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so i broke out the old xwa game


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yeah, i'm bored.



what i don't get is how crappy it performs on my PC. I've got at least twice the RAM i had before, and my video card is at least twice as good if not 3 times, but my video still is choppy, sometimes it stops altogether for a second. i had to turn the performance tuning to medium and still it sucks. what i hate about the game is how when you move the stick, the target moves choppily, not smooth like in rogue squadron.


i still can't play it without invulnerability on :(

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even though its in the wrong forum...


I would suspect its got something to do with the speed of data transfer from your hard drive or ram/video card (hard drive seems more likely).


You might want to find a benchmarking program to have a look, or ask for some help at your local techi store (as in not a high street pc retailer).

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Ihave the same problem, although not as bad , on my new XP machine. However, I think its the video card and new drivers. After all XWA seems to be almost written for the Voodoo chip video cards according to the readme file. I don't think the method of rendering for the old cards and the new get along in many games.

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let me know what kind of tinkering you did. my machine has more than enough beef to handle it.



i just finished the game, btw. not the prettiest death star destruction, but i did it. i actually played the game without invulnerability and unlimited ammo on. that was interesting! i actually was awarded the kalidor crescent too, with the bronze thingamabob on it. that was definitely a first for me.

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Hooray for Ike!




I kind of hated the way they did the Kalidor Crescent in this game - based on total bonus points instead of outstanding performance during a single mission. But I guess otherwise the bonus points would be pretty much worthless.


I just played through Rebel Assault myself. Just to remind myself of the good old days. Man, the control in that game sucks. You move the joystick like a millimeter to the left and your ship flies to the far left side of the screen and stays there.


Also, they tried to make Rookie 1 configurable as a male or a female changing only the voice - no visuals. So if you have him set as a female, he looks like a lesbian with that haircut, and if you have him set as a male, he has a fat, wide ass.


And Harris. I hate Harris. Ever since I heard him utter his first sentence, "Harris, standin' by!" I've wanted to burn him down. He's such a hick pansy. The best part of the game was when he got his ass roasted in the death star trench.


I need therapy.

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