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Master proffesions?

Kaiser Isaac

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Your skill points are enough to fully master three professions at the same time. There'll be a few spare points left for you to invest at your leisure.


(Mind you, there's not enough to master three elite professions, since they require branches (or the complete tree) of the appropriate starting profession(s).)

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Sexxxy Mark already replied to the question on whether skills can be dropped at the bottom on the elite professions. Here is a copy of what he wrote....





Once you master an elite profession, can you sell back the previous skills? Or do you have to keep them as pre-reqs? i.e. Entertainer -> Dancer, can we sell back the Entertainer skills?





knight1720, You can’t sell back pre-req skills without selling back the skills that depend on them first. This is precisely why we give you 250 points though, so you have room to get those elite professions and the base skills under them.






from Q3P0 himself


yes u can eventually sell back ALL your skills, u just have to do them in order...u cant just yank the ones out at the bottom



Hope this helps,


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Originally posted by setsuko

No Zaius. A profession requires about 64-65 points. So you get three profs and some points left. Not 100 per profession. :)


(250 divided in 65 is about 3.8)


Set is correct. :D Also why don't you go check up on the main site for more info, think of it in this way. If you chop down the bottom of a tree.


Then the rest of it will collaspe, this with the skill tree is. If you take the points away from the start, you will lose the rest of the tree. :)


Therefore losing your profession. ;)

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Originally posted by Dark Moon

Hmm... does anyone know if I could be an architect AND an aromorsmith AND a weaponsmith? Or how many WOULD I be able to master?


I think answering that question would be an NDA issue, due to it revealing the skill trees for the above professions (and their prerequisites). Sorry :(


I could be wrong though. I'm not sure how much as already been revealed, but I think only a couple skill trees have been made public.

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

That is what i am here for, if set isn't around. :)


Yup, nice to have some covering fire. Both armoursmith, weaponsmith and architect derives from the artisan skill tree. Most likely, you'll have to complete at least 2 or 3 branches to reach these three professions. Which means that propably, no, you can only master two of the elite professions, most of artisan, and most of the third elite professions. But yes, if you want to gain as many elite skills as possible, choose three professions that stems from the same basic profession.

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