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Sunday what are you going to do?

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Yeah, getting to the save stations is a kick in the teeth. Specially if you have to travel across a whole level just to get to one.


And Phazon suit is by far the coolest. I'll have no talk of the Varia. Red and black. Ohhhhhh. *melts*



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Got the gravity suit. It clashes. :D



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Originally posted by Redwing

Got the gravity suit. It clashes. :D



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Yeah, those dudes are scary until you...

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Then they're just annoying


Anyway, back on the subject of sundays, um, er, they suck. :D

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heh my boss didn't get ticked at me last night....how.....interesting. i guess its cause i was rushing to get out of there at 10:30....HE ended up slacking and we got out at around 11:30.....and i didn't say anything cause i knew i was going to stay up until 3 am anyways. :D

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LOL! I've already beat him! It took me three goes though x.x But it's simple. What you do is you make sure you have full missiles and ful health when u go in... scan him before the cut scene occurs to get that data without any wastage of time... Okay now the main thing to aim for are the form plates of phazon armour he has, shoulders and legs. lock onto them and charge up the super missile, only fire the smissiles when he's not charging up that yellow ball... take out all four armour plates, then he'll call a couple of those weapon specific pirates, take 1 or 2 out and do it quick, only do this if you think you've lost too much health. At this point the Omega Pirate has disapeared, use your X-ray scanner and scan the phazon pools around the room he'll be standing in one of them charging up, power up a smissile barrage and hit him, he will be hit and then disappear, he will appear in another pool somewhere else, find him quick and do the same thing with the smissiles, he will then become visible. take off your x-ray scanner and do everythin over taking out his armour plates, etc. Since it's on normal difficulty he won't take that long to kill and as a reward you get the Phazon suit :p


EDIT: I would also like to remind you that the Australian version is harder than the version you play so you should have no problem killin the Omega Pirate...


EDIT AGAIN: Oh btw, if you happen to run out of missiles use your normal beam to take out the armour plates, charged or uncharged that's your decision, and when he's invisible use the Plasma Cannon to damage him.

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

LOL! I've already beat him! It took me three goes though x.x But it's simple. What you do is you make sure you have full missiles and ful health when u go in... scan him before the cut scene occurs to get that data without any wastage of time... Okay now the main thing to aim for are the form plates of phazon armour he has, shoulders and legs. lock onto them and charge up the super missile, only fire the smissiles when he's not charging up that yellow ball... take out all four armour plates, then he'll call a couple of those weapon specific pirates, take 1 or 2 out and do it quick, only do this if you think you've lost too much health. At this point the Omega Pirate has disapeared, use your X-ray scanner and scan the phazon pools around the room he'll be standing in one of them charging up, power up a smissile barrage and hit him, he will be hit and then disappear, he will appear in another pool somewhere else, find him quick and do the same thing with the smissiles, he will then become visible. take off your x-ray scanner and do everythin over taking out his armour plates, etc. Since it's on normal difficulty he won't take that long to kill and as a reward you get the Phazon suit :p


EDIT: I would also like to remind you that the Australian version is harder than the version you play so you should have no problem killin the Omega Pirate...


EDIT AGAIN: Oh btw, if you happen to run out of missiles use your normal beam to take out the armour plates, charged or uncharged that's your decision, and when he's invisible use the Plasma Cannon to damage him.



lol!! So he doesn't respawn. He just goes invisible. Damit. I wish I could have known that before. Nah I have like 130 missles and a charged plasma beam is stronger than 1 missle, so....yea.

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I beat him in two tries by doing this:


Shoot off his plates.

He goes invisible, switch to X-ray

Shoot him till he disappears and comes back in a different pool

Shoot him again till he disappears.

Wait till he returns




If you can keep him from becoming visible again it takes like a minute to beat him.

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Didn't I just tell him to do that?


Damn I coulda done it in two as well, but my idiot friend was there the second time askin me all this stuff and I got distracted.


"aaawwwww! WHO'S THAT HUGE GUY!" "where are ya?!" "do you know how to kill him?!" "is he hard/!"


so i'm like ¬¬ SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nope, you didn't just tell him to do that. You got the same idea as what I said but yours allows the pirate to become visible again and you have to shoot off his plates and so on and so forth. If you keep whacking with severe shots when he's invisible he'll stay that way and it's much easier. :D

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If the weather's nice enough I plan on going to a record convention in town. These things are great! You can find cd's and tapes from all over. You can find a lot of rare stuff there. If a convention rolls into your area, check it out. You may find something there.

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

i took him out on the first round though *shrugs*



EDIT: No the way you described it is the same as how i described it, I did it exactly how you did *shrugs*


Meh. You'll have to excuse me if I'm wrong, I overloaded by brain today.

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