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JA needs to be dark and moody...


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i agree that starwars was, but ESB was almost a tim burton standard of dark. and i think we should prepare (and i hope) for a very dark movie for ep3. i think its about time that games try to evoke the same emotions as movies are capable of... and it shouldnt be too hard to achieve that with the richness of the star wars universe. (do you remember the first time you travelled in the railcar in HL? :D )

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i think it should be dark as far story, bad guys, and good guy getting there butts handed to em, like in "Empire Strikes Back" that kinda dark, but as far as lighting, i prefere it to be day, bright, i like seeing every thing, and my monitor is old so i have to turn brightness up high any way

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Originally posted by happydan

i guess... but just remember anakin vs dooku, or the carbon chamber! dark and moody.

Actually, I found this pretty annoying. The light from the sabers was cool, but I didn't like not being able to really see what was really going on. Besides, give me the Obi-wan/Darth Maul fight any day! :)
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Dark & Moody, hmm... Well I'd rather have the story to be dark and the environments to be moody :D The story must be dark and full of conspiracies (hmm I think I'm addicted to Deus Ex ;)), but the environments (=maps) not too dark, but with great atmosphere, e.g. very Star Wars like :) Great halls and the like.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Dark & Moody, hmm... Well I'd rather have the story to be dark and the environments to be moody :D The story must be dark and full of conspiracies (hmm I think I'm addicted to Deus Ex ;)), but the environments (=maps) not too dark, but with great atmosphere, e.g. very Star Wars like :) Great halls and the like.

there ya go, thats what i be saying, and yeah, deus ex is a great game!
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Originally posted by happydan

j'accuse. you are no true fan, mr prime.

/me prods prime in the shoulder. ;)

its a toss-up between dooku vs anakin, the carbon chamber and obi vs jango for me...

You dare challange me?? :)


Well, if we are going to throw the original trilogy into the mix, I'll take Vader vs. Luke parts I and II anytime. Sure, the "technical" skill wasn't as good, but the mood, characters, and story-altering outcomes were by far the best.


/me rubs shoulder poked by happydan

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ok, i guess dark story and moody environments was what i was getting at... but a darkened jedi duel, maybe in a factory woth sparks everywhere, or a crumbling imperial outpost... in JK2, the lights always seem the last thing to fail!

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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

you gotta have a little of everything

the dark moody places the bright busy places and the semi dark seemingly normal ambush places

you need it all :)


I have to agree with this. We don't really know what SP is going to be like...but we know there will be a variety of missions in a variety of locations. I don't think the theme should be continuously dark and moody. If there is an underlying arc to the storyline then those missions could potentially be darker in nature and lighting to add weight to whatever nefarious plots are unfolding. Although ESB had a darker mood, it still had some light and airy locations. Without seeing lighter areas, you'll have no contrast to make the darker regions even more sinister.


I think it was TheBlueFlamingo in one of the other threads who said that Darth Vader looked far more imposing a figure on Bespin, because he was all black in a white room. That sort of thing has a great visual impact that can add a lot of weight to the mood, in spite of the airy surroundings.


So I hope they go for a good mix, and work in those contrasts between light and dark in terms of lighting and design - while building the atmosphere through the story...

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I think it was TheBlueFlamingo in one of the other threads who said that Darth Vader looked far more imposing a figure on Bespin, because he was all black in a white room. That sort of thing has a great visual impact that can add a lot of weight to the mood, in spite of the airy surroundings.

This is an excellent point. In those locations Vader was in such great contrast with his surroundings. You could hardly make out the details of his suit. It just made him seem so much more evil...
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Originally posted by HertogJan

Dark & Moody, hmm... Well I'd rather have the story to be dark and the environments to be moody :D The story must be dark and full of conspiracies (hmm I think I'm addicted to Deus Ex ;)), but the environments (=maps) not too dark, but with great atmosphere, e.g. very Star Wars like :) Great halls and the like.


"Addicted to Deus Ex". That is something I can admit to.


I don't know about darkness. It would be appropriate in some places. The whole game should be moody though. If it was excitement or fear or whatever the mood, it should be amplified!

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