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Originally posted by Temujin

I have a HUGE issue with the Gammorean Gaurd... It looks bad, especially with his arm poking trhough his side. I know it's hard work making these models, but I mean YOUR KYLE MODEL AND TEXTURES ARE AWSOME but YOUR PIG MODEL AND TEXTURES BLOW! I'm sure it'll be better latter, but I just wanted to address this issue. Btw most eveything about this mod is great...



The arms need to be fatter and have shoulders.

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The legs shouldn't be shorter, they Gamorrean's legs are the same length as an average humans, and my model is based off of the human model included with the game.


While I'll admit that some of the body proportions are off,... I don't think the length of the legs is one of them.

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I'm starting up my own thread about the gamorrean. There's just too many discussions going on in this thread to keep track of

them all.


So please direct your comments, suggestions, criticisms, hate mail, and spam to that thread.



Thank you,...



That is all.

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