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MODEL not MOD el

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why is it that we cant have Model in our custom title? or andything with MOD in it....i mean i understand why, but cant we have a better system that doesnt block out ANYthing with Mod in it.....or should i just change my custom title.....well its happend to me twice before and i was forced to change it please explain why we cant have model...:rolleyes:

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Regular users are the only ones who can't have mod or anything like that in their custom title [obviously]. The main reason it's like that is for other users to be able to distinguish who the moderators are and who's not. Now I know you model, but that's just the way it goes....

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Wraith, yes, the guy posting right above you; has the word "mod" in his name. Also, moderators don't have "Status: Moderator" unless they request it.


Bottom line, this is a pathetic request, a cry for attention, and for what? A custom title?

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Originally posted by scabb

Wraith, yes, the guy posting right above you; has the word "mod" in his name. Also, moderators don't have "Status: Moderator" unless they request it.


Bottom line, this is a pathetic request, a cry for attention, and for what? A custom title?


People that mod boards not inside LF (Like the LFJA Academy at JKII.Net) also don't have moderator under theree name. But did you really need to make a thread? You could have just PMed an admin :)

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Was it really necessary to post a thread about this? The custom title filter is always going to be on. Sure, we have the status: bar, but how many new users are going to know the difference between a mod and someone pretending to be one.


I've helped people to change their titles in order to 'fix' problems such as this. You should have PMed me to begin with.

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