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The trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


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Well, the game does look nice with all the new saber moves, and some of the new things added. The rancor looks just unbelievable. However, I think that perhaps Raven should add a strafe lock to the game. For example, your strafe is locked and you cannot move left or right to avoid. You should then have a dodge key implemented, that lets you avoid moves by dodging back, left, or right (maybe by either jumping to the left [left strafe-type jump] or a dodge with the body) . Also, I hope that manual blocking can also be implemented.


I really don't expect Raven to do the aforementioned anyhow. Although, there are many modders out there who can probably figure this out. It would be cool to see.

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OMFG!! I loved that trailer!!!


Though it seems that my favourite idea, force telekinesis, won't be in SP.


I sure hope it's implemented in MP to at least some extent.


BTW - did you notice that the jedi pushed that one guy off the cliff? I didn't hear him yell "LAMER!!!" when falling ... so let's keep that whole whining-thing out of JA, shall we? :)

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Originally posted by Rupeshvaswani

However, I think that perhaps Raven should add a strafe lock to the game.


Like in Blade Of Darkness? How on earth would you fight against multiple opponents? What about MP? Guns?


I can assure you that they won't add that. The game is too far along and that idea is horrible considering first person shooters.


Manual blocking would be cool especially in MP. It seemed to work somewhat well in Promod. :)


Oh well, we'll see.

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Here's a direct link to the trailer:




Downloading right now :)



Well I was a bit dissapointed with the trailer, it's pretty short and you don't see that much different things... I liked the JO trailer better :D


But it's cool to see the sabers in action, I saw a twi'lek with two sabers doing some kind of DFA... with two sabers at the same time :confused:

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Actually that was a finishing move, concidering that Tusken was already floored.

(and on the Yoda in KotOR thing, that's impossible, Kotor takes place 4000 years before ANH, Yoda was born rhoughly about 900 years before ANH, if anything it's a person of the same species as Yoda)

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Manual blocking would be cool especially in MP.

From the clip, I get a sense that there won't be manual blocking in JA. Apart from some different moves, the lightsaber combat seems quite similar to JO. Which is fine with me really.
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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

In any case it's a being of the same, or similar species to that of Yoda's.


yup u're right. it was confirmed so. i can't dig up the info because it was in a very old preview

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I'm almost sure there's wounds marks on the game but there's something strange about it. in the first half of the trailer the male human has a clean back, but in the second half he has a glowy red wound on his back, the strange is that when the twi'lek hits the tuskens no marks appears, and also there's saber clipping in the floor roll, but this are insignificants details, the game is still great.


offtopic, if Kotor is 4000 years b4 ANH and a Yoda can live up to 1000 years aprox. can he be Yoda's Grampa? will they finally say what is Yoda?.

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First - Jedi Academy is my *most wanted* game. I will probably also get KOTOR when it hits PC, but I'm looking forward to JA more than DX2, HL3, Doom3, Tron 2, EF2, etc ...


That said, I liked the trailer quite a bit, but it lacks the 'WOW' factor of the HL2 and Doom3 spots. I think that is largely because we already know this game in a way - I see it similar to seeing a MotS trailer - evolution over revolution. The game plays fast and detailed - I can't wait to get into it.




As for thinking someone from 4000 years pre-Ep1 is Yoda ... as ObiWan would say "Use the Force ... THINK" ;)


Or from Yoda himself "Strong am I in the Force, but not THAT strong..."



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Are those "red things" wound marks? I swore they were using "Dark Rage"... however the "Wampa" thing has only a portion of his body "lit up" so maybe I'm wrong.


Maybe its some new power.. like a "drain" that works more slowly on the enemies health, or a shield system of some sort (but on a Wampa?).


Anyway, that "Z-95 Headhunter" could simply be an X-Wing with its X-foils in "standby" position (or whatever the opposite of "attack position" is). Some fanboy who knows more than me speak up...

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looks like rage.

watch the part where he is fighting those guys again.

The one on the right side of the screen is in rage but comes out of it and slows down just like in jk2.


as for that big monster thing, yeah I noticed it as well.

but in jk2 if strapping rocks to the chest of a person was part of the story maybe rage/dark side stuff plays a part of the story in a way like the crystal junk did in jk2.

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I just skimmed over this thread.


The sabers in the original trilogy (particularly ANH) did not give off light to the surroundings. This was likely because of graphical limitations at the time. Even the dudes bodies didn't get lit up. Now the new movies have that feature.


Which is better? I don't know.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

I had that too, I just copied the link to the .mov in mass downloader and it worked :) DAP should work too :)


NO, i mean when i am watching the trailer. it just shutts down...quiktime heeft een fout ver oorzaakt, and needs to be closed blablabla

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... I was talking about the red glowy mark on the back and left flank of the human male jedi or (main character) that you see. watch fourth frame of 1:11 and second frame of 1:22 you can see a horizontal red glowy line on the character much like those on previus screenshots.

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I know some people were concerned that lightstaff and dual lightsaber animations might be cheap, like the lightstaff being one handed. I assure you this isn't the case. Although the lightstaff has one handed moves, if you watch the trailer slowly (it goes by so fast) you'll notice many times where two hands are holding and swinging.


Reason for this? Probably that Darth Maul's strict two handed style is overused in games and it's all over fan films. I'm guessing Raven wanted to create a newer style, probably a combination of his, Exar Kun's one handed, and other elements.


And if you watch it slowly, you'll catch glimpse of some incredible dual saber action, some butterfly like spin moves with dual sabers, and some new Force getup animations. :)

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

I just skimmed over this thread.


The sabers in the original trilogy (particularly ANH) did not give off light to the surroundings. This was likely because of graphical limitations at the time. Even the dudes bodies didn't get lit up. Now the new movies have that feature.


Which is better? I don't know.


Eh, EP2 had a bit of colored lighting on the faces in that one duel, but other than that it was still nonexistant. You'd literally have to recreate the entire scene in 3D to get shadows to cast properly, which isn't going to happen anytime soon.

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