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SP & MP Difficulty compared to JK2


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Ok, plain and simple :D, I suck at JKII. I get my ass beat in multiplayer and single player is hard. Should I even bother getting JA? I mean will it be easier, have more options, etc? I was in the Jedi Academy for a while which helped a little, but I hardly played for the longest time. Should I get JA or just stick with KoToR?

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What's the problem anyways? Why do you suck?


You prefer to use a joystick instead of the mouse or the default key-config? You insist on using 1600x1200 resolution although your comp can't handle it?


If you're set up alright, all you need is practise. :)

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Originally posted by [LJC]ReDMaStEr

Yeah I totally agree with that post. All it takes to become a good player is a lot of practice. Try to find some nice clan people online and ask them to train you. You will find that your skill will progress and before you know it you will be an expert!


Just try to find the style that fits you the best. (I.e. I usually play by switching saber stances back and forth when I'm dueling.)

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Being from the 'old school', and having kids while the "arrow key to WASD/Mouse" transition took place, I feel your pain. Duke 3D I could do ... Quake was another story. It wasn't until I picked up JK/MotS (I was late to that party ... 1999) that I knew I needed to learn - I was getting crushed by the game.


The new generation of shooters makes it impossible to play without full, immediate 3D world viewability. You need to be fast, aware and accurate ... or you will die. Of course, we all (at least the honest ones ;) ) die occasionally (or play on a skill level too low for ourselves). But it is all about practice. And don't worry about JKII - the first 5 levels (non-saber) are very difficult. I found them harder than most early levels on other new FPS games (like RtCW, MoHAA, and SoFII). Just keep at it, save often, and aim (like that helps with the stormie rifle :D )



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Originally posted by txa1265

Being from the 'old school', and having kids while the "arrow key to WASD/Mouse" transition took place, I feel your pain. Duke 3D I could do ... Quake was another story. It wasn't until I picked up JK/MotS (I was late to that party ... 1999) that I knew I needed to learn - I was getting crushed by the game.


Heh. The first time I played DOOM, I went all the way through it before someone told me I could circle/strafe - which made the whole game a lot easier. :D


And don't worry about JKII - the first 5 levels (non-saber) are very difficult. I found them harder than most early levels on other new FPS games (like RtCW, MoHAA, and SoFII). Just keep at it, save often, and aim (like that helps with the stormie rifle :D )


Yes, I tend to agree with you. The major problem I had was the aiming reticule, which tries to keep track of enemies. I found that by turning it off I did better. Er...here's the command (if I remember it correctly)


Bring down the console with SHIFT ~ (or on a UK keyboard SHIFT ¬), then type HelpUsObi 1 and press RETURN, and then type cg_drawDynamicCrosshair 0 (I think) and RETURN. Then get back into the game, and the crosshair should remain in the centre of the screen all of the time.


A good tactic is to keep moving, and try to circle-strafe around targets while firing at them. Fire at explosive crates where possible to take down Stormies as they approach/run past them.


The game does get easier when you finally get the lightsaber.


I assume you're playing SP on Padawan difficulty level, which obviously makes the game easier.


Anyway...as for JA...it is likely to be very similar to JO, so all I can recommend is keep practicing on JO until you manage to beat it, in preparation for JA.

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Of course, I (as well as many here, I assume) really 'get in the zone' when weilding the saber ... like no other weapon on any other game. By later missions I'm just moving through, smooth as silk ... I am really looking forward to JA ...



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When it comes to difficulty, I prefer complicated missions, and more powerful enemies (smarter, not just taking more hits to kill).


Galak Fyar was a good idea, as were the Shadowtroopers. Hopefully JA will follow a similar route.


Bad ways to do it are lots and lots of Jump puzzles and too many instant kill traps (especially if you have a slow computer that has to load a long time if you die). I think the difficulty in the later missions of JK2 was about right on "normal" difficulty.


As to MP, well, the bots could use a lot of work. Once you learned the game, they were pretty easy to beat consistently.


I would definately go with JA if you want multiplayer and FPS action.


Check out my site too, if you want to further hone your skills...

; )

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The MOST IMPORTANT thing you need to do if you want to start on a higher learning curve than 90% of other players is to play through SP as quickly as possible, on the highest skill setting possible, with as few savegames as possible. All you need to do is force yourself to complete it, and you'll be a fricking madman when the time comes to enter the MP world.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

When it comes to difficulty, I prefer complicated missions, and more powerful enemies (smarter, not just taking more hits to kill).


Galak Fyar was a good idea, as were the Shadowtroopers. Hopefully JA will follow a similar route.


Bad ways to do it are lots and lots of Jump puzzles and too many instant kill traps <snip>


I just finished playing the Elite Force II SP demo. The enemies you see are small, medium and large, and take a small, medium and large amount of hits to kill. I know you battle intelligent enemies in the real game, but the demo shows what I *don't* want to fight in a real game - wave after wave of mindless enemies, varying only by the amount of damage they do me and amount of hits they take to kill.


I actually liked *some* of the jump puzzles. But I agree that they should be optional - perhaps the 'short way' to a door you need to get through. I'd like to hear an off-screen voice "Well ... it's either practice my jumps or find another way around ... " and each should have dangers and rewards.


I also think that you should 'create' jump puzzles for youself. Picture Doom_Comm. Imagine that when you went down to the comm array there was a air car that brought you from cell to cell. And that it had one of those aliens in it, holding a keypad. If you blast him or saber throw, you kill him but destroy the keypad, and Kyle says (oh great, now I get some more jumping practice). If you jump over and saber him, you can fly from room to room.


I also like Galak - he really broke the game up perfectly at that point. Very frustrating ... much dying (mine more than his). I really liked the Shadowtroopers. You can see them switching stances after you know what it looks like. There's one 'off the main path' in the Yavin Swamp I always seek out for a good fight.


Another bad way ... cheater AI. Like MoHAA sniper alley ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

I actually liked *some* of the jump puzzles.

I don't mind a few, but make them realistic. Perhaps make them as a fast route compared to the regular one. The problem I had with the ones in JO is that no one would construct things like that. How would the regular people get around some of those areas? They were so obviously jump puzzles. It prefer that there at least be the appearance that there was a more realistic route. Then just make the jumping route much more appealing.
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That's true Prime. They should at least provide an excuse, like some gantries blowing up, or a bridge collapsing or something.


Also, jump puzzles are more interesting when they're both less fiddly, and time related. I'd like to negotiate a collapsed gantry network before a huge bomb goes off, I just wouldn't like to negotiate a FIDDLY gantry network over a period of five hours and five-hundred reloads.

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