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Post count blues.. I'm sorry!


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I pruned one users's posts (via their own request) and thought "updating post counts" would be a good idea. Seconds later I realized it wasn't, and cancelled...


But I think about 2000 users had their post counts 'updated.'


What this means is that any of them that had "combined accounts" (when the move was made from individual site forums to "lucasforums" the giant mega forum... some accounts we deleted and "combined" by editing the post counts in the admin forum) will now have post counts that are their TRUE post counts and not what we'd made them to be (the bad side effect being any combined accounts will now be lower than before). Credits won't change though.


So anyway, any admin can go into the panel and modify the post counts manually to fix them.


I'm really sorry about this, I feel like an idiot. So if anybody has a problem with their post count, talk to me or another admin.


Again, sorry... won't happen again.

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Kurgan, you're just going to have to field the complaints then, I think every admin will make this mistake at some point. Just pay attention to help/feedback and watch for threads about post counts. Or, you could post a thread yourself explaining the situation.

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Originally posted by Silenthunter

Yeah, same here. But you know what's funny? I have more posts than you but you have more points than I do. Interesting.


It's probably because a larger portion of his posts came after the implementation of the points rule.


Same with me. I've got gallons of posts, but still, fewer points than most people with smaller post counts than me...

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