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Ultimate Star Wars v Star Trek argument

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Now now, no need to...THINK FAST!




Ha! weren't expecting that now were ya? Yipe!


*Runs away*


Where is Rhett? I would of figured he'd be here or at least be told of this "Potential" flame war. Lets just put this to the side and put the broken bottles down...

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Originally posted by observer_20000

My friends, allow me to enlighten you...

YES! That's the site! Man...I've been looking for this site forever...typed in all sorts of stuff and missed it...this time it's going on bookmark. Good times good times...


*walks away dancing to the beat laid down on Eets by Homer*

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

Where is Rhett? I would of figured he'd be here or at least be told of this "Potential" flame war. Lets just put this to the side and put the broken bottles down...


Originally posted by Darth Homer

now really, you guys stop or I'll either get Rhett to close this thread or I'll just delete it.


*shakes fists*


He's not the only mod here, yaknow :p


*points at his status*

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True I was "Trolling", as you people so eloquently put it, but its not the flippin' end of the world, does everyone want this to be some prudish conservative country club or something?


I still think y'all ovvereacted, especially observer there who's obviously trying to paint himself as some sort of martyr to the big bad trollish Clefo :rolleyes: I tried to reason with you, but you had to act all "Holier Than Thou" about it.


I'm not making any apologies, because no one here (myself included) deserves any.

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