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New The Matrix Reloaded WHOLE SCENE

Bob Gnarly

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Originally posted by leXX

I'm not gonna watch it. I'm too spoiled for Reloaded. I've watched loads of sneak peaks and read far too much about the story as it is.


From now until I see the film, I'm gonna avoid Matrix threads alltogether.


you know you wont succeed.......:p

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

It's 8:15pm here now, Monday night. I'll be seeing the movie just before midnight on thursday night, so apart from new zealand, it's the world premiere :)


I'll be sure to come home and spoil it all for you :)


You lucky bastard :) And don't you dare spoilt it for me :mad:

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Erm.. no, 'burly brawl' would be the one playing during the 'burly brawl' :p


I think it's like the origonal Matrix where Don Davis composed 10 or so songs, then mix and interveaved them together to make new ones for every scene.


Then again, I've only listen to a few songs from the matrix that were on the offical site... I could be wrong.


Anyway, the clips were cool. I like the Tea House fight one :)


"I must apologize."


"For what?


"For this"




:D I have a feeling that this is gonna be on of my favorite scenes.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

WOW! :eek:


Anyways, my friend wants to know, are there gonna be sexually related scenes (as in sex) in the movie? His mom won't let him see it if they do.


Ya, there is one when Neo and Trinity are in Zion, but it isnt very revealing, its just :p you know:naughty:

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