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Propaganda Poster For a School Poster

Bob Gnarly

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Just place that eye a little more to the left, and it would be close to being true, with the Pine Gap installation in the middle of nowhere in Australia that is a US military installation that does "surveillance"




That's right, the kangaroos and koalas have their eye on you...

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Okay, here's my opinion.


remember I'm a graphic design student so this will most likely help you out.


The background blue is quite BRIGHT for a poster that is supposed to "scare you"


the "big brother is watching you" needs to be centered.


and why do you have a big U


"be good today

get rewarded tomorow"

-->(both lines same size. should be centered)






-->(two lines. big brother should be very big. I'd say about 10% or more bigger than the other part.



The eyes get repetitif (sp?) Maybe get a better quality picture then that. If not, at least make it look more evil. The green eyes make it look softer and the guy just looks plain tired. try using brown eyes. The darker they are the more "evil it is" but dont go overboard.


The wrinkles are nice touch though.

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ok i changed it all around, and made it black and white, the U is taken out, it just says now Big Brother Is watching you, and i got a pic of hitler and superimposed it abit put some other guys head and change the costume around, i also took out Rewarded thing and put a quote from the book


"ignorance is Strength"


thanks Jackal, you made it look better now

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

well, uh, I did this for fun...


I'm an admin in a CS server...so I want to make sure people know that... "Big Brother is watching...."




wow, man i love that pic, do mind if i use it? not for any comercial **** or anything just to get 70+ :D
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lol...sure...but I'll confess that it's putting together parts of things I've found in the past. Take this, do this with it, take that, put it in, change a bit, add this too, put a few effects in, add some text, you get the idea.


sorta like this one (cept Hotrod Demo will be taken out)




but I did that pretty much from scratch

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sure no problem


EDIT: ok, before posting anothe rone im gonna explain it first


i changed it again, now adding a cityscape (toronto ;)) and making it all black, i tryed puting up some old mans face that would look scary but couldnt find one, so i just put text, eyes over toronto and text

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Here's what else you can do to that poster:


the eyes:


you should copy and paste the right eye. Mirror it and place it as the left eye. This should make them more similar and more level.


try to remove the wierd after effects from the eye layers in that (the white white stripe at the left and right)




Try using on the fonts I PMed you. See how it looks. And for the bottom part (big brother is watching you) is a nice selection. Big bold font. Try switching it with one that doesnt have serif (the little fancy stuff at the end of each letters). See how it looks.


here's a general rule about fonts:

Sérif = more classical look. easier to read when small case fotns (look at the newspapers)

Sans-Sérif = More modern neat look. Very bold and black fonts like these can look more menacing than any other fancy fonts.

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