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Metal Gear Solid 3

Bob Gnarly

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Wow that trailer looks pretty good, and I very much doubt it's fake: just by glancing at it, you've got that true MGS feel. However, I could be wrong. The graphics look lovely, and there's a very apparent change in the scenery. I'm looking forward to playing in the jungle ^^ So exciting:D

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Originally posted by MysticSpade

you guys are aware that it's only bein relased for the cube from now on right. no more PS2 MGS for us. which really stinks IMO


Nope, you're a little confused. This game (MGS3: Snake Eater) will be on the PS2 initially. The GameCube MGS (The Twin Snakes, or something similar) is a different game.

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

There will be a MGS for GameCube, but it won't be this one (at least not at first). MGS3 will launching on PS2, with X-Box, and possibly PC and Cube versions to follow.


No MGS 3 will be on PS3. Thats what they keep saying in PSM.

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Hey - there are gonna be DIFFERENT games across the consoles?


Waw! Thats sucks - there will be a loss of continuity in the storyline!


Ahwell - as long as that sweet looking MGS3 Jungle one is an X-Box game (lets face - what else could handle it :rolleyes: .....) I will be happy.


I would be happier STILL if they put the original 2 Metal gear games in as special unlockable features :)


And Raiden coming back - cool....


Gray Fox coming back - WAW! Surely not Ninja form....


Now doing remakes or fill-ins for the original two MG games would be alright, but he died in MGS - no WAY could come back - he was reduced to a bloody stain on the floor - LITERALLY!


*Ummm... theorising.... ;)*


Love to theorise about new games.... :p

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I'm not sure if that MGS3 trailer is really MGS3. If anyone has played the very first Metal Gear (on Nintendo) then they should recognize the setting. The original Metal Gear took place in a jungle environment just like in that trailer. Snake also had to contend with dogs in the original, like in that trailer. And since the MGS for Gamecube is actually just a remake of the first Metal Gear, I think that trailer is actually MGS: Twin Snakes.


I'm sure the PS2 can handle that jungle. But it would be soooooo sweet to have an exclusive Xbox MGS game. C'mon, there's only so far the PS2 can take the graphics. After seeing Halo 2 screens, I wish MGS would come to the 'box in all its glory.


But hey, it's just wishing.

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"Oh no, the truck have started to move."


Are you sure The Twin Snakes is the original Metal Gear? I've heard varying reports, some say it's Metal Gear, some say it's the first Metal Gear Solid.


If it is Metal Gear, then that could definitely be The Twin Snakes in that trailer. Snake does look younger than he did in MGS2.


"I feel asleep."

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

"Oh no, the truck have started to move."


Are you sure The Twin Snakes is the original Metal Gear? I've heard varying reports, some say it's Metal Gear, some say it's the first Metal Gear Solid.


If it is Metal Gear, then that could definitely be The Twin Snakes in that trailer. Snake does look younger than he did in MGS2.


"I feel asleep."


There were two games before what we know as MGS on the Playstation. THAT was the firts Metal Gear Solid, because it introduced Solid Snake (hence Solid).


I think Konami would have to be off their nuts to wanna redo that. So it must either be a new game, or a remake of the jungle based, dog infested games that preceeded NGS.


Which is probably cooler than a new one, as I tried t get the originals as I wanted to see the full storyline played out, but I couldn't. this would allow us all to go back and expereince the Zanzibar incident and mine-field fist fight for outselves!



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You can get the original Metal Gear by...somewhat legal means. I can't discuss it here.


I like that trailer and all, but a month or two ago I wrote my own trailer for Metal Gear Solid 3. I think it ended up okay. The beginning uses dialogue from MGS2 and then it goes into all the new stuff. Hope you like it.



(A black screen. Voices are heard)


Otacon= Snake, you there? It's me. I've finished going over that disc.


Snake= Did you find the Patriots' list?


Otacon= Of course. It contains the personal data of twelve people. There was a name on it -- Snake, it was one of our biggest contributors.


Snake= What's going on around here?


Otacon= I don't know...


Snake= Anyway, where are they?


Otacon= Well...we were right about them being on Manhattan, but...


Snake= But what?


Otacon= They're already dead. All twelve of them.


Snake= When did it happen?


Otacon= Well, ah...about a hundred years ago.


Snake= What the hell?


(MGS2 beginning music starts. "Konami Entertainment presents.." appears. It fades out and the Metal Gear Solid 3 logo fades in. The screen is black again)


Raiden= Who am I really...


(The screen fades in to a hallway reminiscent of those in MGS2. The camera view is moving down the hall as another voice speaks)


Ninja= I am like you...I have no name...


(Screams can be heard down the hallway)


Rose= Just weapons to be used on a battlefield. Just pawns in a game --exactly as you said.


Snake= There's no such thing in the world as absolute reality. Most of what they call real is actually fiction. What you think you see is only as real as your brain tells you it is.


(Reaching near the end of the hallway, the camera view turns towards a door. The screams are increasing in intensity)


Raiden= Then what am I supposed to believe in? What am I going to leave behind when I'm through?


(The door opens. Raiden is strapped to a metal rack with wires and tubes attached to his body. He has a VR helmet over his head. He lets out another yell as his body recoils from pain. He screams again as the camera view zooms out and the screen fades to black)


Otacon= Snake, are you ready for your next mission?


Snake= Ready?


(The screen fades into an airplane's loading bay. Snake can be seen putting on his gear in the background. Camera cuts to Snake's boots. The view pans up to Snake's face. Snake turns and looks at the camera just as he finishes putting on his bandanna)


Snake= I was born ready.


(The loading bay door opens and Snake jumps out. Fast-paced music ala "The Rock" starts up. Snake nosedives like he doesn't care. Cut to Raiden's face without the VR helmet. His eyes are red and marks where the tubes were once inserted are visible. Raiden's face goes in a wild snarl)




( A montage of scenes ensues accompanied by fast-paced new MGS3 music by Howard Shore. Snake sneaking around a jungle. Raiden in a new suit going hand-to-hand with terrorists dressed in urban fatigues. A skyscraper exploding. Ocelot twirling his guns and firing off shots towards the camera view. Snake in a gunfight on a city street. A car chase with Snake at the wheel and Raiden popping off rounds at a Metal Gear Ray. Just as the music reaches a high crescendo, Raiden and Snake are back to back, guns blazing. The music dies down as the screen cuts to another scene. Snake is following a blood trail down a hallway. The camera pans to Snakes face. Snake sees something and he looks shocked)


Snake= !


(The camera view swings behind Snake. Ocelot is lying against the wall, in a puddle of his own blood. His arm is missing. Snake hears a voice behind him)


Liquid Snake= Hello, brother...


(Snake spins around. The view stays on Snake's face)


Snake= Liquid?!


(The view cuts to Liquid's hand. The camera pans up slowly, revealing more of Liquid's arm. Tubes and cables can be seen running through the upper half of Liquid's forearm, leading to a cybernetic bicep. The screen fades to black. The Metal Gear Solid 3 logo fades in)


Liquid Snake= ...the perfect melding of man and machine...



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