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Attacking opponents on the floor


Should you attack your opponent when knocked down after locking sabers?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Should you attack your opponent when knocked down after locking sabers?

    • Yes, that's part of dueling
    • No, it's cheap

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Recently during a duel my opponent and I locked sabers, I pushed harder and he got knocked to the floor whereupon I killed him. I was put to sleep by an admin for this and I think it is completely unfair. They said it was a cheap thing to do. I say that's just how it is. If it were a "real" saber duel do you think the other guy is going to back off and wait for you to get up? No way! That, in my opinion is the risk you take when you lock sabers. Any thoughts?:fett:

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Yeah sounds like the admin's a fanboy,I've learned the way of true ffa getting back into quake 3 and all, Now I have no mercy, I supposebly lamed a guy when he was typing,so I got kicked,I came back with 4 more people and we started killin everyone,and changin our names on an off so we cant get kicked :p

But yeah I agree it's part of dueling.

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Yes, it is a part of dueling, and i would hack someone to death if they became vunerable during a fight - and can accept it happening to me. However, some people set up these specific rules for a 'fairer and more fun way of playing' but you have to consider the fact if someone shows you mercy, will you return the favor?

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It's a common thing you run into on NF duel servers.


Honestly it's one of the dumbest "fan made" rules in JK2.


Admins can disable saber locks in the console via rcon, yet they leave it enabled.


Two people get in a saber lock, both click like crazy and for what?



You're not supposed to attack the guy who loses...


Got to love those wacky saber people and their zany madcap rules that make the community better.

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The point in saber locks is to win by clicking faster than your opponent. As a result of clicking faster, you are given a prize; the opponent will fall down and you have a chance to strike him if you're fast enough. This should be obvious enough to everyone.


I'm utterly amazed by the fact that attacking a fallen player is widely seen as "dishonourable". According to the same logic, you shouldn't ever attack your opponent if they can't block it.


On a side note I do find saber lock scripts lame. Letting the comp do your clicking (115 times/second) makes a stupid idea even more stupid. I hope Raven will not bring these clickfests over to JA. There must be a better way to solve a saber lock than ruining your mouse (in vain 'cause most people have it scripted anyways or use the mouse wheel)


Brings back memories of the time I was put to sleep and had some 12-year-old empowered admin standing beside my helpless body screaming "Do you understand me? DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!? YES OR NO, LAMER? :rolleyes:

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Never ever attempt to ascribe logic to the acts and/or opinions of a fanboy.


I think Noam Chomsky put it best when he said:


"We have to attain minimum moral credibility as a society. Minimum moral credibility means - if it's wrong when THEY do it, it's wrong when WE do it."


In other words, hypocrisy is a major problem for humankind. It's no different online. Fanboys are fanboys because they're hypocrites.

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We-eell, I think I can rest my case on this note. Don't get me wrong, there is such a thing as being rude, i.e. laming, chat killing & such. But if you lose because you get knocked down & killed in a duel, hey, it's built into the game & quite realistic, so don't whine about it.:fett:

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

The point in saber locks is to win by clicking faster than your opponent. As a result of clicking faster, you are given a prize; the opponent will fall down and you have a chance to strike him if you're fast enough. This should be obvious enough to everyone.

This sums it up quite nicely. What's the point of having winable saberlocks if someone has to throw away what they won? To the victor goes the spoils :)


The only thing that is "lame" is someone whose only defense against getting knocked down is to make up stupid rules.

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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

maybe the ppl who make those rules are hoping that when your having the "close time" in your saber lock youll talk about how you "shouldnt be fighting like this" and walk away


OR they just suck...pick one ;)

I have picked one, and I don't think I need to tell you which one it is :)
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I, personally, dont hit someone when they hit the ground..thats just a personal preference. What really gets to me is the bunny-hopping guys who hop around hoping to kick you once to the ground to attack you, then back to jumping all over the place. Extremely annoying. however, as an admin, I would not enforce things such as this just becuase I feel otherwise...thats just stupid. Laming a person, or chatkilling a person I do go after.:atat:

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Originally posted by Van'Gara

I, personally, dont hit someone when they hit the ground..thats just a personal preference. What really gets to me is the bunny-hopping guys who hop around hoping to kick you once to the ground to attack you, then back to jumping all over the place. Extremely annoying. however, as an admin, I would not enforce things such as this just becuase I feel otherwise...thats just stupid. Laming a person, or chatkilling a person I do go after.:atat:


What definition do you mean by Laming a person?

