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There can't be bullet time.


If there is it won't work in multiplayer if one person uses it then what about everyone else or that person would just be behind in time.


Also there is no need a jedi can block bullets and stuff with his light saber.


Last if u need to get some where fast and with out getting hurt u can use mindtrick, or speed.

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I read the jk2 review in pc zone when it came out, they said it may have been better to have been totally like max-payne bullet-time.

So maybe they mean this time it might be completely max payne bullet time. Though i don't know if that is really a good idea....



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I hope they don't change Force Speed. When we were waiting for JKII I was hoping for the 'slow-the-world-down' style implementation - and was glad when it arrived. In JKI I felt frenzied and out-of control. JKII MP feels better, but then you don't go as fast. JKII SP I feel in control of my actions and could do many things before others could react - like take out 4 or 5 stormtroopers, for instance.



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Originally posted by txa1265

JKII SP I feel in control of my actions and could do many things before others could react - like take out 4 or 5 stormtroopers, for instance.



This is exactly why I liked the JO version better. I don't like the idea of a Jedi throwing on Force speed and chopping up a room of people. I view it more as a straight line run sort of thing, not a quickness enhancement.
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Originally posted by Prime

This is exactly why I liked the JO version better. I don't like the idea of a Jedi throwing on Force speed and chopping up a room of people. I view it more as a straight line run sort of thing, not a quickness enhancement.


There was a description in the Dark Forces book series - and it was very much like the world around Kyle was slowing down, he could see the blaster bolts coming, and move and take out the stormtroopers with ease. When I saw JKII ... that was exactly what I had visualized.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Bah, I LIKED JK1's overall speed and famous "uncontrollable speeds" of Force Speed level 4 (muhahaha!).


They've been trying to put "slow down the world" into Jedi games since Obi-Wan, and it may have something to do with the popularity of the Matrix (still, this idea has been floated in the EU novels before...).


Anyway, I'm sure it will be fine. When they referred to unlocking stuff, I'm sure (hope anyway) they were just referring to the console versions (infamous for having "unlocking" of goodies). Otherwise, yes, it would be stupid, and force certain game modes to be very seldom played.


Unless of course they made it so that Siege was the only default mod, and "Lightsaber Duel" was the last one on the list (lol), but I doubt that will happen.

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