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Black or White ??


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I've seen pics from blue, pale and green twi'leks, so why not a RGB system for the clothes and skin color, in this way if you choose human you also may play as a chiss (turning skin color to be blue) and those redish guys wich species I don't remember.

RGB for All!!! saber, skin and clothes.

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This is from the magazine article...




There seems to be a few colour options, among other things. Whether that's skin colour or not...your guess is as good as mine... But I've seen different coloured Twi'Leks in some of those screenshots, so you can definitely change Twi'Lek skin colour.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

This is from the magazine article...




There seems to be a few colour options, among other things. Whether that's skin colour or not...your guess is as good as mine... But I've seen different coloured Twi'Leks in some of those screenshots, so you can definitely change Twi'Lek skin colour.


stormhammer you are the best

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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

im hoping i can make the character look like me


that would be pretty sweet :D


I don't think that will be a priority, somehow. :p


Nevertheless...if you took up skinning, maybe you could do a self-portrait on one of the model skins.


Also...isn't there some place on the Net where someone will make a skin for you with your own face, or something? You have to send them some photographs, and they send you back a skin. I'm sure I read about that somewhere, but I haven't got a link, sorry. :(


Prime...I know it's a small thing in the whole scheme of things, but I do think the look of the menu is important, along with the functionality. As you said in the other thread, it would be good if they went for a JK style...

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im not talking an exact duplicate here i just want it to be similar

just enough for me to be able to identify with the model


if it came out and it looked exacly like my id be a little bit freaked out (they're after me again!)

paranoid? me?? never!! *looks over his shoulder*


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Originally posted by Prime

As for custom models, how would skinning work? In the game, you can change the colours, etc. for certain parts. How you you make a custom skin that would be able to have the colours changed in game?


That's a very good question...and I think it's one that only the devs can answer.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Well, to answer the original question, in the PC Gamer issue there are a few screenshots of a black human Jedi swinging two sabers about, so yup, black humans will be in for sure, so odds are high that asians will be optionable too.


Darn...you're right. How on earth did I miss that one? :eyeraise: I think this is the one you're talking about...




And that's all I'm posting from that article. AFAIK you're allowed to use 10% of something. If I get any complaints, I'll take it down. ;)

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