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Oooh! Holding second saber upside down?


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lay off it smoody my man...such hate....


anyways, this looks pretty cool, for one of those spinny moves the jedi do in the movies where nobody can hit them, and they slice apart dozens of enemies at once :)


i'd really love to see some of the new moves possible with the 'staff' sabre and the two sabres, its open to some pretty cool moves..although also open to massive spamming of these moves which i hated in jk2, but meh...

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Originally posted by Smood

Please. Al doesn't know much about anything so pay no attention to him.


Smood, I've warned you before. I recommend you click the link in my sig and refresh your memory concerning rules about flaming. Thank you. :cool:


As for the reversed saber...I imagine it is automatically used for certain moves and attacks, and probably only for dual sabers. I doubt that we can configure it so that we always use one (or two) sabers like that. I also doubt that single saber users get to use it...but to my mind it would make a nice addition to single saber combat, especially if it incorporated the stabbing deathblow Obi-Wan used on the beast in AOTC. :)

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Well, the backstab from JO changedd the way you held the saber, so you're probably correct. If the combat system is the same, it is most likely that all of those fancy moves will just be animations that go on their own, not new stances, etc.

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Originally posted by Smood

Al doesn't know much about anything so pay no attention to him.


Being a long time member of the Jedi Knight community, including one of the best players, and the fact that he has proven himself very knowledgeable about many things over the years forces me to disagree with that reasoning.

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Originally posted by Emon

Being a long time member of the Jedi Knight community, including one of the best players, and the fact that he has proven himself very knowledgeable about many things over the years forces me to disagree with that reasoning.


You've put that very nicely :D



Oh and StormHammer, I agree; it's probably just part of an animation, some special move or something... It looks great though!!

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Originally posted by Smood

Please. Al doesn't know much about anything so pay no attention to him.

How is he wrong about
That would be a welcome addition to the animations. Little touches. Little touches.
Are you saying that improved animation and attention to detail are a bad thing? :confused:
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