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if there were another x-wing game....


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hey every1...

i've gathered during my short stint here that a new x-wing game, however unlikely, is fervently wished for by most, if not all, of the posters here. i'm jus wondering...what sort of features would u all like your ideal xwing game to have? what improvements would u like to be implemented? what kinda storyline/setting do u want it 2B based on? do u wanna play as wedge antilles in the galactic civil war, allowing u to fly at yavin, hoth & endor against both death stars and constantly sending TIEs to the meat grinder?

or perhaps as gavin darklighter in the njo, giving u the pleasure of blowing up coralskippers & other vong craft and participating in battles such as those at garqi, ithor & coruscant?

or would u rather have a non-linear setting, like sw:galaxies, which allows u to create your own character and make your own storyline-affecting decisions? i'd like to know...

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well...i guess its weirdness can be debated over, but the x-wing actually DOES have holographic consoles. one of its 2(?) targeting computers is an in-344-b holographic crosshairs system. the other (targeting com) is the tracking thing which was used in the death star trench run.

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Well, I'd like to see something similar to XWA, but with a few important differences. For example, getting to know other pilots in a lounge-type area (similar to Wing Commander) and being able to choose your wingmen from them. Each would have a different personality and style. Also, having a real distiction between wingman and wingleader would be nice.

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And wingmen that can actually do things (beside shoot you down :roleyess: ).


I also wouldn't mind a realistic "space" engine. With the option of deactivating the automatic braking thrusters that are apparently used in the other games. This way you could cut your throttle and keep moving on inertia.


I'd also like the ability to "jink," using the etheric rudder (described in the books) to jump sideways without changing your direction of flight.


Better ship scales would also rock. (So what if it means that capital ships are incredibly huge? They're supposed to be!)


Generally though, I think the XWA interface is just fine as it is (though I wouldn't mind being able to customize it to correspond to different craft).

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yeah, better ai would be much appreciated.


"I also wouldn't mind a realistic "space" engine. With the option of deactivating the automatic braking thrusters that are apparently used in the other games. This way you could cut your throttle and keep moving on inertia."

great idea....that would give u more options in terms of tactics (eg. the smuggler's reverse described in the hand of thrawn trilogy)


"I'd also like the ability to "jink," using the etheric rudder (described in the books) to jump sideways without changing your direction of flight."

what exactly do u mean, beastie? u referring to yaw? coz then, yeah, i'd agree with u...the worse thing about the original x-wing game wazzat it lacked the rudder control. its absence could really be felt...well, to me, anyway.

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jumpgate? whassat?


cmdr cracken-

"By jinking, i mean, ina zero G enviroment, you could actually SLIDE the ship left and right, while moving forward."

whoa there...what exactly do u mean? r u referring to a movement where the starfighter is actually moved while pointing in the same direction- kinda like a translation (i knew emaths would prove 2b useful someday...)? here's a diagrmatic representation...




_I_ (original position)


or r u referring to a yaw, where a ship actually rotates in a clockwise (right) or anti-clockwise (left) direction if u look @ it from a bird's eye view? kinda like this....







_I_ (orig position)


coz the first idea's pretty unflightlike...

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in no particular order...



Massively "realistic" flight characteristics according to Movie Canon, no auto rolling please when turning. Lets fly these like theyre designed and lets try for some more accurate "Newtonian" space flight but keep within the parameters set forth by canon.


AND with minimum 12 player multiplay for a true squadron 24 or more all the better ! our machines can handle it now !


AND gunnery turrets available in capitol ships and freighters that are equipped with turrets to be manned by players


AND a "bridge player" cockpit view as capitol ship captain


AND great single player story line and campaign


AND multiplayer mode for campiagns (PLEASE oh God PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !) We like Team play. :)


AND give us a dern port so we can connect LAN to LAN via TCP/IP (anyone know the port for XWA ? Im still looking)


AND simulate hyperspace routes from your astro-driod or navicomputer - no bouys please, and no STOPPING before you hyper out ! whos brilliant idea was that anyway ? how about a blinking light on your scope that gives you a vector to follow ? Or R2 autopilot to line up on hyper vector WITHOUT stopping. :)


AND continue the "skirmish editor" but also include a "mission editor" in the release package


AND keep the flight recorder


AND the proving grounds


AND killable pilots as the game progresses. Dont lose to many or youll be under manned for your squadron until you can train more rookies. =)


AND i agree with one post i read, no HuDs, give us realistic cockpits, maybe a 360 degree radar HuD projected otherwise all info should come thru the cockpit monitors.


AND the ability to hyper out, reload and return to battle if theres time (without point deductions. lol )


AND wingmates who will stay on your wing until told otherwise, and return to your wing after they've done what you order.


AND as much as i despise Imperials, return to the XvT Rebel / Imperial Campiain idea. that ruled. Add a smugglers campaign too!


AND let us fly all the ships, but only those built in current timelines tho, i.e. no TIE Defenders in ANH era...


AND make the Y-Wings just a "little" faster please...


AND give us a great eject animation from first person view and let us have mouse look ability after we eject so we can observe the battle until the rescue shuttle arrives or we quit. Maybe we'd get run over by a passing starfighter ! Maybe we'd be mercelessly shot out of space ! or freeze to death if the mission failed.


