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The Galactic Economy

Devlyyn Sarr

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Forgive me if this has been discussed before but I'm a little worried as to how the entire economy will work in SWG. From what I've read, the crafting system will be perhaps the most advanced yet developed for a game of this type. To me, making blasters, droids, armor, mining, being an architect, and eventually even building ships sounds really awesome but I'm wondering if it could be too appealing? Not that I think that everyone playing SWG would be in the merchant class but if you have a sufficient number then the supply is going to be huge while the demand will be that much smaller. Normally I wouldnt think thats a big problem but i'm wondering how the market system will work. Will there be constant shouts in the big cities from people trying to sell their wares or will everthing be done through a faceless computerized system? Are the days of p2p trade windows obsolete? LOL hopefully i'm just being paranoid...all these econ classes are getting to me :rolleyes:;) What do you guys (and gals ;) ) think?


btw this could also apply to other professions as well. I would hate to live in a Star Wars univerise populated soley by Storm Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers and Jedi wannabe's :eek: !

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I have a feeling that supply and demand will go into effect. Some people just won't cut it, while others will have their equipment heavily sought after. Remember, there are plenty of other things to experiment with in SWG. You may find that being a Scout was what your true calling was.

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Originally posted by sexxxy_mark

best example of supply and demand in the gaming community:

Diablo 2.

well S&D at a VERY accelorated rate anyhow...

duplications...price lowering...

lack of dupes...price raising...


not to mention eBay...heh


Ebay, lol. Do they sell items in games on ebay?? :p

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E-Bay auctions was actually one of the things that dragged EQ down. Oh well, back to subject:


Yes, there will be many ways to sell items. You can put up a store, you can even hire a droid to mend the store. You can put the items up for sale on terminals (think of it as an ingame E-Bay), or you can sell the items in person. Hopefully, these ways will compliment themselves.


As for the 'will all players be artisans', I don't know. Come to think of it, you'll have to put a large percentage of your skills into crafting if you are to be one of the best artisans; you can't be the best artisan around while being one of the best fighters around. And yes, there'll be a lot of people wanting to be the best fighters around. Since we have item decay, us fighters will always have a need to update our equipment, so there will hopefully always be a deal around the corner for you artisans.


But I agree with you, the artisan potential in this game is great! And mind you, that is good for us non-artisans too, since shopping will be so much funnier when there's a gazillion of items out there, and when it's up to the artisan whether they'll be designed to look good or not.

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I believe you can't create models for your items, but we can select our to be crafted items.


We also can modify them. This depends on what products you use to craft this item.


For example: a by your handmade and modified E-11 can be totaly different than my, because of the different parts we can use to build and upgrade one.

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Originally posted by setsuko


Since we have item decay, us fighters will always have a need to update our equipment, so there will hopefully always be a deal around the corner for you artisans.



This is also my opinion.

I still don't know who I will be in the game, a fighter or an artisan, but I think that I could enjoy both in the same way :)

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Originally posted by J.K Luke

good call set.


Ok, talking about item crafting, will the artisans be able to select the graphics models for their crafted items or possibly create models for it?


You will be able to choose colours. The graphic model of the component is altered in some way by what raw material you use. And the final item is altered by what components you you. So there's a lot of experimenting into making as sweet an item as possible...

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Originally posted by setsuko

You will be able to choose colours. The graphic model of the component is altered in some way by what raw material you use. And the final item is altered by what components you you. So there's a lot of experimenting into making as sweet an item as possible...


ooo many variations possible then...


btw, is a you you the same as a yoo hoo?:D :D

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Is SWG the first MMORPG to allow players to move skill points around without penalties?


Another economic concept is the idea of free entry and exit. What I mean by this is that because no game is truly perfectly balanced, could the ease of the skill point system be more harmful than good? When I played DAoC I became a Tailor--not be choice exactly, but because I chose this profession early on and couldnt really switch. Anyway, I made the best of it and kept on...tailoring;) . My point is that there were times where I would have switched to become a weaponsmith or something cooler if I could, but it would mean having wasted all that time as a tailor. With the introduction of these free skill points, IMHO, it could create some real balance issues. All I keep thinking of is tons of websites for the "uber" bounty hunter and the "133t" smuggler. And with the ability to move skill points it would be even easier to follow these templates. Hey, maybe then someone could start a clone war :eek::D ?

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Originally posted by Devlyyn Sarr

Is SWG the first MMORPG to allow players to move skill points around without penalties?


No. When you have reached your maximum skill points, you will have to sacrifice skills for you to be able to learn new skills. It still takes time. You'll still have to earn it like everyone else. So no, no juggling around with your skill tree. Rather, it allows you to correct past mistakes, or even change your professions entirely, if you get bored. But it is a slow process.

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There are a lot of game mechanics inserted into the game to help keep the player economy up and running. But remember, it is still a Player Run economy. It will fluctuate like a real economy. Merchants will try to drive prices up, and consumers will have to shop for the best deals. But inevitably competition and "advertising" will keep the market fairly stable. It will be rougher at the start, but that is also what makes it fun. The beauty of a player run system is that although it can have its flaws (saturated markets, supply/demand imbalance, and stagnation) the community as a whole can also decide what is valuable and necessary. And over time it will have the ability for specialized markets, corporations and product availability that is unmatched by a non-fluid economic system.


Overall it is a risk that the DEVs are taking with this system, but they also know that a system like this will eventually thrive and probably be the staple for most MMO's of the future. We will just have to ride out a small storm before it takes off.



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