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Racist undertones in jko?


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If you'll notice, the only Afro-American model featured in jko was Lando... and his motions were a bit too white. I'd just like to seriously ask the developers to place a variety of models to chose from that represent all nations, states and small, secluded islands. That is all.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

and his motions were a bit too white.


Uh.... what? Since when do black people move different then white people? What next? They should just start blurting out BLING BLING! gimmie a break :rolleyes: It would be nice to see a racial diversity in JA however.

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well...how DO white and black movements differ? anyway, the whole SW universe is like that, lando and mace are the only major charcters played by black men (to my knowledge). Anyway, we've already seen screens of black dudes in JA, so no fears.

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It isn't Raven that is racist, it's LEC. Look at all their games: all white dominated.




This is why Affirmative Action is needed in games. Then LEC would have to meet a quota in order to publish a game.


Also, if a stormtroopers specific gender is not known, the stormtrooper should be known as 'he or she' instead of just assuming that the stormie is a man.


And look at these smilies. Mostly yellow. That is so racist, it isn't even funny!

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Star Wars is racist but not racist at the same time. Most of the humans are white, but the aliens are all sorts of things. There's white Twi' Leks, blue ones, green ones, etc. I think it's important to note that the Emperor's character is a bigot. But I don't think about that kind of stuff anyway. I don't watch "Fresh Prince" and think: "There aren't enough white people". I somehow doubt that people of african descent would watch Star Wars, or any other sci-fi, and say that there aren't enough black people. Those kind of anti-/pro- minority distinctions are what racism is all about. And it isn't just mistreatment based on color, it's DIFFERENT treatment based on color.

-Just my thoughts

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Break... It's a bit on the obvious side of things that you're trying to cause some trouble. Please bring it somewhere else. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we have no interest in your delinquency...

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He's right, this is going nowhere fast, but I'd like to have the last word (executive privilege!):


Have we seen Asians, Puerto-Ricans, Guatemalans, Somalians, Afghanis and Canadians? I think not.


Jan looks "asian" in JK and JK2, though there is no place called "Asia" in the SW universe that we know of. ; )


There are other black characters besides Mace and Lando... Captain Panaka, Captain Typho, a few random pilots in the prequels and Original Trilogy, and Adia Gallia come to mind. Then there's the crowd scenes in all the films, plenty of street crosses of all races and colors. Its true in the game, the only "non-white" humans (other than aliens with totally different complexions) are Jan and Lando, but it's just a game... hopefully there will be some more different faces in JA though. Having a bunch of Rebel Commandos or Bespin Security guys with different faces and skin tones would certainly add an extra touch of realism.



There, done. The end.

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