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Another WTF

Boba Rhett

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Not wtf of the week material but definitely worth a gander. He's totally off the ground. It actualy looks kinda fun. Who wants to be the test dummy brave soul who tries this and takes pictures?:D




Also, here's a photoshopped pic of it that I found particularly amusing. Link ... This One is good too. :D

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I've done something very similar to that, actually...I was hiking w/ friends & came upon a bald mountain top that the wind was just whipping across...put on my poncho, spread eagle & just leaned into the wind...I got to about a 45 degree angle without falling over, it was awesome :D

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Uhhh..... you're kinda totally missing the point.



You're telling me that expert jumpers walk around with these sheets attached to their arms and legs and wait for strong winds so that they may jump up and be cought by them and hover there? I'm sure these people are also in the military forming elite groups of people I shall deem, "hoppers" who apparently run around on the ground catching wind. I bet that they also use it as a defense mechanism when enemies larger than themselves approach. Why they just have to flair up and spook them off with their wind catching sheet.




*walks off to get some asprin*

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Uhhh..... you're kinda totally missing the point.



You're telling me that expert jumpers walk around with these sheets attached to their arms and legs and wait for strong winds so that they may jump up and be cought by them and hover there? I'm sure these people are also in the military forming elite groups of people I shall deem, "hoppers" who apparently run around on the ground catching wind. I bet that they also use it as a defense mechanism when enemies larger than themselves approach. Why they just have to flair up and spook them off with their wind catching sheet.




*walks off to get some asprin*


lol, rhetts mad at me :rolleyes::p




there probably testing it out, or, there just recruits playing around





Originally posted by Captain wing

Heres a tip.


Don't be an idiot.


heres another one STFU, because me and rhett are having a discussion and none started flaming or yelling till yo u came in

you brown noser, now im just trying to say, its funny just not a wtf?



GOD, everytime you walk into a thread it turns into a flame war

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Originally posted by KingPin

heres another one STFU, because me and rhett are having a discussion and none started flaming or yelling till yo u came in

you brown noser, now im just trying to say, its funny just not a wtf?



GOD, everytime you walk into a thread it turns into a flame war


That was a tip, not a flame because if it was a flame I could do alot worse than that. I don't know what you have got against me but its not the kind of personality I would like to see here.

So please stop flaming and stuff, it would help alot. :)


EDIT: Brown noser? What the hell is that? If its racism then I'm reporting you.

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Well, telling someone not to be an idiot isn't exactly something nice to say.


And I believe a brown noser is someone who gets in other peoples' business or something like that.



and I think they're just goofing off or they were really bored

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