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release date?


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Noone knows.

We don't even know for sure when it will come out in the U.S. at this time. :)


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Yeah no one knows. Lucasarts has posted a To be Anoounced on their official website. They started Beta 3 testing. Don't really know how long that will take. We don't even know if they are going to release X-box, Playstation 2 and PC versions at the same time.

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I hate to be speculative- but I highly doubt that they'll release the xbox and PS2 version at the same time as the PC version. It took them forever to finally release EQ Adventures for the PS2. I wouldn't be surprised if the console versions are release 6months to a 1year after the PC version is released. This also brings in another question? Would you play this on a console? I mean, it's not going to be as good, it's just impossible for a console to keep up with the PC industry. The hardware advances just too fast.


Anyone have EQ Adventures? Tell us a little bit about your experience playing an MMORPG on a console.

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I wouldn't wait till it comes out in the UK. Buy it online or go to some import-computer-game-shop. :)


I already pre-order my copy of SWG in a nearby store because I heard there will only be a limited number of copies sold in Europe at the initial (US) release.

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I understand that joesdomain- I'm pretty sure though that they'd be on separate servers. Go to http://www.newegg.com that's where I built my machine, and I built it for just under $430. That's of course providing that you have a monitor, mouse, keyboard. Also, here is a thread I started and you can see my specs. You may need a cheaper video card though, there are some nice 64 mb ddr out there for about $50. Here's the link to the thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=95244

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Hmmm, the only problem I see with the console gaming is the fact that there is a massive shortage of network adapters for the ps2 and dont even get me started on the Nazi faction that is X-box live. Also, think about this all those thinking about buying it for console!! NO UPDATES, no patches atall for the PS2 untill the hard-drive comes out and dont even get me started on the x-box live #^%&. Hey joesdomain, if you live in California I could build you a PC, really cheap, really fast! I built my 2.4 P4 with a ti4600 and some monster sound and about 512mb memory for only $750. ;)

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Alright legameboy, here is what I BUILT...

52x cd-rom-$25

16x-dvd-rom cdrw combo drive- $50

Mainboard, processor, fan, heatsink 2.4ghz- $210 (cheaper now)

Monster sound card mx400 (outdated but sounds good) $35

Cambridge soundworks 3peice speaker set -$30

Ti 4600 geforce 4 video card (my baby) $200

Floppy- Yanked outta old PC

IBM 60GB 7200rpm hard drive-$80

400watt powersupply and window case with neon blue light-$110

and I still use outdated pc133 memory 512mb-cost about $40


ok, so ordering from places that give free shipping if you buy this much stuff saves alot!! Also, knowing where to shop is important, you have to consider if you bought the same thing from Dell it would cost and upwards of $1500 because their money scrounging bastereds. But...this is the altime greatest tool any PC builder will use unless buying wholesale http://www.pricewatch.com

Soooo, I dont know whether you built your computer but it'll save you an arm and a leg if your a builder...go into barnes and noble and buy a how to build PCs for $30 bucks, its the best investment ive ever made!!

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Really, if you can see the difference of a motherboard and a hard disc, there is no excuse for not assembling your computer yourself, custom made. If you don't, then there's no excuse for not getting a friend who can do it for you! :D


You'll get a much better computer, and sometimes even at half the price (if you REALLY crawl the net and computer magazine adds carefully and thoroughly). More importantly, you'll get exactly the computer you want, which is good, since all computer dealers supplies computers with an insane ratio of processor speed vs RAM. I mean, who the "#¤%@ needs a 2,4 gHz processor paired with 128 MB of RAM anyway? And you'll learn a lot of computers, too!

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ok, heres mine, tell me if it was worth the money:


512 RAM

Geforce 4 Ti 4600

Pentium 4 2.4 Proccesor

Altec Lansing 3-Speaker Set (Two regular speakers, subwoofer)

Creative Labs Sound Card


i dont know how to figure out the rest like the cd/dvd speed, can you help me out on that?

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If you really want to know how good a computer you have, your specs says little. We need the friend of all 1337 computer geeks, the one who confirms whether your additional 128 MB of RAM you got makes a difference or not...


Captain Benchmark!


Really, benchmarking gives you an idea just how well your computer performs, because this has a lot to do with how compatible your components are, how you configured your OS, what OS you use, what cooler you have for your processor and a million other things. This is what really tells apart a kickass system and a lookalike.


Me, I'm not that into benchmarking, but then I also see little point in bragging with system specs! ;)


Here's a few links for you who wants to try, though. 3dBenchmark2000 is the only app I've tried, so I can't recommend any other.


Romulous 2's brief guide


PCGuide giving a few warnings


nV News provides a basic tutorial, though it's aimed for niVidia cards


Sysopt.com also has a good guide.


Mind you, benchmarking does include tampering with your computer, so if you are not sure about how your settings works, and are not fond of the thought of spending an hour or two learning it the hard way (by trial and error), don't do this. But if you think hardware is fun, go ahead, you'll learn a lot.

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To quote SysOpt:


"While companies usually express performance in terms of pixels or texels per second, these measurements do little to describe actual performance returns since other limitations generally affect a chipset's performance."


This is why all this "these are the components I have in my computer, can I play SWG?!" posts are useless, not only because the specs are not out yet, a list of components only gives us a hint of how the system performs. A qualified hint, yes, but still just an estimation.


Good to know my ranting isn't totally worthless, but actually leads to teaching things now and then, legameboy! :)

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Originally posted by legameboy

ok, heres mine, tell me if it was worth the money:


512 RAM

Geforce 4 Ti 4600

Pentium 4 2.4 Proccesor

Altec Lansing 3-Speaker Set (Two regular speakers, subwoofer)

Creative Labs Sound Card


i dont know how to figure out the rest like the cd/dvd speed, can you help me out on that?



Not bad by any means, but if you're a gamer, I'd suggest getting an AMD Athlon 2600 as opposed to your Pentium 4. Unless you are planning on digitial editing, that is. :D

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