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Lamer alert, worst lamer experience yet


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I thought it would be nice to have a single thread where people can show off their demos of getting kicked from servers for doing practically nothing wrong. Today I joined the first server I saw which had players and a low ping, I sniped someone and got kick-voted, unfortunately I the kick came through before I turned off my demo so it was lost :( So I went to the next server I found (and this is perfectly accurate, of 2 servers I joined today, I got kicked from both of them) and managed to get a demo recorded.


Initially its obvious i'm restraining from taking the easy kills, immediately after starting there's a player right in front of me, easy shot, I ignore him and get a gun instead, chance would have it that he was in fact the first person I shot as he moved into the central area the same time as me. In this game i'm playing pretty badly, missing more shots than i'm hitting and getting my shots deflected more times than is comfortable, but throughout is obvious that i'm trying not to kill people who aren't aware of my presence or have their saber turned off (notice throughout the game I ignored the "dueling end" of the central area despite the opportunity for 2 or 3 instant kills). Towards the end I chase some people round a corner who are obviously engaged in combat, one person is too far away to chase, the other drops down (at the time I didn't realize he wasn't part of the fight) and I chase him, consider the target, fire a few shots (I don't kill him) then turn around and fight the real enemy. Well this poor guy who suffered a whole 3 or 4 repeater shots decided to kick-vote me.


So yes, i'm a filthy lamer (apparantly)



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Now DeTRiTiC-iQ you know better than to go in to a ffa server and actually play the dam game you are such a newb :p


hehehe now normally I find that they kick you if they only like sabers or if you are totally owning them... but WTF all I could see you doing wrong in that game was missing to many times :p


FFA servers bane of JO

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You took the words right out of my mouth. I have been collecting a few to make into a avi clip myself. Shock_unamed had a good demo of some cry babies too. Ive got one where I get called a Newbie Cheater. How can you be so new you don't know how to play but know enough to "cheat" at the same time? Seems people are as petty as ever.


I'll watch your latest demo and check back in.


PS D-IQ, you don't need rage Jumping to get into the Nar Shadaa Alcove like in your avi demonstration. Speed x2 plus jump x3 can get you in there too. Demonstration

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lol you guys need to learn the finer art of professional laming.


1-Bind noob questions (hi! how do I taunt?) to keys to sucker people in to putting up "the blue box of death".


2-If it is a VAM/JA server toss some det packs on people /amsitting and blow them into the sky (this is sooo fun to do).


3-bind about 6 names and "vote no" to keys. It also is good if you bind those names to match current players in the server.



4-Bind "kill" to a key. Nothing infuriates people more than robbing them of a kill.



5-Another fun trick is to "ask" (as in type it) a person if they want to duel. As soon as the do the "k" to saber challenge drop a sentry and shoot them with whatever gun you have.



My theory is, they are going to vote you off for beating on them anyways, might as well earn that lamer tag they slap on you.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

4-Bind "kill" to a key. Nothing infuriates people more than robbing them of a kill.


LMFAO I have to say, i play a LOT of CtF, but now and again i jump on to a FFA and TFFA games, if some one pushes me of a ledge, i auto hit my kill key hehehehe then look like a newb when i say ops :/

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eheheh, I just got a 20 minute demo, they spent 10 minutes trying to convince everyone to vote yes. yeah I know its a long time to watch someone else play, but if you watch my movements you will see that i'm intentionally trying not to "lame".


If you do decide to watch it, ignore the first 5 minutes or so, its pretty boring, me taking bad shots to see how people react etc. There is a reason i'm not going all out on these guys, I want to see what it takes to start the vote ;)



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how do you play the clips???? what do i need to dl to play them??

any way here is my story


i get kicked from a server for this.


it was a saber only free for all, and when i joined there maybe 15 peeps on there. the lead has like thrity kills, the 2nd place dude had maybe 15, the lead was way ahead. any way i was fighting my way along, and all of the sudden, the lead was gone, now by this time i kicking butt and i am in 3rd place. but i start to duel one after the other after the other after the other, as the 1 and 2 peeps sit to watch matches, so i quickly become number 1, now i continue to keep dueling, finaly, i am like the other, way in the lead.


so i deside to kill only lamers now, peeps who sit down right in the middel of a match, attack peeps on leges and stuff, so i go after them, kill lots of em, and now i go to sit and watch the main dueling aria for any lamers still being lame. lots of peeps thanked me for saveing there lives, but the i quess, mod himself.


i was minding my own buisness, and i see my name pop up on chat, and then some one say, kick him, so they did :marx1: ok then, but i think they kick the people that are to far ahead in the lead, such as i guy mentioned above, but that is stupid

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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

how do you play the clips????


save the file in to your demos folder in the JO game folder (c:\program files\lucasarts\star wars jk II jedioutcast\gamedata\bace\demos)


then start the game up go to the list for Multiplayer games, bottom of the list will be Play Demo go in there, you will see the file, highlight and press play :)

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

eheheh, I just got a 20 minute demo, they spent 10 minutes trying to convince everyone to vote yes. yeah I know its a long time to watch someone else play, but if you watch my movements you will see that i'm intentionally trying not to "lame".