I think the only 2 most annoying things I hate the most, is scripters (very hard to prove) and people that abuse true bugs, like being able to climb up to very tall buildings and hiding there in CTF games


Chat killing well if you got time to stop and chat bye bye :p

ok ok ok on the chat killing, I only kill the ones that take 5 steps chat 5 steps more chat and so on.


if you kicked me over well that's because I was to slow and deserved it.

btw the ones that are bunny hoping try the saber throw, and time it correct :)

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Originally posted by ASk

You forgot that JA/VA mod servers always have No Force. Because using force = "lameing" <- great spelling, I am sure the English teachers will love to hear that.

ahhh Lamers are people that use the fuctions of the game... hehehe i am such a newb :p


ops did i foget to bow.. i thought you was bending over to give me a clear shot of your neck...

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Originally posted by .:CoupeS:.

btw: thats exactly what happened in ATOC with Dooko vs Obi.



hehehe so some times the Fan Boys cant get it right... but they do hate to lose, if you want to have a nice clean game with them just stand there and die.. they are so much more happy then... dont forget to bow and kiss and blow each other off before hand.. you got to play by the rules :p

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I dont attack people on ground, after a lock or when he falls from a kick (I kick once in 100 years), In my opinion kill a oponent on the floor means that you cant win if fight just with the saber (that its only applicable to people which only move is to attack on ground, or thy to kick you the whole fight), but I think is a "legal" action. I never attack on ground, but I dont care beeing attacked on ground, that's mainly because I like duels or saberfights in general to last at least a few minutes, I also dont like DFA at all, but its extremely hard to hit, but a weeks ago, I started a duel, whe kneel, ignites our sabers and I do a DFA to a side, not where my oponent was, he moves just in the same direction and the duel ended in 2 secs, fun?, no it wasn't.

I like long duels, not abusing of specials, no kicks and no hitting on ground, but i really don't care if my oponent does that to me.

some people like to win frags more than having fun (or they have fun just for having frags), a duel of 5 minutes is fun for me, no matters the result.

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Originally posted by Master_Payne

I like long duels


Not having a dig at you Master_payne, but that comment I think was the reason for so many nerfs... in a duel ok 2 sec duel is a bit sad. but in a TFFA FFA and CtF it was a pain that the saber is more like a torch than a weapon.


maybe the game would of been better if damage was still high, but you had better chance of blocking... so the person that could get the more hits in won... but instead your trying to run after a guy with Rage on with the flag... yawwnnnn or you get as you said a lot of DFA.. though I hate the move I don't blame them. you got to do what ever going to cause most damage and win.

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Well I usually play with saberScaleDamage 3 so long duels are cause is really dificult hit your oponent, (at least we are hard to hit) and no hits on ground, when someone falls from a kick or lock we taunt 'em, only for defeat our oponent just with swings (diagonals, etc) but not special, one or two yellows, but thats playing between us, far away of our server we play as everyone, everything goes ('cept chatkilling, saberdown and common sense rules).

sometimes we get mad and star agressor duels that last 10 secs and we play almost only FFA, that turns into a dueling ground 8 ppl, 4 duels at once. to bad I get 300+ ping in US and UK servers, cause its hard to figure what are lamers or noobs, because that people dont exist here ;) .

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Meh, I get them when they're down, mostly because, I can usually get up fast enough and roll around to the side without getting hit at all.....and if they forgot to press the jump button, or just couldn't make it for whatever reason, then too bad really. NF duelling with saber lock on might get to be annoying if you've got athritic fingers, though :p

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