge Lizard of the Karaoke


your official society of the origami crane certificate

will be sent to you just as soon as we can dry off

and remove the wasabi stains, which seiitaisumonami

spilt on them, as well as a wav file of our societies

most secrete of secretes. it has been passed down

orally for generations and must not ever be written down

or spoken outloud to anyone whom is not a member

of the folded paper bird clan.

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