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I went myself a painballin'!

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*insert random joke about balls flying at Phreak's face, here*


*insert laughing, comment, and smilie at joke here*


*insert random statement about shoot Rhett with paintballs and making it hurt and evil smiley*


Are we really this lazy that we put this little effort into teh funny now? I was expecting at at least a good IMG. C'mon cut back on the lazyness guys, have we really degenerated that far?



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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

I've been sullied by the Tippman line. I won't use anything less than a Tippman 98 Custom.


Looks like you had fun, SH. :p


I love paintball, and that tipman 98 custom is a killer marker. One of these days when I get some extra money, I'm gonna have me one of those, of course I will probably be collecting social security by then.


Anyways, I love paintball, I like the cat and mouse hunts myself, but a free for all war is fun too, as long as you are playing with poeple that sucks. I can run fast, but I am a lousy shot. And I can hide for only so long before I get board out of my mind. I also like showing off the welts or ("war wounds" as I call them) to my girlfreind who thinks I am nuts.


I have some paintball pics of me too, one of them, I got nailed so bad I was spitting paintball shells out of my mouth for hours, even though I had my mask on, I got ambushed....lol! One of these days when I am not so lazy, I'll put them up here.;)

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