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First New Animation -- Gla Neo


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1) I write a script describing the bone orientation. Essentially, All I need is pitch yaw and roll, Neo works out the shifting, so you don't have to, even though I've included 'manual' shifting in the scripting, in case you *want* screwed up looking animations. The script describes (1) Traditional Parents, (2) Children, and (3) Foster Parents.


Foster Parents are what I use to describe those bones that should have a normal hierarchy but don't, so I suppose the term 'virtual hierarchy' is correct, even though there technically isn't anything virtual about it. It helps if you think of the hierarchy as a 'tierred system', and each tier affects the ones below it, so children inherit their parents rotational values, even in the foster parent system, although in the foster parent system this effect is eluded to and handled by Neo, rather than a given, in a traditional situation.


2) After I have a script that describes the positions, I feed it to Neo, who needs a single frame 'control' Gla in his dir, currently this has to be named "_humanoid.gla" but as functionality grows, I will just read the name in from a cfg file passed from the command line, so you can make new frames for other Glas, like the ATST and what not.


3) After I have my new Gla, I copy it over the _humanoid.gla in the _humanoid directory


4) I run Modview and look at the finished result.


This process started to go very fluidly, when I make it so that I pass the script and whatnot from the command prompt the process can be fully optimized using batch files.


Thats the immediate plans, I have been researching ASE format to see what I can do to make things more 'hands-on' and easier.

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I've uploaded GlaNeo and source again, the link is at the top of the thread. This latest version is functional, but Neo will be going through some changes as I go back and flesh out functions and make him command-line-argument-based.

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All I can say is wow ... and some other things of course.


It looks very very good IMO. She doesn't hold the guns strange or anything.


BTW are you considering making some sort of matrix mod, or do you have other plans (first time I see this, haven't been following)

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Since I can rip animation sequences out with my tool and stitch them back together with ASk's tool, I could make an "MP" optimized GLA file, that wouldn't have a few thousand frames that are only used in SP, and would load a little bit faster for MP.


For SP, well, you could rip out the anims not used in your SP pack, and put in the new sequences et cetera.


However, for SP, you don't have the code access that we have in MP, but rumor has it that Raven speculates that you can probably use any of the animation names declared in the anims files in the source for MP and it'll work.

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as for the merger, I _think_ I hardcoded it for humans, because I did not want to mess with dynamic memory alloc, but changing it to work with all skeletons is a 5 minutes job, just change the arrays to pointers and add malloc/new where appropriate (after reading the bones number for instance)

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Yes, you hardcoded it for humans, but that was because your program was built as we were discovering new things about the GLA file. I have planned to re-write it, but it doesn't seem as high a priority as a few other things, namely, making the creation process much simpler.


I'm glad to see you post on this topic, ASk :) I would have never thought of writing an app before you did.


Right now I'm learning a few ins and outs of OpenGL and Win32 API.

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  • 3 weeks later...

FYI, I'm still working on this project, it's been going slowly because I've had to start learning new stuff again and deriving new functions.


There are now two programs, they will eventually be one program, Neo and the Construct. Neo is just a little DOS App, the Construct is a GLUT window that renders my skeleton hierarchy, soon enough we'll have more and more functionality. Till then, toodles!


I'm not sure why / which prog gives you kernel errors, I know that the Construct was busted and I had the busted version posted, but it should be up now. No real reason to download it unless you like ... to do things like that.

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