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Interview with Raven on Gamespy about JA


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THX for the article!! I think the most important facts are:


- You can kick with the double bladed saber (lightstaff), and it appears you can only kick as in 'real kicking' with the lightstaff. I think with single blade, you can't kick, or it will be a JK2 kick :(


- You can run on walls, yay!


- LEC rejected some story thingies, like names that were already in use


- More interaction with environment / better physics, when you touch the wall, you really TOUCH THE WALL and you won't go trough it (yay! hope this counts for sabers too)


- You can quit a mission when you're doing it, and go to another one


Hmm well not really that interesting, a lot of it we already knew, but hey they don't want to tell too much before the E3 :)

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Most interesting thing I saw was the emphasis and excitement around enhanced saber combat system. Wall run we had, kick flip also - although they seem enhanced. Object physics seems very interesting - they were talkign about rocks and stuff ... maybe Force Throw? Like the thing with keeping animations constrained to the environment - other night I was on Doom_Comm again, and had a Stormie I killed fall and have only edges of hi body visible through the floor ...


Very much looking forward to info from E3 on this ...



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Yeah, thanks for the link, but I've already read it. One other thing that stands out in that interview...


GameSpy: And you aren't Kyle Katarn this time around?


Christopher Foster: You choose your race, gender, and appearance, and the game gives you your name. As you progress through the story, you'll choose missions and you should upgrade.


I'm not really happy about that part, if the game gives you your name. If you can choose everything else, it seems a bit odd that you can't pick your own name.


I do think it's a good idea about quitting a mission and going onto another if you think it's too hard at that time. I probably won't do that myself - I keep at something until I've beaten it, no matter how tough.


Better synching of animation with the environment sounds like it could be a great step ahead, if it resolves a lot of the clipping issues inherent in the underlying engine.


It certainly sounds as if they're on the right track...

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Ah, I was hoping for something before E3 and this was pretty good.


Christopher Foster: Things are very non-linear … but we can't tell you how yet.


GameSpy: If you're frustrated and can't beat a mission, will you be able to quit that one and choose another?


Les Dorscheid: Yeah.


Christopher Foster: And, by the time you're done, it will all form a story.


Les Dorscheid: You can do missions: 1, 2, 4, 3, and you'll still conclude with a satisfying ending.


GameSpy: Will missions change based on the missions you've done?


Christopher Foster: No, not exactly. It will change based on choices you directly make.


GameSpy: And those choices lead you to the Dark or Light side?


Christopher Foster: Exactly.


Out of the interview, I think is my favorite aspect.....I really like how this sounds. Mainly because I didn't like how linear JO was [i dont' know why, I just did...but I still enjoyed the game overall]. I think this will make for a very interesting story. :)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I'm not really happy about that part, if the game gives you your name. If you can choose everything else, it seems a bit odd that you can't pick your own name.

This just doesn't make any sense, and very disappointing. What good is character creation if you can't pick your own name? Could it have something to do with the sound clips for the cutscenes? Of course, the first mod made will be to change your name to what you want...


"Aww crap! My name is Hugh Jass!"


Originally posted by HertogJan

- You can kick with the double bladed saber (lightstaff), and it appears you can only kick as in 'real kicking' with the lightstaff. I think with single blade, you can't kick, or it will be a JK2 kick

This doesn't make any sense either. Why only allow kicks in one of the three saber styles?


All I can say is :(

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I'm not really happy about that part, if the game gives you your name. If you can choose everything else, it seems a bit odd that you can't pick your own name.


I have mixed feelings there ... on the one hand, given that they'll have something like 5 species, maybe gender as well, that makes 10 names. They could make it so you are called by name if you choose 'Rodian Male', bustomize looks as you want, and get a name ... say Greedo ;). Then when you play through the game you can be directly interacted with, like Luke calling you Kyle. You couldn't easily do that with an infinite number of possibilities, some of which - like my 'txa1265' nick - are not pronouncable ...


It certainly sounds as if they're on the right track...


Absolutely agree there ...



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Theres only two things that dissapoints me (gravely).. that the game give you a name and only being able to kick with lightstaff. :(


I had already made up a kick a$$ (IMO) name, just for this game, Coll-Aarn Atelle.. and now i propably end up with something like Dal Agu... :(


And we see Obi-Wan kick Maul in TPM (when he cuts his saber in half he kicks him), and we also see Luke kick Vader down the stairs in RotJ.. gravely dissapointing, this is. :(

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Originally posted by txa1265

I have mixed feelings there ... on the one hand, given that they'll have something like 5 species, maybe gender as well, that makes 10 names. They could make it so you are called by name if you choose 'Rodian Male', bustomize looks as you want, and get a name ... say Greedo ;). Then when you play through the game you can be directly interacted with, like Luke calling you Kyle. You couldn't easily do that with an infinite number of possibilities, some of which - like my 'txa1265' nick - are not pronouncable ...


I'm not really very concerned about having the other characters call me by name, to be honest. If they really wanted to, they could simply have the Jedi Masters and other Jedi refer to you as Padawan, considering that's what you will probably be for a large chunk of the game. Qui-Gon certainly refers to Obi-Wan as a 'young Padawan' on quite a few occasions.


It just doesn't make sense to open up all of those other options, and not include this one. :( Maybe it's a misprint...well, here's hoping anyway...

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I'm not really very concerned about having the other characters call me by name, to be honest. If they really wanted to, they could simply have the Jedi Masters and other Jedi refer to you as Padawan, considering that's what you will probably be for a large chunk of the game. Qui-Gon certainly refers to Obi-Wan as a 'young Padawan' on quite a few occasions.


It just doesn't make sense to open up all of those other options, and not include this one. :( Maybe it's a misprint...well, here's hoping anyway...


Not a bad idea ... they'd call you Padawan at the Academy, or just Jedi outside the Academy. Later on they could call you 'Master Jedi' ... like in AotC.


As for the concerns about lightstaff & kicking, I'm sure they aren't creating a single uber-weapon & stance there. I'm certain there will be balance. It will be interesting to see how it works.



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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

the only thing thats scares me in there is that it kinda seems like it might be style over substance

How so? :confused:


Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

hopefuly they find the happy medium though

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