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What if. . . America Lost? (Joke)


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The pics are moderately funny, though none of them made me laugh except the hell station (just because there is a district in Norway called Hell (in Trondheim city) and we have to drive trough it to get from the airport into Trondheim. It actually says Hell on the gas stations and signs there:D).


I agree with Kode that the idea behind it is stupid, though. How would Iraq conquer USA anyway?

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And I thought this would be a serious discussion afterall! :lol: They were moderately funny, made me laugh alittle, but for a moment none of the less. No, the US wouldn't lose, but......


But, if America lost, we wouldn't really be conquered. It'd be sort of like Vietnam. Losing doesn't necessrily mean defeat. It can also include not accomplishing your objective.


I'll be one of the f00ls getting my hands on some weapon and fighting back against the enemy because I have no fear! :D



SWP, clever title there eh? ;)

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Well if you think about it.. Iraq is like a small puny country if you know wat i mean.. America is Huge plus we are either the best in military or close in the world.. I highly doubt America would lose the war.. unless iraq unleases all of its bio-chemical weapons and maybe a few nukes.. then we would be screwed.. But luckily that won't happen...

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Well if you think about it.. Iraq is like a small puny country if you know wat i mean.. America is Huge plus we are either the best in military or close in the world.. I highly doubt America would lose the war..

Study the Winter War, or the Soviet invasion of Finland. If the USA gets too slack and arrogant, you perfectly well might lose ground or even have to pull out. Not that it'll happen, I guess, but it's possible.


Why does it still say "United States of America" on those dollar bills anyway;)?

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