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More NPC interaction


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I certainly hope it does, and to some extent I suspect that it will :)


Interaction makes the [sP] game, really - you don't feel as if it's just you, your sabre, and a bunch of people to kill with it if you have civilians that you need to avoid killing, and other people/droids that can be helpful in various ways...


This is, of course, dipping several toes into the RPG pool and risking drowning in obscenely large inventories, but I don't think it's such a bad idea... Interaction is key, be it with the environment or NPCs - there wasn't nearly enough of it in JK2, but it wasn't bad... I just hope there's more this time, cos personally, I love it :D

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy

This is, of course, dipping several toes into the RPG pool and risking drowning in obscenely large inventories, but I don't think it's such a bad idea... Interaction is key, be it with the environment or NPCs - there wasn't nearly enough of it in JK2, but it wasn't bad... I just hope there's more this time, cos personally, I love it :D


Agreed, which is why I hope the devs are careful not to put too much in it. This is an fps...and I don't want too much rpg. I think the devs will do a good job managing how much there actually is. :)

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I personally hope theirs more RPG elements in JA. The more the better for me.


And I also hope there's more non combative NPCs in JA than in JO, but more importantly, I hope there's more variety.


But then again, it just depends on the level. I personally like the feel of a level where you know that it's just you, and a 1000 enemies trying to kill you. I hope they don't go over board and stash NPC prisoners, friendly soldiers, ect into every level (not that they have in the past).

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lets not forget that JA is a FPS/SaberWielder (new genre :D )

not an RPG. I have nothing against the rpg genre and it'd like to see the edges blur a little. If were using the phantom mence as an example then it might work, the menu system could be walking around the JA. go to luke or kyle for missions, the pratice rooms for training missions and your room for save and loading etc but some might say thats getting way too much RPG elements in it.


It's all a matter of opinion ;)


(RPG = Rocket Propelled Grenade :p )

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i think npc interaction be great. maybe for npc you can choose ppl to go w/ you on missions from the jedi academy or learn easier ways into a building or something. what i really hope though is that the amount of npcs don't make it seem like a level is more about talking than fighting. i don't want to have to start a mission where i am sent around to a bunch of different ppl learning information about the mission (well maybe once or twice will be fine)

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NPC interaction would be the greatest. Really. The grrrrrrreastest thing ever!


There wasn't enough NPC interaction in JK2 where you slap and hit and jam.. or press... the use key on a partner, they look at you somehow and say something like: "Kyle!" or "Did you hear that?" or "They have cortosis arm!"


I would think there is NPC interaction in JK:JA since you pick any mission whenever you want.

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definately.... the dialog doesn't have to be interactive and rpg like... but something along the lines of the unimportant NPCs in deus ex would add immensely to the immerson factor, and the feeling that you are in a real world not just a game.


NPCs could have a couple of one line comments, sometimes varying depending on earlier actions that you have taken. They could also sometimes give useful tips or information... however if you have gone around scaring them they wouldn't give you anything.


Avoiding NPCs that might run for help but you shouldn't kill would also give some new uses to things like the stun batton and powers like mind trick.


I'm assuming that you will return to the academy every few levels and it will be a non combatant level filled with npcs where you can select new missions, equipment and powers. cool :D

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I don't really care about NPC interaction, but that would add a nice element to the game. I definitely think that there needs to be more NPCs populating some of the levels. the Nar Shadaa level in JO was lame. It's a freaking city! There should have been lots of NPCs. I guess Raven could say, that Reelo owned most of the area you were in so that's why, but still, it should have been populated with some sort of NPC. Like the Baron's Hed levels in JK1. It makes the game feel more epic, and larger in scope. In JO it was just you and the enemys nothing more. As fun as that may be, it would be better if the game felt more Star Wars, and not just Q3 with sabers. I loved JO, but it can be so much more with minimal additions. NPCs are one such addition that must be made to JA. Load up those worlds Raven!

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Originally posted by HaruGlory89

I really hope this game has more NPC interaction, what about you?:D

I'd definitely like to see it. I liked working with Luke and Lando in JO, and I'd like a bit more of that. Really, for me it's not so much interacting more with NPCs, but just having more NPCs around. This is one thing I really missed from Jedi Knight. JO seemed to have a really empty galaxy.
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I think it would be great to have a mission in Mos Eisley where you can't draw your saber until things reallt get nasty... A lot of civilian, you have to collect some (not too much, that can be boring) intelligence, sneak your way trough the city... Until you can't find another way than to draw your saber :D

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