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Operation: Swampie Freedom

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Everybody go to 'Yoda's Swamp' at JK2! I'm running for president, and I need your vote.


The war has gone underground. We must win the hearts and minds of the Swampie people before we can expolit them properly. :D My campaign promises are detailed there.


Edlib: What kind of car? Well, it has wheels--four of them, some with rubber on them. All the owner has to do is switch off the Iraqi tags... :rolleyes:


'VOTE ZOOMIE!' :max:


Vive la resistance. :usa:

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Edlib: What kind of car? Well, it has wheels--four of them, some with rubber on them. All the owner has to do is switch off the Iraqi tags... :rolleyes:

I was hoping you'd say it was a '75 Chevy Nova with two different colored doors, niether of them matching the main body color (mostly primer grey, covering the random spots of Bondo,) a railroad tie strapped to the front in place of the proper bumper, a non-functional fake plastic hood-scoop glued to the hood, with matching spoiler wing, extremely cracked vinyl bench-seats, and an original Kraco AM/ 8-Track radio.


If you had said that, then maybe we could talk. You see, I am in desperate need for a car that matches this description.




Trust me,.. you don't wanna know.



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No,.. it just,.. and I shouldn't even be saying this much,.. but the fate, yea, the very future, of major league baseball may very well depend on it.


Keep it under your hats, folks. There are powerful forces here conspiring together that, believe me, you do not wish to cross.

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Edlib, that's exactly the car I have for you, except the hood is a piece of cardboard, there are no ashtrays and the radio is missing--although it does come with a dwarf chained to the glovebox who can sing lounge songs for you.


Dath Maximus: I already run the swamp, you poor illusioned thing. Nothing is as it seems, and those who fill the roles of power merely react to the distant string-pulling of a rabbit illuminatus. Run in terror. ;)


The resistance is afoot. :D Beware of rabbits you can't see--they are nocturnal, after all...


Unleash the balloons! :usa:Vive la* resistance.


*Il faut se rappeler que le mot 'resistance' est feminine, donc le 'le' est vraiment un 'la.'

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No, no, no...it's a heavenly steer who is welded to a chain made of circles. ;)


*(Flies a jet out to an aircraft carrier and addresses the forum with much pomp and circumstance before reporters.)*


With the conclusion of hostilities in the Swamp, I am announcing an end to combat operations. That doesn't mean and end to random starfighter strikes, however, in our ongoing search for the deposed Swampie leadership and their weapons of mass flatulation. Although I myself was not elected by the Swampie people, their new president is a legitimate puppet of our choosing who would probably jump up on the table and sing the bird song from Carmen if the political screws were turned a bit.


So. :) Now that that's more or less over...let's get RSN!!!



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Came home from work last night to find my copy of Entertainment Weekly on the coffee table. In this weeks issue they rate the 100 gretest video games of all time.


The #1 Lucasarts entry?


X-Wing Alliance at #25!!!


Where did JKII:JO come out?


I didn't see it on the list! Oooh, sorry. :p


The closest entry was Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight at #60.


Once again proving that you can't mess with the XWA'ers.



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The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past.


DOOM was number 2.


Tempest was #57. :confused: Should have been much, much higher.


There wan't as many LA offerings as I would of thought. There was XWA, JK, and Monkey Island 2 was #27... and that was it.



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The superiority of XWA over JK2 is easily proven by looking at our sexual conquest history. I mean, how many of their mothers and sisters have we had? Lord, I know it's been a few... :D


Why is XWA a better game? Because any darn fool can go out in the back yard and play swords with a broomstick and enjoy much more realism than a video game of this type delivers. Who swings a sword with controller buttons? No one, that's who. :dozey:


XWA, on the other hand, reproduces the intended activity with more realism. You can't fly a jet fighter out of the back yard (unless you're $rich$) but you can simulate doing so on a computer. Combine the freedom of piloting your own starfighter with the joy of space, and then you have a video game worth playing.



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