AND include network voice software for commo usage




AND Add-on expansions for years to come !!!!


AND ... Im not askin for all that much am i ?


technology will continue to progress, but if Lucas Arts made an awesome up to date platform with ease of add-on capability, a Mods section for example, we could use a great game engine that LA sets up and keep expanding it from the player base, which is HUGE and would allow for "official" add- ons as well and could be updated for a very long play life.


ok, thats it for now. :) I may edit later!


Cmdr F'faaway



Oh, AND Y-Wing ion turrets that moved and could be used by a player or set to auto target. As well as A-Wing guns that could swivel as they should! There is room for computer assited targetting if they could move. Also, TIE fighters are supposed to have computer aided targetting as well.

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hear, hear!

i agree to most of your points....just a few comments:


Massively "realistic" flight characteristics according to Movie Canon, no auto rolling please when turning. Lets fly these like theyre designed and lets try for some more accurate "Newtonian" space flight but keep within the parameters set forth by canon.

yeah...the most important of all. refresh my memory- what's supposed to happen when you bank your joystick right (so it's no longer perpendicular to its base)? you're supposed to hold down some button to roll the craft. coz i found a way to make it roll when i shove the joystick sideways and yaw when i twist its handle (mine's a sidewinder force feedback...its got a rudder function)...i cant even remember the joystick's original functions.



AND i agree with one post i read, no HuDs, give us realistic cockpits, maybe a 360 degree radar HuD projected otherwise all info should come thru the cockpit monitors.


"360 degree radar"? whadya mean?

but yeah, i agree that all those sensors & energy maintenance bars should be put somwhere else. also, they should have a REAL star wars holographic targeting reticule, like the ones mentioned in the essential guide to tech & weapons.

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Well, from the earliest X-Wing games. (and ive played them since the first one was releases on floppy disk set =) there has always been a forward and rear arc sensors / threat displays.


UMMMM... lemme think, I beleive it was Microsofts .. oh for the life of me i cant remember the title... it will hit me when im sitting on the pot later im sure.. =D ANYWAY ~! they had one master CMD where your ship was dead center, and enemies would radiate around you and distances were measured on another screen.


Its simply both sensors consolodated onto one screen like we saw in the X-Wing cockpit in the movies.


STARLANCER !!! yes i remembered. :) hahaha and for you "realistic" space flight buffs, this game had a "slides" hahaha was such a gas. :)


Let me tell you Ben, you NEED RUDDER CONTROLS !!!


Ditch the sidewinder and get a Saitek X45 set. =) you WONT regret it. I found a refurb for $40 (US dollars) I'll send you my set up file if you do.


Saitek X45


Also, you can slew bro, (jink whatever) you do a chorded movememt applying rudder and stick in the opposite directions and you essentially "slide" Its tricky to stay level in XWA doing this manouver, but its possible, and one of my favorite moves. Capitol ships cant touch you if you let your turrets blast them and you slip around them =) Its not a "quick" manouver. So dont expect to dodge missiles with it.



gotta work ! bye !


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Its simply both sensors consolodated onto one screen like we saw in the X-Wing cockpit in the movies.


we did? which episode(s)?



you do a chorded movememt applying rudder and stick in the opposite directions


just to clarify- u mean we yaw in one direction & roll in the other? im kinda confused about whether the stick is supposed to roll (yeah, rotate along the length of the ship) or merely turn during the left-right motion of the stick.



thanx for the link, rahn. gotta admit the x45 looks cool...the digital functions are really enticing...but i dont really see a pair of rudder pedals. is the rudder function built into the joystick? coz the sidewinder has that, too.


from the site-

"The X45 features six axis control, with joystick, throttle, rudder and two rotary controls for unparalleled control. "

what the hell does that mean? six axes...let's see...you've got the up-down motion (pitch), the left-right motion (roll)...what are the other 4 axes? do they refer to the throttle & rudder controls too? they don't actually include the diagonal movements of the stick, do they? coz they would constitute a helluva lota axes...also...what are the "2rotary controls"mentioned? i assumed that they referred to the throttle, but the site seemed to disassociate the throttle from the rotary controls. what are they? sorry bout the info overload....but this terminology's pretty new to me. well, in this context, anyway.


i didn't read the thing in detail...dezzit haf force feedback?

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A note on the physics of starfighter simulations...


I've often wondered why when you throttle down, you automatically lose velocity; in space, obviously, your velocity would remain constant until affected by other forces such as braking. The simplest explanation, that my starfighter has automatic braking thrusters, doesn't make sense for me, though. I would be able to turn them off--it would even be useful to do so at times.


Actually, I think that inertial dampening would be a better way of explaining this. Without an inertial dampening field to bleed off the mass accumulated in acceleration (E=MC2, remember?) the pilot would become a greasy spot in the upholstery. Such a field would have the effect of reducing the ship's velocity whenever the drive was powered down (assuming that as a safety feature for starfighter pilots with other things to worry about it would be set to dampen the mass all the way to baseline.)


Jinking? Sounds great. Is it legal in the state of Oregon...? :dozey:

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