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Death Of Dooku


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Originally posted by CyBerNetiX

But if Anakin is already a Sith then why would he kill a fellow sith guy?:confused:


Oh two sith are allowed to live at the same time. Anakin will have to strike him down to become the new sith. Or Dooku will die and Anakin will take his place at Palpatine's side.

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Ya thats what I've been saying, its like RotJ when luke was MENT to strike down Vader in anger to become the new apprentice of Palpatine, except it didn't work that way, but in Episode III Anakin will strike Dooku down and become the new apprentice.... no doubt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

if that IS what happens I personally think its LAME.


I don't want it to be just like th other movie, and dont think it should be.


Since ani is such a whiney b**ch I think YODA will kill dooku in ani's defense. Ben and ani will argue then ani will run off to join palpatine anyways. You notice how palpatine is always kissing ani's butt making his ego bigger?



just an idea....not probable

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Hey guys, newb to the board here, was reading the discuss and thought it was good and wanted to add my own two cents of a possibility...


We know Palpy's been buttering up Anikin on his powers, telling him how great he can be. And we know what happened to him when he faced Dooku at the end of EII. So now what if in the course of events of EIII Palpy says to Ani, "You know, I can show you how to be strong enough to defeat Dooku..." before he ever reveals himself to be the Sith Lord. In this way he traps Anikin into being his apprentice, claiming the strongest Jedi in the galaxy. Thus he can then do with Dooku as he pleases, knowing in the end he will have an apprentice in the end either way.


And also doing it in the fashion doesn't necessarily show Anikin as a whiny *itch, but also shows a desire for power which he expressed (abliet very poorly) in EII.

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More like 3/4 of his arm, STTCT. :)


I agree with what some of the other folks around here have said - I think that the only way for Dooku to get taken out is by Anakin, but only as he's replacing Dooku at the Emperor's side, much like Luke had the option to do in Episode VI. Whether he'll be Vader or not when he does it, I don't know.


I do know that Christopher Lee (the actor who plays Dooku, if you've been sleeping) has finished all his scenes, according to a recent article at TheForce.Net. Like the last movie, he might be called back later on if GL decides he needs him for some pickup shots, but his primary filming is done.

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well dooku is rumored to die within 10 minutes of the opening crawl, so I guess his death will put an end to the clone wars, as he is the leader of the Separatists. My money is on Anakin striking him down possibly aided by his anger and taste for revenge.

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Originally posted by .:CoupeS:.

well dooku is rumored to die within 10 minutes of the opening crawl, so I guess his death will put an end to the clone wars, as he is the leader of the Separatists. My money is on Anakin striking him down possibly aided by his anger and taste for revenge.

Where'd you hear that rumor? I haven't seen it. According to TF.net, Episode 3 starts with a space battle.

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well dooku is rumored to die within 10 minutes of the opening crawl, so I guess his death will put an end to the clone wars, as he is the leader of the Separatists. My money is on Anakin striking him down possibly aided by his anger and taste for revenge.

yeah, i've heard about that too... also heard that the space battle u mentioned, eldrich, is gonna feature plenty of wookies and a planet we've yet to see. kashyyyk, perhaps? or maybe the trandoshan homeworld of trandosha.... trandoshans are the wookies' archenemies who're largely responsible for enslaving their populations... there's gotta be SOME preview of the empire's cruelty & brutality in epIII, and what better way than their enslavement & cruel treatment of wookies? a link can thus be formed...


i think i'm a tad off topic..but still, my point is that those 2 planets are possible locations of dooku's death.

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Originally posted by .:CoupeS:.

Yeah, I also read that... but My guess is you havent visited TF.net recently cause that's also where I got the 'info'. But like I said this isn't official, it's only a rumor, as is the space battle as far as I'm concerned.

By not visiting, do you mean not going to their forums? I only take the reports they publish on the main pages as possible info, not whatever the fanboys make up and decide to post as 'insider info' on their forums.

Maybe, but I beleive Dooku will die on a space station, probably a Trade Ferderation one or something. I dunno, Obi-Wan and Anakin could break off from the space battle and board the ship and go after Dooku...

That sounds just like that fanboy Episode III script that made the rounds on the 'net not too long ago.

I doubt Dooku would die on a Trade Federation ship - he left the Neimodians to die at the end of Episode II, so he's probably not on the best of terms with them.


I do think Dooku will meet his demise at the hands of Anakin, though.

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as seen on TF.N's ep3 main page [linko]

EP3: SPY REPORT - Another One Bites the Dust

Tue, Aug 12, 03 10:08:26 AM EDT



Spoiler junkies have been waiting for substantial news to arrive about Episode III and we've been working overtime to deliver some great tidbits from the final SW movie ever to grace the big screen. Enjoy this spoiler about an Episode II character who won't be around too long in Episode III:

Christopher Lee can't like this - his character dies within 10 minutes of the opening crawl of Episode III. No word on who's hand he falls by but he isn't needed long for filming since he doesn't play a significant role. In fact, the veteran actor is already finished filming with the exception of some pickup shots later next year though his new digital double is certain to be getting a workout.

So Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku is getting rubbed off early - leaving a spot empty for another Sith. Anyone seen Anakin?


I don't visit their forums, I also only check the main page for info. And BTW thanks for calling me a fanboy, I apreciate :rolleyes:

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under the assumption that both duels will definitely occur, i think that the anakin vs dooku duel will happen first. after all, dooku is slated to die within the first 10 minutes. Also, the anakin vs obi duel has to mark the culmination of skywalker's transition to the dark side (which HAS to be depicted in epIII), which means that it's most likely gonna happen towards the middle/end of the film.




and aren't we all fanboys? the only insulting thing about it is it's similarity to luke's farmboy title....


yeah, that's probably bad enough. just call us fans, eldritch. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is that link that will show you the "spoiler" about the 10 min dooku thing...


I think he should be finished off quick...I mean there can only be two and Rick made it clear in the webchat that this will be upheld



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