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NDA Lifting?


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Does anyone have an idea of when they will lift the NDA, I saw somewhere they said it would happen pretty soon and said probably after they showcased it at E3. Also How many beta testers are there right now? They said they would up the number of beta testers to around 50,000 after the NDA was lifted.

So just wondering.


:lightning :

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Whats the point in having an NDA, if another company copies them, why doesnt SOE jus sue them.


Well, it's to prevent copyright infringement, and suing another company can get much more complicated and would somehow or rather hamper with the game development process too.

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A lot of the reason behind the NDA is the fact that the game is not finished yet, so if people go online and rant about all the problems with it then some people may take that meaning the game will suck when it comes out.

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A lot of the reason behind the NDA is the fact that the game is not finished yet, so if people go online and rant about all the problems with it then some people may take that meaning the game will suck when it comes out.


It's true, however, there're other ways for beta testers to say how sucky a game is by saying how buggy,unstable,dull without violating the NDA.

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You are right JK luke, it would be very simple to say that the game is simply buggy and will be fine by release. however, some people dont have the ability to speek English in a fashion that will please SOE. Many people will try to convince others that this game sucks if they are having a problem with a few minor bugs. Keep in mind the just because these people got into beta they have a clue about NDA, debugging, or reporting problems, heck, I doubt half the people read the NDA rules. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by J.K Luke

It's true, however, there're other ways for beta testers to say how sucky a game is by saying how buggy,unstable,dull without violating the NDA.


But if it in anything within the game which it is, they can be breaking the NDA in a certain sense. :p

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I thought the NDA was to protect content. In that sense you could talk about status, I mean, SOE isnt going to tell beta testers when the game is officially going to be released or when NDA is up. So ismply say the status of the game is buggy.

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NDA is there for several reasons.


1) So companies won't rip ideas off until the game is in production already.

2) Just think of the game as an invention. If the invention isn't finished and people see it that way, then they'll judge it before it's finished and that could be the end of the invention.

3) Hearing people under 18yrs old complain that they can't be in beta;)*

4) So people can discuss things about the game that are not finalized.


*Well at least the first few stages.

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Originally posted by UnfrozenCaveman

NDA is there for several reasons.


1) So companies won't rip ideas off until the game is in production already.

2) Just think of the game as an invention. If the invention isn't finished and people see it that way, then they'll judge it before it's finished and that could be the end of the invention.

3) Hearing people under 18yrs old complain that they can't be in beta;)*

4) So people can discuss things about the game that are not finalized.


*Well at least the first few stages.


I couldn't of said it any better myself. :D

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Originally posted by J.K Luke

ahh yes caveman, you hit the nail. I believe that the first main reason why there's an NDA is to block competitors from stealing ideas :)


But still, beta testers probally would give competitors previews. Just to annoy sony. :p

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ReApEr: But still, beta testers probally would give competitors previews. Just to annoy sony.


StarWarsPhreak: and no, a Beta tester would not sell info just to annoy Sony, because if that tester got caught.... that tester would be in big bantha poodoo


There you go :laughing:

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Originally posted by J.K Luke

ReApEr: But still, beta testers probally would give competitors previews. Just to annoy sony.


StarWarsPhreak: and no, a Beta tester would not sell info just to annoy Sony, because if that tester got caught.... that tester would be in big bantha poodoo


There you go :laughing:


Mmm, i can read. I do not need someone to quote the answer to my question for me. :p


But what the hell, your hired. :)

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