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You guys seen this?

Capt Wedge

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sorry it didnt link to the thread.


hear is a paste




If you had visited http://cargobay.starwars.com/webapps/cargobay/browse/52/20-10 a little over an hour ago, you would have seen SWG on that page with a release date of June 25th listed. Note that this was on the starwars.com site. But now when you go to that site you see this message:

"All this excitement has overrun the circuits of some starwars.com systems. If you don't mind, we're taking them down for maintenance." - C-3PO


Very interesting I think. Don't you agree?



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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

I can't seem to find the thread now, i think the admins have tried to cover it up. I think something hot is going down. :eek:;)


Yeah, they're getting ready to sack the idiot who posted a release date that was too aggressive :)

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Here is a copy of the whole thread as it stands now.






If you had visited http://cargobay.starwars.com/webapps/cargobay/browse/52/20-10 a little over an hour ago, you would have seen SWG on that page with a release date of June 25th listed. Note that this was on the starwars.com site. But now when you go to that site you see this message:

"All this excitement has overrun the circuits of some starwars.com systems. If you don't mind, we're taking them down for maintenance." - C-3PO


Very interesting I think. Don't you agree?




Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:32 AM user search report post


If that is indeed the case, then I agree, this is very interesting indeed.



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:32 AM user search report post


somebody let the cat out of the bag a little early?



Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:32 AM user search report post


And you didn't do a "Alt-Print Screen" Screenshot?



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:34 AM user search report post


No I didn't. I didn't think the page would get removed. I'm looking to see if I have a cached copy of the page, but I'm not really sure how that stuff works.



Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:35 AM user search report post


I just saw a post on the IGN SWG forums that said 24th.

Of course, nobody knows for sure... But please, God, let it be true.


This also would fit with Q's mysterious "let lots of people into beta, including forum posters" selection - NDA drops, lets in all the forum posters under 18, and about a month from NDA drop we have a release...


/me salivates




Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:35 AM user search report post


I will confirm that it had a date listed. It was June 24th though, not the 25th.



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:36 AM user search report post


Bah, close enough.



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:36 AM user search report post


Yep, I saw it too, 24th.





Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:37 AM user search report post


hmmmm vvvvvery interesting



Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:37 AM user search report post


Woohoo June 24th, everyone go out and preorder now!!

LoL, the release date for SWG has been more fluid than whats sitting in my grandpa's depends.


Although it would be nice wouldnt it?




Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:38 AM user search report post





I'm looking to see if I have a cached copy of the page, but I'm not really sure how that stuff works.



If you are using internet explorer. Try a "Tools", "Internet Options", "Settings", "View Files"


Or also a "Ctrl-H" for a history.




Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:40 AM user search report post


That sounds good.



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:40 AM user search report post


Yep, I had jsut found my cache actually. I'm looking through it now.



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:40 AM user search report post


At least in my part of the world a game is usually released on a thursday or a friday, so SWG is probably not going to be released in the middle or start of the week.





Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:41 AM user search report post


It was there, we saw it when this person posted it at the time: [urlhttp://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/starwars/Forum3/HTML/125179.html]interesting[/url]



Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:42 AM user search report post


One month guys one month. Get yourself a new computer chair that is nice and plush and has cup holder and we are ready to go.



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:42 AM user search report post


oops, what I meant to say was: Interesting I think heh.

*got pwned*




Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:44 AM user search report post





Woohoo June 24th, everyone go out and preorder now!!



I pre-ordered monthsago...




Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:44 AM user search report post


if this is all true, don't you think it's a little late in the game to be adding another round of beta testers, as Q said he would do today? who is going to want to beta test for a week? (it's going to be a week to ten days of testing, a week of printing CDs, and then a week to ship them, and that'll take us to the middle of June



Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:44 AM user search report post


Well, time to warn my girlfriend that she'll have a long, lonely summer this year




Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:44 AM user search report post



Do you not remember the first release date for this game ? April 15 2003 . That was a on a Tuesday just like June 24 2003 .




Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:46 AM user search report post



They don't have to print any more cd's , all they have to do is ship them, so yes a release date of the 24th sounds about right. I hope so anyway.




Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:46 AM user search report post


Maybe they are going to lift the NDA and make the Beta available for download?

That would coincide with about a month of open play testing, and really stressing the servers. And then...we could.........uh owe.


Sorry, I just woke up :-o




Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:47 AM user search report post


Ah, sorry folks. I didn't realize someone else had already posted about this.



Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:49 AM user search report post


I think that Sony will want as many Beta testers as possible right up to release. Server stability is going to be a big concern before launch, and you need need need lots of testers for that!



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:49 AM user search report post



Maybe because the april date was bogus, the game couldnt be released then.=) I work for a game distributor and lets take EA for example, they have all of their games´s street date on a thursday. Maybe its different in your part of the world but here its either thursday...or friday.






Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:49 AM user search report post


They will beta test all the way up to launch.

Planetside beta ended this weekend with the launch happening today. They will probably do the same for SWG. From here on out, beta will mainly be for server load testing and balancing. That is all back-end programming and not client stuff so they can print CD's and get ready to ship while still continue programming the server-side stuff.




Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:52 AM user search report post


It seems that all that is left is tweaking the game systems and such, so a late June release date is possible. We do know that the devs had an internal release date and a couple of weeks ago Q said they were still on target for that date. I'm sure we will get some info soon. I know they were doing a character wipe, not sure if that happend or not yet.



