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Saga Mode


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I've downloaded anchorhead already and read the readme, hoping to find out how to play Saga. I found nothing so, thats basically why i'm here. I know Dark Blade of the Jedi Academy knows how make it work, though i've been having trouble with the JA's website for the past while, and haven't been able to contact him!

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  • 1 month later...

It's a gametype where teams must complete objectives like turning on a laser beam, retreiving a ysalimari from a hanger, etc.


In the anchorhead one(are there any others? I dunno) each team has 4 objectives on a gigantic map.

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Originally posted by MINDofSIN

It's a gametype where teams must complete objectives like turning on a laser beam, retreiving a ysalimari from a hanger, etc.


In the anchorhead one(are there any others? I dunno) each team has 4 objectives on a gigantic map.



So it is like an enhanced CTF?

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Its objective based, 4 objectives for each team, which can be done in any order. You basically have to 'use' these items. I guess its a little like enchanced CTF in Anchorhead. Anchorhead is the only finished SAGA map around at the moment, and I've never understood why no one else made any. I'm pretty sure the readme gave super detailed instructions, cause it wasn't that straight forward to set up.


Anchorhead has some performance issues (large open area) but is one of the best maps for JO without a doubt, great for CTF and FFA as well as SAGA.

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

/agree sounds like a good option if CtF getting to much.

I have hardly ever played CTF, but from what I've seen and heard, the biggest problem with that gametype is stopping someone who has the flag (especially saber only games). Saga mode may eliminate that problem since there is no flag to carry back to a base.
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Originally posted by Prime

I have hardly ever played CTF, but from what I've seen and heard, the biggest problem with that gametype is stopping someone who has the flag (especially saber only games). Saga mode may eliminate that problem since there is no flag to carry back to a base.


I dont play CtF saber only as it sucks big time... a LOT of DFM spamming... and i get labled lamer as i will grip some one to there death on a platform map.... and before you shout absorb, its all about hitting them when absorbe cuts off and thowing them before its clicked back on.


Now a Gun CtF more skill to try run away and not get your head blown off :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like SAGA mode alot...I wish more people would develop more onto it, cause it is fun to play with many people. Also I think one of my mappers for Jedi-Outcast Movies is making a few Saga maps. Which he is a good mapper and they should also be great to play once finished.

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