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Are You Mother ****ing Ready!

For The New ****!....Reload


3 DAYS TIL Matrix Reloaded


last night I saw the documentary

Matrix Revisited, it was so good.


I worked this weekend

on someones stuff on my

computer, I have some Doss.

I am going to buy a ticket

for thursday

(if any are still left.)

as you might guess


for the second part

of the Matrix trilogy.

*and I believe, I think*

'Matrix Revolutions'

might even be released in November.

(there is also the game.

(with plot line vital

to this movie.


and... my first owned

or will be Anime.

theAnimatrixJune 3rd.


as you can see by my avitar

and profile, I am Matriculating myself.

*guess maybe I like the Matrix huh?*



(oh I also own

the Matrix Reloaded Album

I did a CD review for it in

Darth Groovy's site The Manipulation.

it is themaipulation dot com.)



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Heh, yeah, I'm looking forward to all the Matrix stuff that's coming out this year. I hope you've managed to check out the 4 episodes of the Animatrix that were released publicly on http://www.intothematrix.com. They're pretty "rad".


Also, the game is called Enter The Matrix, and it starts, chronologically just before the events in the Matrix Reloaded. Amazingly, the game has video footage that you won't see in any of the films, starring all the stars of the Matrix, which is uncommon for video games that are based on film series. Well, okay, Billy Dee Williams did reprise his role as Lando in Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, but shh.


I hope to see the movie soon, but I doubt that I'll get to the first couple weeks that it's out because of school (cue the weepface) :~


Anyway, good luck to everyone trying to get tickets :rolleyes:

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I saw it last night weeee. It was awesome and all but it just didn't have the charm of the first movie weeeee. I guess no matter how high your expectations, you're not exactly going to be blown away when they are adequately met weeee.


Also, they showed the trailer for T3 and I have to say, it looks pretty damn cool*.





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actually in all fairness reloaoded is like the middle of the stroy, so when all three are released you can say, gee I loved the first part of the movie it kind of dragged and lost its charms in the middle and or rather the end was...

glad to see you have a custom title, yess it is so special.;)

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I went watching it last week and i thought it was ok, however its been a while since i watched the first one so there was a lot og the stuff that didnt make sense to me. Matrix 1 was on channel 5 in the uk last week but i was workin so i missed it :(


I did think the special effects were great though, some of the best ive seen in a while, and the fight sequences were great also.:)

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I just got reloaded a few days ago. Seems my expectations were right: it was good in general, nice fightscenes, good plot etc. but I still think that all the fighting became a little boring in the end. They could also have concentrated a bit more on the story itself.

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Yeah, I really liked it too even though it did seem a little over the top in places. But some of those action scenes and special effects were so totally wow that I would recommend it to anyone. Definitely looking forward to seeing the next one!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I personally thought it was great and almost matched up to the first. I thought it was going to be bad because in trilogies the second never introduced anything new, but I was wrong. I had low expectations when you all had high ones. So I guess that's what gives me the right to rudely judge your opinion. But hey, it's what i do.

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