If you do decide to watch it, ignore the first 5 minutes or so, its pretty boring, me taking bad shots to see how people react etc. There is a reason i'm not going all out on these guys, I want to see what it takes to start the vote ;)



Why do players join a FFA game that has Guns in it, then bitch and wine about people using them!! as far as I can tell the guy that was trying to kick you out only join half way though and started a vote off very quick (maybe one that left and changed his name?) and the other idiot that was trying to vote you off, the only difference I could tell from him and you, was that you was a LOT better than he was.... ops did I hit the nail on the head... your a lamer when you got more skill than the other guy :p

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Well I'm getting into FF Guns now and it's big fun, it's good to play something else then duelling! But there are few FF Guns servers, most servers (FFA) are saberz only!! :(


But I come on a server (bespin ffa ff guns), kill two ppl who are standing, facing each other (with saber drawn) and ppl are calling me lamer and I get kicked :(


I must say that's the first time I saw such stupid whiners, I never saw them on NF Sabz / FF Sabz servers...

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Originally posted by griff38

PS D-IQ, you don't need rage Jumping to get into the Nar Shadaa Alcove like in your avi demonstration. Speed x2 plus jump x3 can get you in there too.


You don't need Speed to get up there either... :)

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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

i cant move any fiels or mods or demos into my base folder, because it is write protected, sorry, i wish i could, but for some reason i cant even put a mod in there, oh well


In your Windows Explorer right click on your base folder and go to properties. Make sure "Read Only" is unchecked.

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OMG, Det! You did not do *anything* even remotely lame and still got kicked. No shooting saber down. No typekilling. No interfering duels. No spamming big guns. No spawnkills. No nothing.


The ObiTwo-whatever guy who turned off his saber and refused to fight you in any way..what a joke! You got to give him some credit for all the witty insults, though:




or the most horrible insult of all time: "Detritic is STUPID" :eek:


Don't know what all the "TUTTI DE FRATTO DI VOTE YES TUTTIFRUTTI!!!!!1" was about, but he seemed pretty excited. :D


I'm thinking about digging up my JO CD and logging from one all weapons FFA-server to another starting votes to kick anyone who isn't playing the game (= using guns & trying to kill peeps).


That would be perfectly justifiable, because they're obviously on the wrong server if they walk around saber down. It's kinda absurd that the ones getting kicked are always the people who do exactly what they're supposed to do.


I think I know that Italian server. Man I wish I had such awesome laming genes as UJ (or whatever the hell he is called this week ;) )... I'd surely put them into good use on some Italian Stallions. (that did not come out right! :o )

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

or the most horrible insult of all time: "Detritic is STUPID"



Detritic reply was good on that one to... thats what it means hahahahahaaha



Question for you Detritic... was it annoying you, or was you having fun? as i dont think i would of been able to keep my calm.

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I was just laughing by the time they were trying to convince everyone else to kick me.


The first server I went on I was almost kick-voted within seconds of joining, turns out someone else had been "laming" and they thought I was that person. So I was expecting to get kicked all along, unfortunately I forgot to stop recording before getting disconnected :( it's a shame because it had some classics:


DeTRiTiC-iQ: excuse me what are the rules on this server?


<No Reply>


<insert 2 minutes>


CluelessNoob01 was smashed by DeTRiTiC-iQ


CluelessNoob01 called a vote:


(20) Vote Kick DeTRiTiC-iQ?


I joined the second server specifically to see if it would happen again (of course to make it fair, I had to intentionally not use too much overkill... its very hard having to miss shots in the name of humour).

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You ever notice how people who preach “honor” and cry about “laming” seem to have no problem ganging up on a dude 12 on 1?


A short demo courtesy of my pals from the Jedi Order (guys who made the Jedi council map).


A few of their guys were running around kicking people to start fights so I went around tagging people to see if I could get a few to do some FFA.


I get 3 of their members to team up on me 3 on 1 and all is cool at first.

Then a few minutes in one of them realizes they are not doing so hot, and well, his text sums it up pretty well:


“punish Padawan”


“the one who is winnin” <--- notice I was not laming until this sunk in with him.


“he is lamin”


demo 1






Another clip, although a little longer, quite funny.


People get all riled up over the most trivial things in JK2.


It is obvious I’m goofing around with these guys but they seem on the verge of a mental break down.


My favorite part is on map 2 when I ask the guy “HP?” and he responds with “**** U”.








Now I admit the guy who started this topic had a valid reason to complain. I found out who those two guys were today (as in their real names and clan, the [RYA] thing is just a name they use when raising Hell). I have had a few run-ins with one of them in the past and he is a total racist bastard who hacks and defaces other clan’s websites out of spite.


But come on, these guys in this demo show how almost no one playing on JK2 public servers posses anything even remotely resembling a sense of humor these days.

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shock ~ unnamed your so nasty.. :p

Them poor players trying to have a nice walk and you attack them LOL


The best thing is they cant beat you... so they dont try and just stand there calling you a lamer. hehehe but the rules was on there server... and its not like they come to are servers preaching rules is it :p

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If people are just standing around, doing nothing, chatting, I leave them alone, because I don't want to deal with their whining.


However, often I see guys with their sabers off, walking around, fighting, occasionally using Force powers. These guys are the worst. They could have you gripped in the air, you can push them down, kick them into a pit or just stab them to death, and they bitch about how you killed them with their sabers down. This is why if I see someone with a saber down doing something other than sitting in a corner chatting or AFK, I attack. I don't trust anyone anymore.

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True, i'm sick of being considerate and not attacking people who have sabers down, more often than not they'll turn around, steal my weapon and shoot me several times in thanks for my actions. When EVERY SINGLE person on a server is doing this, it can end up costing you the game.

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