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What are you looking forward to most in SWG


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What I want to know is what people are really interested in doing once they are in SWG. What are you looking forward to? What is the hook for you, that makes you really want to play this game?



For me personally, my character will be a creature handler. I am looking forward to the visual environment, finding all the locations with diverse wildlife and interacting with it. Sure blaster shootouts will be cool too, but I am most excited about interacting with the game environment. I am sure there will be a few times where I try to tame a creature and it all goes wrong. That will definately be the fun part for me. There are of course some other things that I am amped about, but I just wanted to get a feeling of what the community is looking forward to.


This may have already been asked, but I am fairly new here and wanted to get some input from the regular posters.


***Kaiser Spaso!!!! Before you answer "Being a Jedi". I want to know what about being a Jedi, most interests you. What do you want to do in game with your Jedi, that has you drooling over SWG.***



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Ooh, ooh, I'm good at this one.

*pulls out rehearsed speach*


*clears throat*

What I look forward to most by Darth_Sidious:

Oh how I want to be an Imperial

Travelling amongst the walkers.

Riding in my AT-ST

I look over at a friendly AT-AT

Today will be my day

Today will be the Emperors glory

Looking below, 5,000 of the finest

Storm Troopers armed and deadly

March at the Rebel fortress

"Take that you Rebel scum!"

I hear one yell from below

Lumbering forward

I hear the creak of the aged metal

and the crunch of useless Rebel bones


Okay, so it doesn't rhyme, but I never said I was a poet. Got the point across though.......



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Well, I've already done that which I was looking forward to the most- running around with eyes as wide as saucers, exploring every little nook I could get into. I highly recommend at least an hour of open-mouthed gawking as soon as you log in :) Although I'll have to admit, running around blasting things was awfully fun too...


Now I'm just looking forward to the day that I know that controls and commands well enough that I can stop consciously thinking about them all the time, and focus on the game.



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Well Darkmoon, I have an entire PA that might end up coming to you, unless of course you want a job. :D


As far as Vader and other FCs (feature characters), I think the game will basically demand they be there. After all, everyon wants to run into these guys. I think everyone has that one character they are just dying to interact with. Palpatine is my idol, can you tell? ;)

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I'm looking forward to wasting my money in the local cantina. I really hope people have enough RP spirit to actually be in there with me. I want to have meetings in the corner booths, and discuss future jobs. I want to get plastered, and share drinks with my comrades. I want to stare at the Twi'lek waitresses :p.


I want to buy a ship, and just casually fly through space. Once I save up my money again, I want to buy a speeder bike and go to Endor.


I want to participate in a PA war. I want to be outnumbered in an alley, and try to fight my way out.


I want to get a bounty on my head, and through the course of months (RL time), I want to participate in a cat and mouse game with the BH. I want to be stalked from street to street. I want to have multiple skirmishes with him, all ending in a draw, until that one fateful last duel. I will congratulate him afterwards, and honor him in some way.


I want to participate in a battlefield. I want to know that my fighting made a difference, and possibly paved the way for our victory.


I want to meet Boba Fett.


I want to be a Mercenary for hire, and take jobs from both sides. I want to do difficult tasks, spanning multiple planets, and experience the feeling of completing "the job to end all jobs."


I want to retire as a Weaponsmith, making my own specialized line of quality blasters, all named after the Jackrabbit. (ie. The Jackrabbit E-11 Blaster Rifle)


Once all is said and done, I want to return to the cantina, and once again have a drink with my friends.


As you can see, I've put some thought into this.

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Originally posted by Krymelord

What I want to know is what people are really interested in doing once they are in SWG. What are you looking forward to? What is the hook for you, that makes you really want to play this game?



For me personally, my character will be a creature handler. I am looking forward to the visual environment, finding all the locations with diverse wildlife and interacting with it. Sure blaster shootouts will be cool too, but I am most excited about interacting with the game environment. I am sure there will be a few times where I try to tame a creature and it all goes wrong. That will definately be the fun part for me. There are of course some other things that I am amped about, but I just wanted to get a feeling of what the community is looking forward to.


This may have already been asked, but I am fairly new here and wanted to get some input from the regular posters.


***Kaiser Spaso!!!! Before you answer "Being a Jedi". I want to know what about being a Jedi, most interests you. What do you want to do in game with your Jedi, that has you drooling over SWG.***








Aww man i want to do everything.........i want to travel the galaxy and see the sights......i want to help whenever and wherever i can.........a true keeper of the peace..and haveing the power of the force will be great also... i am also interested in the challenge of becoming a jedi.......i have grown bored of games i currently play and i feel they are no longer challenging

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Originally posted by Xx_Patman_xX

Spaso if you are so interested in being a Jedi and like MMO then buy Knights of the Old Republic. Your obsession with becoming a jedi is startng to annoy me.:)



incase you didn't read.......he specifically asked me what i would do with a jedi......i was only answering a question.......if you don't want to hear about my opinions then don't ask

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I'm looking forward to wasting my money in the local cantina. I really hope people have enough RP spirit to actually be in there with me. I want to have meetings in the corner booths, and discuss future jobs. I want to get plastered, and share drinks with my comrades. I want to stare at the Twi'lek waitresses

*joins JR in the cantina*


Barkeep, another round for me and my mates. :D

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Sidious, your PA can come to me for all of your armor needs, and go do dark moon for weaps. Ill definately give the Dark Sov PA a discount. And, possible the =A= PA will recieve a discount. If I decide to do weaps as well, then maybe dark moon and I can have like a joint weapon sales venture, and we could fasion really kick ass weapons for you, and to others for a fair price.

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Wow, so much to say on this thread...

First, Reaper, that is one boss sig.

Second, Jackrabbit, I think you have the right idea blowing a week's salary in the cantina, listening to those garbonzo-bean-headed musicians, and giving the Twi'lek waitress a little extra in her tip ;)

Oh, and what I am looking forward to most? Definatly leading Stormtroops. I mean seriously, have any of you seen that screenshot of the 8 Stormtroopers and 4 At-St's blasting the crap outa everything? I imagine myself in the front of this blissful masacre.

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Originally posted by Dark Moon

Yeah Reaper, if I have a store I'll have to add discounts for members of the boards ;)

Damn! That was my idea too:D


Maybe we could work together or set up a manufacturing corporation or something like that:D :D

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I'm looking forward to the personal interaction that is associated with an MMORPG; and not only an MMORPG, but a Star Wars MMORPG. My roommate and I have a LAN set up in our apartment also, so it will be awesome for us to be able to play together and be able to talk to each other at the same time so that we can work together and better coordinate our plans without having to take the time to chat. However, it will be awesome to chat with you all. I think that's the biggest seller for me, the interaction of such great people who all have 1 thing in common, either Imperial or Rebel, we all love Star Wars.


Oh yeah, and the #@*$&ing GRAPHICS!!!!!!! BOO YAH!

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