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OK, hot news! In addition to Wraith Unleashed (thread) and Armed and Dangerous (thread) there was also an announcement for Sam & Max Freelance Police™ from LucasArts!


from the press release:

...a whimsical miasma of fur-flying action, hare-pulling puzzles, and unnerving cross-species jocularity.

Seeing the screenshots I was torn between happiness ("it's Sam, it's Max") and feeling slightly queasy ("uhm, the 3D looks odd").



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It looks assy. So did the early shots of FT2, and the more recent shots of that game look pretty decent. But even if the same happens with this, you have to wonder why LucasArts keep putting out these godawful early pictures.


Also, the E3 forum is now up.

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Definitely an improvement on Full Throttle 2. I mean, if I were to be all CRITICAL then I'd say "they look a little jagged", but I'm sure that these are fairly early, undetailed models.


Anyway, I'm excited, looks promising so far, and you just have to love the concept art.

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If you take a look at the other Sam & Max art on the site I'd say the look is pretty final (remember that they used pre-rendered images for FT2's pages). Also the quality of the screenshots isn't bad. It's high poly, nice shading, and curved surfaces. Also they use some filter that creates depth haziness.


Did anybody watch the trailer? I guess the graphics look better in motion.


edit: W O W ! I like the trailer! Smooth as hell.

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It can't be that near completion, there's only 2 screenshots which both look like advertisements and as far as I can see, no story yet (there is obviously a story, but on the FT2 site, we actually get a sneak peek into it, unlike this)


I'm actually really annoyed because apparently, i'm missing something from quicktime which i cannot get online and so can't see the trailer. i have QT5, i'f i download 5 pro, will it work (i don't care, i'm downloading it anyway)

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Okay, so was going to edit my last message, but someone posted so never mind.


Yeah, so forget the whole QT thing, I downloaded QT6 and now it works, just downloading the trailer (which looks good so far, but with a 128k DSL connection, can't get much).


By the way, the consept art looks great, but it has the same style as the background art to CMI, dontcha think?



Downloaded it, it looks great! Although I do agree in the thinking that much of that probably wasn't gameplay footage, but probably cutscene footage, or just composites for the trailer. But I would ahve to say that the whole degrading dancing thing looks like something we'd have to do in the game and so would be part of gameplay in which case, the graphics looks great (and still has the cartoony edge to it). Can't wait.

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Haha yeah, its only concept art and it looks the same! Especially picture 7.

Anyway, assuming that they are previews of the finished thing, and not a preview of a 3D scene from one view point, it looks almost certain that this is a fully fledged ye olde adventyre game.

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