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Beta 3........FINALLY!!!!

Deft Aklin

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Yeah, well, keep on hoping, man. :) No point in stoping now. ;)


But even if you don't get in, you'll always be able to play the game once it comes out. Gotta see the positive in things. :D


Oh, and:


Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forums!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee and Moderator of this place.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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I, in particulary, like this bugfix:

/afk - fix ping-pong effect when 2 people are AFK and one messages the other to tell them they're back, and then that gets the other guy saying that they are still afk, then you say you're afk back to him, and then he says . . .you get the picture.


:D :D :D

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When you "ping" something, your computer sends a short message to the other computer (most often a server), telling that computer to send a short message back. When the "pong" comes back, you'll know how fast your connection to the server is (or, if it doesn't come back, you know that you can't reach it!). Using ping is very convenient when you are building or maintaining networks, and something goes wrong. Then it is easy to ping the different parts of the network to find out where the error is. Much easier than crawling around, following the wires! :)

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In addition to Set's explanation, you should know that a lower number is better. I think 100-150 is about average. Less than 100 is great and more than 200 usually you will start to experience lag and other bad stuff, like freezing. At least for games that is.

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No. Now I think I get it. You are talking about the ping pong afk thing in Q's announcement?


He was refering to personal messages. If you and a buddy were both set afk with a message and one of you returned, the message you send to your buddy would return his afk message to you. Then you would return an afk message to him and he woul return....You get the idea.


/set afk

Text to buddy: I'm back

Return mess: I'm afk.

Auto reply:I'm afk

Return mess: I'm afk.

Auto reply: I'm afk.

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If you want to ping something (I'm guessing you're using Windows if you don't know how to ping ;)), click the start menu, then "Run". This will produce a nice little window. Type cmd. This will make a command prompt magically appear. Type "ping insert ip or URL here", and Bob's your uncle.


The command prompt should thereby look like this:


C:\>ping http://www.bbc.co.uk


Pinging from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=240

Pinging from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=240

Pinging from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=240

Pinging from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=240


Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 <0% loss>,

Approcimate round trip times in milli-seonds:

Minimum = 51ms, Maximum = 80ms, Average = 67ms


This doesn't work if the computer you are trying to ping has a firewall that doesn't let you ping it (to avoid getting 'flood pinged').


This, however, is hard to do while you are gaming, of course. Many online games, though (especially FPS's, since it's mostly in FPS's that it matters), you'll be able to see the players ping's. As D_S said, the lower the better. Someone having a ping of 999 is a good sign that the player has lost it connection.


Why is it better to have a low ping? Because it is a measure of how many microseconds a reply packet takes to get to you. Having somewhere around 100 or less is nice in fast paced games, while in MMORPG's 1/10th of a second more or less is not a life or death matter.

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So now that this beta has been announced and people are going to be playing in it.......how long do they last? Once this beta is done with the game is coming out - is that correct? How long did the first two beta's last?


*so much to learn :(*

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The length of Betas is never a set time limit. This beta is mostly for testing performance. They're going to cram as many people into the game as possible, and see how the game handles it. If something really bad happens, though, they might have to start all over again (worse case scenario). If all goes as planned, it shouldn't last more than a month. All usually never goes as planned though...


The first beta started in November or December (I'm bad at remembering dates). So, if you figure they've been through two so far...well, you can do the math. Yes, this is the last one, and I don't think it will be any longer than a month and a half (late May/early June).




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Well, according to the developers (if they are not coldblooded liars!), the reason for the extended beta periods has not only been a matter of technological tinkering, it has been a realization that there is a need for more content.


The Beta will propably continue until the release day (or one day before it, something like that). Why? Because they'll be working on bugs and tweaks nonstop, and the extra testing time earned from the day the game goes gold to the day you can get it over the shelf is very valuable, that's why you can expect to download some megs of updates when you finally install the game.

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I'm still freakin out. I heard a SWG newsletter just went out and I'm signed up for it but I haven't gotten it. if I can't even get that, how in the heck am I supposed to get the Beta email? I've re-entered my email address and the authorization code I got 2 times now, and made sure I clicked "Recieve Newlestter."


Do I still have a chance of geting into Beta even tho I haven't gotten a newletter?

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No. Now I think I get it. You are talking about the ping pong afk thing in Q's announcement?

And weenie #2 has it. :D

Sorry, Set. :)


Phreak, there was something about that not long ago. I can't remember exactly what you had to do, cause it didn't really concern me. I was getting the monthly news letter anyway. :)


I'll try finding it again.

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hmm... I pinged a website.


Is that how hackers get IP addresses for websites and stuff? Looks suspicious..... I wouldn't know as I'm not one


And you teach 4 year olds? That takes a lot of patience.... my 4 year old cousin is a handful all by himself!!


Will I get a smiley if I ping a server :p

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I heard about Beta 3 testing starting. I hope they don't take forever doing this. Hopefully, they will fix everything that is wrong with it fast and start selling them. Then they can start on their space expansion pack. I may not buy this because of a 56K modem. Pretty slow!

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