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release date???

Kaiser Spaso

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Got this from SWG forum:


Hey all -

I know you've been spotting some release dates for Star Wars Galaxies popping up in various places on the 'net. Just to give you the official word:


At E3 and in other communications with retailers, we've given them a rough timeframe for the launch of the product, but all of our messaging has been consistent with what we've been teling you, the community. In other words, no specific date has been mentioned, although we've told *everyone* that we're on track for a Summer 2003 release.


Retailers often need to post more concrete information (other than just a season or month). In our case, they've picked what they think is most likely, given what they saw at E3 and what they know about our successes in beta. If you look at Amazon, EB, Gamestop and other sites, they all have somewhat varying dates, although all are in the same range.


As far as we're concerned, the date is still unannounced, and is still just "Summer 2003," though we definitely have a target date that we're working towards internally as part of our development schedule.


I'll also point out that the date on StarWars.com is drawn automatically from Amazon.com, so the information actually came from Amazon rather than us. We haven't provided anyone with any official release date.


The official release date will appear here, at the official site ( http://www.starwarsgalaxies.com ), and you'll all be the first to know.


Haden Blackman

LucasArts Producer


So no, no release date yet, but check out the starwargalaxies.com

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Originally posted by UnfrozenCaveman

I know, I was just messing with ya. I can multi-task.


G/f: UC, uh...I need help with this *ra strap.

Me: Yeah, hold on a sec baby, I'm about to kill this Wamp Rat.




lol, i would deffintley go with the wampa rat. It is swg after all! :D

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Originally posted by Danyxe Jayde

Screw that, buy her a copy and get her in game with you!!!!


My girlfriend has me type her papers for her...her computer literacy is not exactly...well enough. I tried to get her to try "The Sims," and yeah...travesty.


G/F aggro killed me in DAoC sometimes...in SWG it'll distract me sometimes.


Me - "Oh look, Hibernians! I got'z em."


Her - "Stop playing the game, let's go get dinner."


Me - "Maybe later."


Her - "If you ever want to see me naked again...."


Me - "What do ya know, the computer just magically shut off..."

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Originally posted by DirtyWombat

That really is the magic phrase...:D





Yeah, but it only works until you get married. After that, it's not much of a threat anymore :)


After your married, they have much LARGER things to threaten you with :D (for example: making your life a living hell, comes to mind. All wives know how to do that. It's in the "woman" book that they're all given at puberty)

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Originally posted by Mujahid

Yeah, but it only works until you get married. After that, it's not much of a threat anymore :)


After your married, they have much LARGER things to threaten you with :D (for example: making your life a living hell, comes to mind. All wives know how to do that. It's in the "woman" book that they're all given at puberty)




...or 50% of all assets for those more finacially minded...:D





Hey, DJ, why 2 accounts?








An aire of suspicion about her...

I like that... :D




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