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Things that annoy you thread

Bob Gnarly

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ok here is a thread where you just let it all out.......



1. people that have a long stupid thing in there Location area, explaining something pointless i.e Location: i live in a place that has many names but im not gonna tell you so there was no real point to me typing this.


2. people who constantly go around threads reading and if they find a spelling mistake they point it out even though its off topic, but somehow they get away with that while im stuck trying to explain myself to someone while a mod or admin or just wannabe comes in and tells me to stop spamming


......thats all i can think of now, your turn, let it all out....:p

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Things that annoy me:



1. N00bs that try to make YOU look like a n00b...liek I remember when Hobgoblin was a n00b: he was like "Guys, quit fighting or else youll be banned and we wont even miss you for a second" or something like that, I'm just like WTF? Lol.


2. Threads like this ;)


3. Trolls.....damned trolls.........


4. Toy trolls..........


5. And people that post about dumb questions like "Why is cheese yellow?" And I just think "And why are you so stupid?" :p



Well, thats all I can think of...Hope I made sense. :p:)

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Hmm, Clem said everything I wanted to put:plol


1. The phone ringing. That annoys the hell outta me, cos it rings non-stop every 5 minutes in my house. Someday I'll strangle that phone with it's own cord wire thing:mad::D


2. l337. Someone get me a gun now...


*loads shotgun*



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-bad design

-hard to navigate web sites (you have to "uncover/discover" the links are the worst)

-having a broken camera on a one in a million weather day. (my camera was in the shop when for a WHOLE day there was NO WIND and FOGGY all day long! it was amazing. Soo many beautifull potential pictures with my professional old school camera... but ****ing piece of **** was broken)

-ugly building designs that destroy the sky line and the rest of the landscape

-people who cannot understand how much i love and how much I take art and design seriously.




-KingPin. BTW i love that avatar and signature. One of the best music videos I've seen. I love that art and its political/moral references. I also love Cant Stop (Red Hot Chili Peppers) art wise and BOOM! (System of a Down) political wise.

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Things that annoy me...


1. Trolls

2. Spammers

3. Junk email.

4. Junk snail mail.

5. People who ring up at the most inopportune moment to try to sell you something.

6. People who think you are lying when you are absolutely 100% telling the truth.

7. People who won't listen to reason or can't recognise common sense if it's written in 10 foot high black letters on a luminescent green neon background.

8. War, bloodshed and the general decadence and depravity of some members of society

9. People who moan and complain about getting flooded in spite of the fact they bought a property on a known flood-plain.

10. People who think it's a good idea to build on flood-plains in the first place.

11. Computers that go wrong at every possible opportunity and make you look like an idiot in front of your peers.

12. Untidiness


There are probably many more, but my brain's turned to mush...

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Originally posted by TheJackal

-bad design

-hard to navigate web sites (you have to "uncover/discover" the links are the worst)

-having a broken camera on a one in a million weather day. (my camera was in the shop when for a WHOLE day there was NO WIND and FOGGY all day long! it was amazing. Soo many beautifull potential pictures with my professional old school camera... but ****ing piece of **** was broken)

-ugly building designs that destroy the sky line and the rest of the landscape

-people who cannot understand how much i love and how much I take art and design seriously.




-KingPin. BTW i love that avatar and signature. One of the best music videos I've seen. I love that art and its political/moral references. I also love Cant Stop (Red Hot Chili Peppers) art wise and BOOM! (System of a Down) political wise.


i agree with ya Jackal 100% once me and my friends where at a creek beside a fancy golf course and we saw amazing nature pics, but where was my camera....at home, the music videos i agree with also, i love Todd M's style and the images all blend togather, i also like the song, on how we think we are above all because we have the power to kill, also, RHCP music video was so abstract and weird i loved it, to bad i havnt seen BOOM, i wouldve liked it i guess.

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  1. Religious fanatics.
  2. Arrogant people. People you can argue to all you want, and they just don't even listen to you. And even if they say they agree, they say it just to shut you up, and then go on as if the argument/discussion/debate never took place, doing what they said they wouldn't do as if they never said they wouldn't do it (confused:p?).
  3. People who just don't give a damn about anyone but themselves, never apologize, generally have a "if I gain on it it's okay"-attitude, and who do all these crappy, nasty things on others but can't tolerate it when someone does it to them.
  4. People who rip your stuff off without crediting you, and then lie and badmouth you when you point it out to them.
  5. People who for some reason think "homosexual" is a bad word. I laugh inside me when my brother is really mad at me and calls me a f***ing homo :D. Aw, come on, talk about being immature.
  6. Having a broken camera on a one in a million weather day.
    I'll second that.
  7. Breton's list. Uh, I mean, the things in the list, not the list itself :p, except Greenpeace. A lot of stuff they do is okay.
    On racists: This thread comes to mind.
  8. Commercialization of WWII and human tragedies like Titanic.


Unfortunately, my brother covers number 2-5, and my whole family is being racist without knowing it. So..:mad:

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-people who interupt me while I'm trying to write.


-people who won't stop talking to me about stupid things while I'm trying to write.




-people who ask me question while I'm eating.


-people who dissagree with me no matter what I'm saying.




-people who ask me a question then say "hmm? hmm?" while I'm thinking.


-the phone ringing every five minutes.



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1. Non-Traffic Controlled Lights

2. When people don't put their shopping carts up and especially when they leave them in the middle of an open parking space. Jerks :swear:

3. Pop-Up Ads

4. Bad Grammar/Spelling in Emails and Posts

5. Overpaid athletes who gripe:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

-Everyone on the MSN Gaming Zone for Jedi Outcast


Well, we hate you too. :p


Top 3:

1. nOObs who treat me like a nOOb, and I'm not a nOOb, really, I'm no nOObs, no nOOb here.

2. Pop-up ads

3. People who repeat a word alot...



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Ok anyways...


People who use the word "like" out of context and in habit. It annoys me so much when people say this...


"Like, he like, ran over to me and like, hit me and I was like, Woah, like dude why did you like do that."


That pisses me off.

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast



Ok anyways...


People who use the word "like" out of context and in habit. It annoys me so much when people say this...


"Like, he like, ran over to me and like, hit me and I was like, Woah, like dude why did you like do that."


That pisses me off.


I espically hate people who use the word nOOb alot. :p

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I think it's annoying how people in America say zee instead of how us British say it as zed, as zed is the proper way to say zed.


Not directed at anyone in particular *cough*Zbomber*cough*


Please note that this post was not meant to offend any American's who pronounce the letter 'z' as 'zee'...only Zbomber...



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Originally posted by Darklighter

I think it's annoying how people in America say zee instead of how us British say it as zed, as zed is the proper way to say zed.


Not directed at anyone in particular *cough*Zbomber*cough*


Please note that this post was not meant to offend any American's who pronounce the letter 'z' as 'zee'...only Zbomber...




Well.... well... yeh...

I hate people who pronounce Darklighter like Dark-lite-er, it should bee prounced zee :p


BTW, its ZBomber :p

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