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Americas Army

Bob Gnarly

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

its a recruitment tool ;)


Hehe the day the US Army resorts to recruiting pasty white unathletic 15 year old gamers through a game is the day I eat my hat. And I like my hat. Alot.


I go by NerfYoda in AA (go fig :)). My honor is at 15 right now, and I'm trying to get into sniper school. Is there a trick to it?


Oh.. if your honor is below 10 or so that means youre either really new or a TK'er, so watch out where you throw those 'nades. :)

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My game never worked. I played about 15 hours online and almost alwats got a high score and never had honor. I think it was either 0 or 1.


To become a sniper you have to shoot 36 out of 40 or better on the training course. It was really hard with version 1.4. Easier with 1.5 and I haven't played 1.6.



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I'm at 50 Honor. It took a while though, lol. That, however, is nothing compared to the Uber phreaks that are at 99 honor (the max). Talk about no life fanatics. I play about twice a week, but lately with school, work, and moving I haven't had any free time. In fact, I totally missed the avatar/sig contest. :( AAArrrrgghhh!!! :mad:


Who won, btw? :confused:







Army Ops.


I wouldn't say it's that much of a recruitment tool. The truith is some top notch programmers wanted to make a (realistic) military sim using the Unreal Engine and convinced the U.S. Army it was for their benefit. What better way to make a game than with your good ol' uncle Sam pitchin in a few bucks (our bucks, BTW).


It's basically to show the young guys what Army life is like and hopefully get them to enlist. It's more like the tv commercials; the Military sees it as a positive way to get people interested in an Army career.


Honestly, if the Army was that interested in you enlisting, the game would have much much more ARMY propaganda in it. They basically turned it over to the developers and the few ARMY guys that supervise. As long as the game is benificial (raised recruitment somewhat), and it has, the ARMY will continue to fund it's developement.


All I'm saying is that if you have a good pc and broadband, try this awesome free game. Sure the training is a bit, well, boring, but the game it's self is really fun!



-=Wolfwood=- and [RAA]-=Chi3f=- would love to see you guys play sometime. :cool:

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I played it for a while, but frankly, I found it kind of... feh. :rolleyes:


And yes, it is a blatant recruitment tool. Of course, they're definitely looking in the wrong place. Most of us gamer freaks are pasty and out of shape, plus a lot of us are idealistic hardcore pacifists (hey, you'd be too if you never left your room all week :D ).

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I know there are a fair share of reservists, retired, and activists who play. Most of the time it is funny when they die and they start crtiquing people.


Level: Assualting forces A) turn off three main valves or B) shut down main computer.


When I was a noob at the game I threw a smoke grenade in an area where i needed to turn a pipe and someone came in and blasted me. If I hadn't done that I might have won for our team (last one alive) but the smoke actually drew the other guys attention and I died. That is my best story. That and the time some idiot kept picking off his own team. The server eventually kicked him off but he shot us all for about three rounds. Funny little prick but still a prick.



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