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Originally posted by Mero Vilul

I would like to have the JK1 jumping back... when you hold the jump button and charge up the height of the jump... it was much better... now it feels like I'm flying... Don't like it...


Well I agree it was more realistiv in JK1, but I don't know if I'd like it. It would be more of a challenge though, so probably good. But it must be bound to space, or I'll hate it as I did in JK1 :)

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Originally posted by Mero Vilul

I would like to have the JK1 jumping back... when you hold the jump button and charge up the height of the jump... it was much better... now it feels like I'm flying... Don't like it...


I think I'd prefer that for SP. I don't really mind about MP. In SP, in the later levels where your Force Jump power had increased significantly, it became increasingly difficult just to do a small jump onto the top of a crate, especially in places with lower ceilings. If they don't intend to fix that, then I wish they would introduce 'mantling', so you can just climb on top of something instead of having to whack your head on the ceiling because you jump too high...


In MP, I don't really notice it so much, because there's no real need to jump indoors.


As for the animations...I think they might tweak them, but as others have stated there were quite a few jump animations in JO. What I might like to see is some way of making it easier to pull off some of the cooler jumps, like the sideways float and the butterfly.

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Originally posted by Mero Vilul

I would like to have the JK1 jumping back... when you hold the jump button and charge up the height of the jump... it was much better... now it feels like I'm flying... Don't like it...

Actually you aquired the highest Force Jump in JK by giving the force jump key a very short tap. But yeah I wouldn't mind it like that , or at least more JUMP like and less... float like o.o

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I think I'd prefer that for SP. I don't really mind about MP. In SP, in the later levels where your Force Jump power had increased significantly, it became increasingly difficult just to do a small jump onto the top of a crate, especially in places with lower ceilings. If they don't intend to fix that, then I wish they would introduce 'mantling', so you can just climb on top of something instead of having to whack your head on the ceiling because you jump too high...


One small thing- JK force jump would slam you into the cieling in such a place and do damage...I personally like the "flying" in JO....

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Originally posted by boinga1

One small thing- JK force jump would slam you into the cieling in such a place and do damage...I personally like the "flying" in JO....


Yeah, you have a point. Now you mention it, I remember doing that too. Hmmm....mantling should definitely be in there. :D

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Originally posted by boinga1

One small thing- JK force jump would slam you into the cieling in such a place and do damage...I personally like the "flying" in JO....

Indeed. I remember thinking:


"Wow, I'm playing a Jedi! Look at me go!" *WHAM!*


"Wow, I'm a poor Jedi." :(

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JK1/MotS had an interesting way of doing it, namely that if you weren't careful, you could hurt (or even kill) yourself with Speed and Jump! (smashing into a wall on canyon oasis was always quite funny, or crashing to your doom after blowing somebody up with your concussion rifle in mid-air).


I just assumed that in JK2, you had "perfected" the powers so that you wouldn't hurt yourself with them. But perhaps these "features" could be added back, say if you didn't assign enough points to them.


Or perhaps your powers could be "supercharge" (sacrafice safety and control for overall power).


Still, in JK2 you jump MUCH higher than you ever could in JK1/MotS, but Force Speed has been severally nerfed (Rage is closer to JK1's speed). Then again, the entire game has been slowed down in JK2, so that explains it somewhat.


I like how you "picked up speed" by running for a longer time in JK1... that was a nice touch.


Speaking of nice touches.. I liked how in JK1 your sabers worked underwater (but your swings were limited) + great swimming animations and your shots were "angled" by the water if you fired into it. JK2 you were just "flying" (as if you were zero-g in space) or treading water and your saber fizzled out (? huh? this only happens offscreen in the pre-Empire days, watch AOTC for example...) when it got wet.

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"Speaking of nice touches.. I liked how in JK1 your sabers worked underwater (but your swings were limited) + great swimming animations and your shots were "angled" by the water if you fired into it"


You know, speaking of swiming, i hope they get that in the new game, it wasnt in JO, and I havent seen anyone mention it on the forums yet.

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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo

You know, speaking of swiming, i hope they get that in the new game, it wasnt in JO, and I havent seen anyone mention it on the forums yet.

I believe you can swim in JO. Can't you?
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I really don't like the slow mo effect for force speed, I like running like a bat out of hell in multiplayer and I would love to see the same in single player. Plus its kind weird to control when your trying to slice somone with your lightsaber when your on force speed.


As for force jump I would love to see some more movie like animations and it needs to be a lot faster, look how fast luke jumped out of the Carbonation chamber, yeah! just a bit faster would be cool. More animations the better thats what i always say!

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Originally posted by Prime

I believe you can swim in JO. Can't you?


Well...you can move under water, but I wouldn't exactly call it swimming. They didn't have very good swimming animations...they did much better with Corvus in Heretic II, so I was pretty disappointed. Anyway, the only level where I found I could go under water was in teh Yavin swamp.


I'd definitely like to see a return of fully-fledged swimming in JA...with some nice big underwater areas, like JK had. Also...if I fall into water from an acceptable height...I don't want to die like I did in JO...

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Although the height of jumps in JK may be better than JO, JO's implimentation is much better.


In JK, you hold down for X milliseconds and then jump depending on how long you held it. The problem is, you don't know how high you're really going to jump. You could easily overshoot or undershoot your target. With JO, you hold it down and let go when you want to stop. Missing your target is like impossible now.

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In JK, you hold down for X milliseconds and then jump depending on how long you held it. The problem is, you don't know how high you're really going to jump. You could easily overshoot or undershoot your target. With JO, you hold it down and let go when you want to stop. Missing your target is like impossible now.


Yup, I agree on that

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IN JO NPC's are albe to Kartwheel, I would like to see your own character to bee able to do this, this would enable a newer/quicker form of evasion.


The idea of gender of your character in the game should link with jumping, the gender should effect strength, style etc. For example a female jedi should have more style and finnesse whilst a male jedi should be able to jump higher.


This brings up another idea of mine the should be different moves available to different gender of jedi.



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