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Originally posted by PromoSidone

i REALLY doubt that u can die of stress but that me...


Well, a lot of stress can weaken your immune system quite a bit, to the point where even a harmless disease can wreak havoc.


Have you seen a doctor about this, Rp? Do you exersize?


If you've got self-confidence problems, a good way to gain it is to excel at something. Anything, really. When low on confidence, just think of how good you are at playing golf for example, and then apply it to the current situation.


I hope you get well soon. Keep the faith.



And to Mamba and Echuu, stop b*itching incessantly at each other. Respect the thread, dammit.

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If you haven't noticed, C'jais, I've deleted my posts!!!!!! :mad:


RP, if you don't do something about it, it will happen, as it did to my German-teacher. She collapsed last fall, and even now, she's not in perfectly condition. (Blast that! We're having a @%¤#$&€$#"@ teacher now!)

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If you're thinking about hurting yourself please don't.


All my senior year all I could think about was dying and stuff, I would have welcomed it...


I finally got my mom to take me to the doctor when I wasn't sleeping at all anymore. I let it all spill out and things have been a bit easier since then :)

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Chastan, why is commiting suiacide in in the usa?? did it become a national fad or somehting... and c jais, U cant think ur immune system away, ur imume system will fall with lack of vitamains and food and healthy stuff.

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

Chastan, why is commiting suiacide in in the usa?? did it become a national fad or somehting... and c jais, U cant think ur immune system away, ur imume system will fall with lack of vitamains and food and healthy stuff.

No, C'jais's is perfectly right! My teacher was close to dieing because she had stress! Not that I like her very much though :)
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Originally posted by PromoSidone

and c jais, U cant think ur immune system away, ur imume system will fall with lack of vitamains and food and healthy stuff.


I'm pretty sure you can.


Being extremely pessimistic can lower it a lot, just like being very optimistic can make you heal faster.


Ever notice that people sometimes die of grief? If a man's wife just passed away, chances are that he'll do the same in the next few months. Having seeded offspring, 'n all that jazz.

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Stress/depression/self-hatred can kill. It causes the body to see the body as a threat because it's threatening itself and the body slowly kills itself. That also includes a weakened immune system. That's even how AIDS works...it destroyes the immune system. The basic things we get everyday is the one that actually does the killing.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Stress/depression/self-hatred can kill. It causes the body to see the body as a threat because it's threatening itself and the body slowly kills itself. That also includes a weakened immune system. That's even how AIDS works...it destroyes the immune system. The basic things we get everyday is the one that actually does the killing.


That sounds extremely depressing. You know, people get really close to dying from things like cancer, but still manage to pull out of thanks largely to positive thinking. It's true that years of stress and negative thinking can drag down your immune system, but positive thinking and happiness can help it.


Have you considered looking into professional help on the matter? Chastan is right, it sounds like you have some things you need to talk about with someone who can really help. It is always possible to get better :)

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

I talked to someone, and they say I have manic depression

Would this someone be a medical professional? I noticed you have not responded to the suggestions I made earlier... if you missed it, they might be worth going back a page to read them.

If you feel so strongly that this is some type of disease eating away your immune system and killing you, it makes sense to see a doctor... so have you? Your primary physician at least, but a psychologist would be better.

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That person was enaged to a manic depressive person. He says he knows the signs.


Am I? Who knows, but I did go through a list of symptons and I did match a lot of it.



As for a doctor/psy, I have neither the time nor the money.




but I have faith. :)

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

That person was enaged to a manic depressive person. He says he knows the signs.

That's not good enough. There are many types of depression, as well as other types of psychological disorders that you might match. You need a full workup, in my opinion.


As for a doctor/psy, I have neither the time nor the money.

If you work full time for FedEx (or UPS, I can't remember which... sorry if this offends you), you have insurance benefits which cover mental health. Talk to the HR director if you need information on finding a doctor.


but I have faith. :)

Faith is good, but it's not enough. This, coupled with those weird dreams/visions/hallucinations you mentioned a while back could be indicative of some larger problem, and it's in your best interest to have it checked out by a professional.


If I hadn't been through this myself, I wouldn't take it as seriously. But knowing what it's like... you need help, even if you think you don't. Believe me.

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Originally posted by Eldritch

That's not good enough. There are many types of depression, as well as other types of psychological disorders that you might match. You need a full workup, in my opinion.


Aye, many symptoms of mood disorders are common to each other...However, it only took about 15 seconds of reading the initial post to realize you're in some kind of depressed state :(



If I hadn't been through this myself, I wouldn't take it as seriously. But knowing what it's like... you need help, even if you think you don't. Believe me.




can you get help from your parents or friends with medical expenses?

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Could you try calling a community health center or clinic? They are usually listed in the front sections of the yellow pages. (The blue pages maybe?) They can figure out something for you. They know stuff better than I do ;) I just want you to know that there are ways to get help out there, but I can only do so much over the computer :(

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

My parents can barely afford to live. I'm moving out to decrease their bills.


I work for UPS, but you can't work full-time until you've been there 3-5 years.

That must be a local rule for UPS, because I've got relatives who have worked their full time since day 1.


Like Chastan said, there are alternatives if you don't have money or don't know anyone who can lend it to you. There are 800 numbers you can call to talk with someone about how you're feeling, and they may have further suggestions for you that we haven't come up with.


If you're not willing to help yourself, then the prayers of the entire Swamp won't help you.

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Must be a local thing. We use senority (the longer you've been around, the better stuff you get. Since so many people have high senority in our hub, it takes people roughly 3-5 years to gain enough to get offered a full time position)



I think the main thing, I fear getting involved into stuff. I barely have time as it is, and I can't get something MORE put on my schedule. I'm gone from the morning till 10:30 every night except the weekends, and I'm running all my errands on the weekend

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