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What do you call Pepsi?

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by kstar__2

here in the netherlands we call it cola, or "something fresh":D


Right... Cola is the dutch word for Coke I think... In France, when you order a 'cola' of some sort (whether it's pepsi or whatever), you say 'coca'.


So I guess the Europeans call it coke, but in their own language :)


Oh and 'pop' sounds ridiculous. I keep getting vision of parents saying to their children 'you want some pop then?'... It sounds like.... childish, can't help it!


Oh and 'soft drinks' are just non-alcoholic beverages, with or without bubbles, I think... And with that I don't mean milk or something :)

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

You know, if you cut one of my veins open right now, Pepsi would squirt out. It would! Diet Pepsi namely. I have drank diet Pepsi most of my life. Regular Pepsi gives me a stomach ache, but Pepsi-One is the BOMB, but not always featured in all vending machines, and restaurants.



I agree. Diet Pepsi always seems to taste better and stay crisper longer.


What's the matter with you people!? Who really cares what it's called, but me personally, living in Colorado, call it pop.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Being a citizen of Georgia my entire life, I feel I am the only one on these forums that has the right to make the decision for what the southerners call Pepsi.


Hey I was born in Georgia, a little place called Newnan. Now I live in NC thats still the south. So your not the only southerner.

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Originally posted by Matt-Liell

Here up north in Canada we call whatever the drink is by its name. Sure we say Pop but thats just a kind of drink, we ask for a Pepsi by saying "Hey can I have a Pepsi please? Thanks man!"



what he said. but we also say: ZED and not ZEE.


ZED is the correct pronunciation.


Its the same with certain words and thier correct spelling.






(there are more words but since I'm looking for them I wont remember them until later on)


Oh well, at least the Brits understand us Canucks.

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