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The graphics in JA

Echuu  Shen-Jon

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The graphics in JA are sh*t by todays standards. They are woefully dated. The textures are washed out, the character animations are mediocre, the entire things reeks of 2 years ago.


They should of swapped engines, the Q3 Arena engine is just dated. Simply dated. Don't expect anything dynamic, just poor graphics.

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Originally posted by BrodieCadden

The graphics in JA are sh*t by todays standards. They are woefully dated. The textures are washed out, the character animations are mediocre, the entire things reeks of 2 years ago.


They should of swapped engines, the Q3 Arena engine is just dated. Simply dated. Don't expect anything dynamic, just poor graphics.




They should not have swapped engines - what would they have swapped it with? Unreal engine? Remember, every game except for DoomIII and Half Life II is using the 'current' Unreal or Q3 engine. Deus Ex 2 is the first game to really use the Unreal II engine. The first Doom3 engine game is Quake IV, not due for a year after DoomIII.


The graphics are 'standard' by today's standards. They are advanced from JKII as we've all seen, which is what should be expected. I hope they look as good as Elite Force II, which looks quite nice for Q3 technology/ Would we all like to see Jan look like the girl from the HL2 tech demo? Sure. Would we like a totally interactive and physically realistic world like the HL2 or DoomIII videos show? Absolutely. Have either of those games even come out to know what compromises have to be made to make those games play on today's standard hardware? No. Carmack already said that the monster and environmental complexity of DoomIII means you'll be battling ~1 monster at a time. We know that JA shows you battling what looked like 5 or 6 enemies. Do you have no conception of what is involved in enemy animation and AI? Not to mention GHOULII damage detection for 6 or 7 simultaneous 'players' using 6 - 14 sabers and force powers?


Gaming is about compromises. Raven / LEC decided they wanted a game in Fall 2003. We'll get a game that is techology-wise an evolutionary step from JKII, that will run on similar hardware, and give us more cool Jedi action than in JKII. Which is exactly what

I want.



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I agree with everything you just said, Mike. :)


Sure the Q3A tech is starting to show it's age, but games being developed on other engines mostly haven't even come out yet. Besides, you can still produce a bad game on a new engine...just look at New World Order, Devastation, and probably Chaser (judging by the demo I played). Graphics don't make great gameplay...just look at Unreal 2. An average shooter with excellent graphics.


Anyway, I don't see how you can really judge JA in graphical terms just from stationery screenshots and a couple of trailers, one of which was very poor quality (the shaky cam), and the official trailer which seemed quite dark and probably ran at about 15 fps. Have you actually play tested the game? I'll reserve judgement until I've got the full (finalised) game itself running on my PC screen.

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No, Al and Stormy are right! You can't judge a game on those things. (What's that with the shacky cam? I'd like to see it!)


This wasn't my question either. I asked, if there was better graphics. I didn't say that it would be a game either. I agree.


What's the link to that movie? :D:D:D

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The graphics in JA are sh*t by todays standards. They are woefully dated. The textures are washed out, the character animations are mediocre, the entire things reeks of 2 years ago.


They should of swapped engines, the Q3 Arena engine is just dated. Simply dated. Don't expect anything dynamic, just poor graphics.

I'd hate to be brodie... It would stink to have that high of expectations for every game. I like good graphics as well as the next person but jeese, you can't expect to have every game on the market able to show pores on someones face... I want to fight multiple monsters, and I don't want to wait 5 minutes to see the move I just clicked executed due to lag.


As for good graphics, I would expect them to have wonderful outdoor areas, I've never seen the SOF2 outdoor engine, but it sounds specialized so I'd venture a guess that they will look good. Tree models? Not too hard, they probably won't look extremely realistic, but you will be able to tell they're trees if they have a good modeller doing them.

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Originally posted by BrodieCadden

The graphics in JA are sh*t by todays standards. They are woefully dated. The textures are washed out, the character animations are mediocre, the entire things reeks of 2 years ago.

. Based on what? Still screenshots and a small, grainy movie clip of an old build of the game? Especially when we know all the technical improvements that have been made to the engine and graphics.


Bad textures, models, and animations are a result of creating them poorly, not a direct result of the engine.


Originally posted by BrodieCadden

They should of swapped engines, the Q3 Arena engine is just dated. Simply dated. Don't expect anything dynamic, just poor graphics.

Mike responded to this quite well. What exactly would you switch too?
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Originally posted by Echuu Shen-Jon

What's those two white bobbles? They're appearing in the last 20 sec's of the "trailer"... Was it really worth waiting 8 minutes for? NO!!! :D


I warned you it was a shaky cam. :p


Anyway, those white bubbles are supposed to be some kind of Force power...and I sincerely hope they are removed from the final version of the game. All these visual effects really aren't necessary. And those white balls look pretty terrible, anyway - they're probably place holders for the final effect. I would imagine (hope). ;)


Anyway...that short video was useful for something...it shows that those ledges aren't stable, so you'd better watch where you step...

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Anyway...that short video was useful for something...it shows that those ledges aren't stable, so you'd better watch where you step...
Yeah, really...:rolleyes:


But I don't understand, that such a bad and short video is way larger than the 21 min. interview with KotOR...(If you calculate of course. I'm not silly, and think 9 is greater than 38 :D) Thanks for the info anyway...


It doesn't seems like there will be great envoirmental graphics, though. But it's on X-BOX, soooo :xp: j/k

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Originally posted by EvilCrow

How will an ATi Radeon 9500 Bulk 64MB card handle this game?


How does it handle JKII? Have you played SoFII? If so, how does that play? If both of these games play very well with full settings (incl AF/AA), and still get >60FPS, chances are you will be OK with JA.


HOWEVER - and this is important - there are no announced requirements, and no one has really tested the game since it isn't nearly finished yet.




Check out extremetech ... http://www.extremetech.com/image_popup/0,3969,s=1017&iid=22736,00.asp

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