Station Member posted 05-20-2003 10:53 AM user search report post


today is tuesday and planetside (according to my station news letter) hits the streets today.. if that is infact true then it kinda throws the thursday thing off a little..



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:58 AM user search report post


Well im in Europe so maybe its different here.

But very rarely are games released in the beginning of the week.





Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 10:59 AM user search report post


Sinyen, I'd assume that if they are still in beta they wouldn't have printed ANY CD's yet. Have you heard otherwise? Unless they are going to correct the problems they have with patches instead of fix them for release, but then, that's why I thought they had all the pushbacks.



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 11:00 AM user search report post


Well im in Europe so maybe its different over here. But very rarely are games released at the beginning of the week.





Station Member posted 05-20-2003 11:01 AM user search report post


Nearly all video games are shipped on a Tuesday and in-stores on a Wednesday. Don't believe me? Look at http://www.ebgames.com in the "Coming Soon" tab, right side of the screen. Notice how there's a bunch of games set for release on 5/27? That's right, a Tuesday for shipping!

I don't know where you people got Thursday/Friday, but it's not true.




Station Member posted 05-20-2003 11:03 AM user search report post


Aaaaaargh... don't give us a new hope that could be destroyed like a Death Star.

I'm gonna cross my fingers, pray a bit, don't walk under a ladder, touch a black cat... touching wood ! Was close...




Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 11:07 AM user search report post


damnit I'll still be here in Panama, if that were true, even if I were at home, my only highbandwidth connection is at school, which I won't be back at until August 1



Station Member posted 05-20-2003 11:10 AM user search report post


june 24th...

not gonna happen. or if it does enjoy a new AO release.




Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 11:10 AM user search report post


Anyone pick up a copy of the new GameInsider mag, along with the SWG review from E3 there is a release given for June 25th. Too many people are coming up with this date for it to mean absolutely nothing.



Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 11:34 AM user search report post





Maybe they are going to lift the NDA and make the Beta available for download?



i think you mean they are going to make it available to everyone. sorry to burst your bubble, but they have stated that this will not happen. however, cheer up cuz a dev said another round of beta invites are goin out this week!


*when Vogel used the phrase "open beta" he only meant the time when the NDA would be lifted.

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I wonder if that is true. I hope so. I have been waiting for 2 years for this game. :swear: and I would like to have it by summers start, because i am moving into my computer room as well as getting a small refridgerator before I go to college in here, so the only thing I will need to go out for is bathroom and some food.

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Originally posted by Dr. Zaius

I wonder if that is true. I hope so. I have been waiting for 2 years for this game. :swear: and I would like to have it by summers start, because i am moving into my computer room as well as getting a small refridgerator before I go to college in here, so the only thing I will need to go out for is bathroom and some food.

yeah but i think they are sticking with June Zaius.... cause the movies clearly stated this summer.. and Holo also said they werent going to pospone it again.. so i say June WILL be our release month :D
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Originally posted by Capt Wedge

plus the the Lucas Arts press release section is being updated. this could be good news ppl.


I personally am hoping for a lifting the of the NDA tomorrow and then an open beta till this release date.


NDA gonna be lifted tomorrow??

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Station Member posted 05-20-2003 02:46 PM user search report post


If my memory serves me correctly, the star wars anniversary date is june 25th or so.... this sounds legit, oh boy i am soooo excited:-)

PS - One person mentioned leaving his girlfriend lonely this summer....easy solution... get her to play:-)






Station Member


posted 05-20-2003 03:37 PM user search report post


Sorry if the following quote has already been commented on (i didn't read past the front page):




Maybe because the april date was bogus, the game couldnt be released then.=) I work for a game distributor and lets take EA for example, they have all of their games´s street date on a thursday. Maybe its different in your part of the world but here its either thursday...or friday.



Today is Tuesday.

Today PlanetSide was released.

PlanetSide is a Sony game.

This happened in the part of the world the USA is in.

This is the same part of the world SWG will be released by the same company.


The conclusion I will leave up to you.







The link to me says that it will be still released on the 24th...

wow on an official SW site....the release date =P

OR IT COULD BE AN ELABORATE RUSE, on the devs part ^^

is that the correct date of the star wars anniversary?



JK Luke,

NDA will most likely open when open beta is announced...

haha well this shivered my timbers.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

yeah but i think they are sticking with June Zaius.... cause the movies clearly stated this summer.. and Holo also said they werent going to pospone it again.. so i say June WILL be our release month :D


June sounds ok to me. :D

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From the official Starwars.com cargo bay site.


Also, if you preodered your copy, you should be receiving an email saying the game ships on the 23rd or 24th.





Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided





Manufacturer: LucasArts Entertainment Company

Release Date: 24 Jun 2003



Platform: PC

Genre: Role Playing - Massively Multiplayer Online




The Star Wars Galaxies online game series is designed to immerse players in the rich Star Wars universe. The first product, expected to release in second half 2002, will feature dynamic role-playing ground-based adventures across multiple planets in the classic Star Wars timeframe. Game play will offer a unique combination of combat, exploration, social interaction, specialized missions, and daring quests. Players will explore multiple Star Wars environments on foot or in land vehicles. Traveling between planets will be accomplished through the use of public shuttles, which ferry characters from world to world. The anticipated space component of the Star Wars Galaxies online game will add personal starships and starfighters to the game, which can be used for travel or space combat. The expansion also promises additional worlds, playable species, non-player characters, creatures, and a variety of other elements

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