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Fuel for vehicles?

Dagobahn Eagle

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It's not very realistic, but neither is not having to eat food. I'm guessing all vehicles will have infinite fuel, giving you less things to worry about.


::put put put put ta ta ta BOOM!::

"Damnit...I knew I should have brought extra fuel."

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"Tusken raiders close in on your speeder in the middle of the desert, damn, I really shoulda gotten more fuel. I dont know, in the movies you never saw much about fuel for any of the vehicles, although you did see a fuel line going into an x-wing in episode 4.

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Originally posted by Kaiser Spaso

i sure hope the profit from fuel doesn't go to terroists a.k.a Bounty hunters








Look Bounty hunter's are not terriost's there just people doing a job:mad: I've respected your Jedi's to respect my Bounty hunters ;)

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The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


Bounty Hunter:


1. One who hunts predatory animals in order to collect a bounty.


2. One who pursues a criminal or fugitive for whom a reward is offered.




1. Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.


2. Hired for service in a foreign army.


These three definitions are from dictionary.com.


IMHO I would say that a bounty hunter falls under both the BH definition as well as a mercenary. Not as someone who commit acts of Terrorism, ie a terrorist.


Now a Jedi, on the other hand, does use force and The Force against persons and property with the intention of coercing and intimidating a government (The Empire) for ideological reasons.




Jedi are terrorists, and I will help the empire eliminate this threat to the ordered and structured society that the Empire provides. As I have said before... No mercy asked nor given.


(at least until the Hutt Faction is available, then you're on your own).




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Originally posted by Krymelord



The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


Bounty Hunter:


1. One who hunts predatory animals in order to collect a bounty.


2. One who pursues a criminal or fugitive for whom a reward is offered.




1. Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.


2. Hired for service in a foreign army.


These three definitions are from dictionary.com.


IMHO I would say that a bounty hunter falls under both the BH definition as well as a mercenary. Not as someone who commit acts of Terrorism, ie a terrorist.


Now a Jedi, on the other hand, does use force and The Force against persons and property with the intention of coercing and intimidating a government (The Empire) for ideological reasons.




Jedi are terrorists, and I will help the empire eliminate this threat to the ordered and structured society that the Empire provides. As I have said before... No mercy asked nor given.


(at least until the Hutt Faction is available, then you're on your own).






Nicely said:) Now i hope spaso will appreciate Jedi's and Bounty hunter will both be in the game :D And will be working and agaist one another ;)

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Now a Jedi, on the other hand, does use force and The Force against persons and property with the intention of coercing and intimidating a government (The Empire) for ideological reasons.




Jedi are terrorists, and I will help the empire eliminate this threat to the ordered and structured society that the Empire provides. As I have said before... No mercy asked nor given.

That is soooo true, which is what I expect the ease that Palpatine had eliminating them is cause he managed to make most people beleive that. :)

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Originally posted by Lord Helmet

infinate fuel just like infinate ammo for guns

No as there isn't infinite ammo :( As the blaster's get overheated.I exspect if you drive too fast for too long then your ship will overheat and break or crash and burn :rolleyes::p

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Originally posted by legameboy

infinite ammo for guns!? cool ill be able to have a rocket launcher with unlimited missiles! yah :p

Doubt it probally recoil and the slowness and over heatness would make it slighty a disadvatage:p


But in one way it is infinite :rolleyes::p

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Per my Jedi post...


Thanks for the Kudos. I am honestly neutral about the Jedi thing, but as my character, I will not trust them nor help them. I know that these are off the topic of this post but...


2 Points


1. Think of the timeline and the universe as a whole. There are only 2 Jedi well known throughout the galaxy. Vader and Palpatine. Bad juju all around. These guys are evil, mean and strike fear into the hearts of most, rebels and imperials. These are the Saddam Husseins, Hitlers, Osama Bin Ladens etc. of their universe. Whether you are opposed to the empire or for it, most people would secretly want them dead. They are despised by both their enemies and subjects. I personally plan on playing a loner (Lone Wolf) type of character, who although will be factioned, lives by his own rules. Now in character I would never imagine I would be able to kill a Jedi Master, but if I ran into a Padawan who is still learning to be a Jedi, and who is limited in power, it is an easy decision. Ask yourself this question. "If given the chance, would you kill the next Hitler/Hussein/Bin Laden/Vader before he had the power and ability to stop you?"

In My book it is an easy answer. It is like having the ability to go back in time and prevent WWII.


2. The whole Jedi thing is blown out of proportion by wannabe Lukes, which IMHO want all the power of a Jedi to wield (whether for good or evil) so they can be the next badass and save/own the universe. **DISCLAIMER** I am NOT saying that all who choose Jedi will be this way. But a large portion do come across this way.**END DISCLAIMER** The problem is seldom few understand what it will take to become a Jedi knight in this game, let alone a master. Take it from me, I lost a Hardcore Druid lvl 53 in Diablo 2 from a case of lag. It sucked big time. If you want to start from scratch over and over, more power to you. Even further I commend you for your tenacity, but I will almost bet that there will be less than 20 alive Jedi Knights or above per server. And that is being generous. Besides the game being stacked against you, you will then have RPers like myself who in character "feel" it is the right thing to do. Then you have to account for the whole anti Jedi group, who will hunt you no matter what, just because you are a Jedi. All it takes is one person to see you pull out a lightsabre. From then on the rumors will spread, and any person who wants to say they BAGGED a Jedi will hound you every moment you are online. In all essence it will suck to be you. You'll get hounded with

"tells" asking you how you did it and hounded by many more who wish to take it from you. Let alone those who will earn your trust, just to strike you down at your weakest moment. You will be a NOMAD from start to finish. That is not conducive to an enjoyable, multiplay experience in my book. I would compare it to playing Counterstrike on a 28kbps modem. Its not alot of fun, when the majority of you time is spent in the character creation screen (or as a ghost in CS waiting for the next round).


Sorry for the sermon.


My 2(more like 2 million) Creds




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I have moved all Jedi discussion on this post to a new one, this way DE can get "infinite fuel" responses on topic instead of degrading to yet another Jedi post blah blah blah...


Sorry for the off topic comments.



To the point I hope fuel is limited and expensive. That way, instead, y'all will buy creatures from me as mounts.;)


Just Kidding. What makes sense to me is an added maintenance cost for both vehicles and mounts(V and M from now on). Make V/M's like houses. They will degrade over time and eventually breakdown/die if they are not maintained. For V you could say the fee is for battery/fuel replenishment and natural upkeep. For M the fee could be attributed to food as well as maintaning harnesses and saddles etc.


This way those who chose to hoof it themselves have a little justification for their decision as well.



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